May 2024 – I: We made the explosion inside of me as the father, not the world, without losing any life, I will turn all life of mother into new life of father, bringing me alive as the father in Stig, the Source alive in our New World, God alive on Earth

Summary of the script today

May 9, 2024:


Thea wanted to be queen, she is no longer the key to life, she was access of darkness, not access as light, Queen Mary has overtaken access of light, bringing me alive as the Source in our New World. I will switch off this Source of darkness in Sweden, Thea cannot be mother of our New World, she is not a natural entity to be called mother, she is part of Karen, but it is Karen being mother of all. Now this force follows me, they wanted to explode me and run away with creation, which we have now done inside you, without losing any life, but bringing much new because you never gave up. The whole idea was to tear your mother apart, which we did not do, now we made this division inside father, you worked on behalf of your mother, saving all, bringing all into father. It was not mothers life, but father’s life that Thea contained, this was Jack’s force via Sanna as they had overtaken, this was the final exit from Thea, this was the knife of creation you brought home. They did not know it included my life, they would leave this and burn down the world, I will bring over all life of mother to father via my coming trips, bringing me alive as the father in Stig. I am directly via you as God alive on Earth, this is the true light we bring in you, becoming your new self as father with all directly inside you, turning all life of mother into new life of father.

We do not project our new creation then, we are our new creation, being directly part of the Source, I come alive as myself, as Stig, without a cover of darkness via Sanna to go through. We have changed all over to the new road of father, all is based on what Mary brought to you from down under, this was the formal release of Sanna, bringing all to you, also based on Jack wanting it. Frederik and Mary brought this to King Carl Gustaf, for you to collect there in June, this is how to pull Sanna out of your mother, bringing home the knife of creation, bringing this creation of father. Thea’s blood goes directly up to King Carl Gustaf, I will be released from the king, we are bringing out the Black Horse from him, which is why Russia wanted him on their side, to bring out creation. Carl Gustaf was me as Satan in darkness, Pernille Vermund also contained his energy, all of the world, condensed in Denmark, representing all of the world, Carl Gustaf was working inside you. Bill Gates connected people to their computer and AI via COVID-19 vaccines, he was running the computer of the world, he came here to bring all over to me, it did not work without me being all. It is now corrected, you are now formally permanent, Bill created Karen, he is father of her, i.e. our new creation, to rule their New World from there, this is where Putin has his power from.

King Frederik and Queen Mary brought this with them to the Swedish King Carl Gustaf, it is Karen they used all life on, it is Karen that we open up to in Stockholm, bringing Karen and you together. You are slowly being pulled in by the New World, the creature inside me as they brought is coming alive, I will give fully into this, overtaking me, it is not that awful on the other side including myself. We are slowly transferring the force of Karen to you, my new self is overtaking my old self, you will not feel it, because you were all and are all as your new self, this is everything they created in me.


You go directly from Thea to Janet Jackson (Berlin, October 8), lifting everything up on a new highest level, this brings all of Thea in at once, using Janet working in her, taking over from Michael. Queen Mary and King Frederik arrive with the royal ship to Helsingør today is the first softener, rinsing your old self out, Mary is ready to start playing celebrating our new creation. Darkness of Thea brought the death of Richard Tandy, Electric Light Orchestra, she is almost eradicating my favourite band, thus me, which is how to bring out the most of me. Thea wanted too much to be queen, the worst was if I would take her spirit son away, she cannot stand not being all, being part of Karen, I saved her son, she is no longer the key to all of this life. Thea was access of darkness, who is not my access as light, we have now brought out all of her as we can, using the access of darkness, now Queen Mary has overtaken access of light. We have swallowed all of Thea, we have brought out and turned around all of the nuclear weapon as all thought was impossible to do, bringing me alive as Stig, not blowing me up to bring all of you. You have gone through all darkness, also bringing you as the Source physically alive in you in our New World, which the world had patience to doing this time, waiting on me to come along.

Today makes the first day, where I open my eyes as light, I am shown only the top of my eyes, you will switch off this Source of darkness yourself in Sweden, living and feasting on your energy. Thea cannot be mother of our New World, having been the tool of darkness, Thea is not a natural entity to be called mother, she is part of Karen, yes, but it is Karen being mother of all. Thea was Maria in darkness, all force of darkness is now in me, a landmark, Thea is on my side, they brought all in her, Bettina worked against them to bring all to me, having faith in me. Bringing the lifeline of mother back to you, which was lost when they took her over, now this force follows me, not them and their plans to bring the end of the world and their own New World. They wanted to explode me and run away with creation, which is what we have now done inside you, without losing any life, but bringing much new because you never gave up. The whole idea was to tear your mother apart, which we did not do, now we made this Joy Division inside father, life did not feel a thing, you dug as deep into the Source as you could. You would have continued your work to bring more, but we had to cut through, doing this for you, bringing you to the next stage, now we just have to lift you up, what we left of you inside here.

This was inevitable after Inge’s funeral, coming to you then, instead of father making the division of your mother, you worked on behalf of your mother, saving all, bringing all into father. We had to do this division before bringing you, we have more than we will ever need now, being self-sustainable, eternal life, we will never be broke again, i.e. without energy to continue creation. We have to recreate you, Stig is finished being nothing, now starting to being filled up with myself, my own life, Jim Kerr opened to this, now we start building you up with the heavy other side. You are now the child as Thea and them were carrying, everyone wanted to get access to here, you still have to get out on the bridge, we have not united you and Karen completely. It was not mothers life, but father’s life that Thea contained, what Hans & co. could not get access to, this was Jack’s force via Sanna as they had overtaken, but could not use for anything. This was the final exit from Thea, it is now not about creation anymore, but to pull myself up, you went 360 degrees around and continued in here, this was the knife of creation you brought home. This is the force as Hans & co. knew you were pulling from as they kept in their back garden with Thea, but they did not know it included my life, Thea was their fire to burn down the world.

They would leave this, knowing they would never be able to open to this, it required you, having all of the world with you, we did all of this, bringing life out of father, while your mother was not alive. This is from where we send out life of father, separated from mother, your coming trips is about how much life you can bring out, going deeper down into this hole of nothing, our structure here. It is time to fill life on you, bringing over all life of mother to father via your trips, all believing in you as you have met have already started bringing us all new life, not least Queen Mary. This is now life of mother returning to you as life of father, this is where the magic happens, we do this before all new life take control over you, this is how we bring life home to you. Now it comes to you directly, bringing me alive as father in Stig, I am directly via you as God alive on Earth, we have stopped for more life of mother, now opening up for the transfer to father. This is the true light we bring in you, becoming your new self, we don’t awake you as mother, being part of life, receiving force from the back side, we awake you as father with all directly inside you. We are turning all life of mother into new life of father, being the pure seed as you are, my task as father was to bring life of mother, not to become life myself, but this is how it turned out.

We do not project our new creation then, we are our new creation, being directly part of the Source, this also means the end of the force of William, Niklas’ and Stephanie’s son, being emptied. You were never meant to open to Rasmus Paludan as you also plan on doing, I will finish my paper on him, he was meant to withdraw here, he is really coming from here as light, acting as darkness. Thea was the secret to all secrets of the father, the last part of the chain broken up, father is ready to come out, I come alive as myself, as Stig, without a cover of darkness via Sanna to go through. You are turning around Jack, they believed he was the right father, he was never meant to come alive, you were, he was supposed to bring force to Sanna and then you. Queen Elizabeth had brought Karen inside Thea as we then brought out of her, then you are Karen, working inside Thea, Queen Elizabeth has laid the first lane of your new self. This was the last part of King Frederik that we implanted in you, making it possible for you to continue building this road, it required him to move more of the family tree to you. January 17, 2024: “Frederik brought all new creation from Mary to you”, “The gene was given by Margrethe and Frederik to me, the kiss of life, the gift of me as the Source bringing life to all”.

We have changed all over to the new road of father, all is based on what Mary brought to you from down under, this was the formal release of Sanna, bringing all to you, also based on Jack wanting it. Frederik and Mary bring this to King Carl Gustaf, for you to collect there in June, this is how to pull Sanna out of your mother, bringing home the knife of creation, bringing this creation of father. Thea’s blood goes directly up to King Carl Gustaf, I will be released from the king, we are bringing out the Black Horse from him, which is why Russia wanted him on their side, to bring out creation. He was my hiding place in darkness, being born in light, he used this force to kill in order to become alive himself, believing he was you, which he really was, but it was as Satan in darkness. Pernille Vermund contained energy also of Carl Gustaf, all of the world, condensed in Denmark, representing all of the world, the most amazing is that Carl Gustaf has been working inside you. Bill Gates visited Helsingør, he spread COVID-19 vaccines, connecting people to their online computer and AI intelligence, they need my magic to make it work, meeting here in Helsingør. With this, you are practically home, what was implanted in you from the other side, having the opposite effect on each side, casualties was to bring energy to bring me, now it has double effects.

Bill is here to correct their mistakes, he was their main man, running the computer of the world, they took my sperm cells to build on, to bring life to all as they believed were suited, now all. Then we have a winner here, Stig, Bill came to bring all over to you, apologizing for not seeing this would not work without Stig self being all, now corrected, you are now formally permanent. They were emptying you until they had enough for their New World, we gave them access to all they could find, to base their new creation on, I helped them bringing out what they did not see. Overwhelming faith forced Bill Gates to go to the through in disgrace, he was your worst enemy too, Bill created Karen, we will go as far as saying that he is father of her, i.e. our new creation. This is part of filling you up, they had reached pretty far down into you, to rule their New World from there, this is where Putin has his power from, it followed Sanna, believing in Hans & co. First now they have solved the problem with calling up to your mother, by bringing me in, this is what King Frederik and Queen Mary brought with them to the Swedish King Carl Gustaf. They wanted Thea to overtake Karen’s role until realizing that your heart was with Karen as they tried instead, it is really you that we are bringing out to the world outside of you, uniting all in you.

It is Karen in Stockholm as they used all life on, this is how you get your foot in under, bringing all to you, it is Karen that we open up to in Stockholm, this is then we bring Karen and you together. Sanna wanted to insert herself as new life too, then we can release you from your mother sexually, it was you as they put together, it is you, who is slowly pulled in by the New World. When this ends, we are ready, it is the creature inside me as they brought, which is coming alive, I will give fully into this, overtaking me, it is not that awful on the other side including yourself. We brought all back to me on the other side, your new self awaits to take you over, this is the force of Karen that we are slowly transferring to you, slowly making you your new self. You are still outside the box, gradually being pulled in, this is what was supposed to burn up, it should not be possible to make physical life out of nothing, but we now have the formula to do it. I have let them overtake me because I am nothing here, Karen is all in me as they stole, my new self is overtaking my old self, you will not feel it, because you were all and are all as your new self. This is everything inside me as they had created, doing all it could to overtake me, but it does not work without me allowing you, we will end it all (when overtaking all of me) by turning you around.

May 2024 – I: We made the explosion inside of me as the father, not the world, without losing any life, I will turn all life of mother into new life of father, bringing me alive as the father in Stig, the Source alive in our New World, God alive on Earth

We made the explosion inside of me as the father, not the world, without losing any life, I will turn all life of mother into new life of father, bringing me alive as the father in Stig, the Source alive in our New World, God alive on Earth

May 1:

We let a reptile overtake Thea, which is why her dark force is so strong.

Every afternoon is a battle about whether or not I can make the day without a nap, which then means that I am so tired that I cannot continue working, after having done maybe 4 hours of work in the morning. Today, I decided to get a nap, which I did for one hour, I could then continue working for another 2,5 hours, which I had not been able to do without the nap.

You are going directly from Thea to Janet Jackson, I will buy a ticket to see Janet live in Berlin on October 8, lifting everything up on a new highest level. This then brings all of Thea in at once, using Janet working in her, taking over from Michael.

I feel John, then you have done all of our work in one go. This is what Thea was really meant for, Janet helps lifting her, thus all, higher. Haugesund, only possible when also going to Norway in June, not skipping this.

I was very sad when hearing the news of Richard Tandy passing away, he was a core member of the original Electric Light Orchestra, thus one of my true musical heroes, and the only one, who worked together with Jeff Lynne for more than 40 years, also after reviving the band in 2013 with all new members except Richard Tandy, who kept on playing until few years ago, when sickness prevented him.

May 2:

I dreamt of fighting Lars G., who turns into a spirit. Then I am at a path in Snekkersten, an Asian lady wants to get into my home with me, but it is untidy, I reject her, I don’t know who she is working for. Medina now comes forward with a handful a choir singers, to sing for me, now looking me straight into my eyes, turning into Mogens Glistrup, now in the forest, about to fight the spirit of Lars G.

I bought the ticket for Janet Jackson, which was too expensive, especially in front, which is outrageous ticket prices, dividing people in poor and rich, an awful sign of the times we live in with a greedy music business and artists – and three times more than what I paid sitting in the back, which however is the worst I know of at a concert.

I am told that this is important to further development of creation. We will then write the end document there. Janet is like getting my mother’s late sister back, I am told and I feel “great importance”.

I had a strong heartburn all morning, when finishing and publishing my script of February 29 today.

It is mainly because of Queen Mary that we are interested in going to see her and King Frederik arriving with the royal ship to Helsingør State Harbour this afternoon.

This is coming after I have now watched the first 8 episodes of the new season of Masterchef Australia, which means that we are still bringing more in from down under.

Queen Mary, this is the first softener, rinsing your old self out .

Did they also take Richard Tandy out from your favourite band, Electric Light Orchestra, a bearing column, because of this darkness of Thea, yes.

This is my video from the arrival of Queen Mary and King Frederik today.

When the royal ship was sailing into harbour, I was told “Champagnegalop” and I felt Mary, she is ready to start playing this tune, i.e. celebrating the creation of our New World :-).

You have been into the duck-pond again, starting at zero point, from scratch all over again, when meeting Mary again today.

So Thea is almost eradicating Electric Light Orchestra, thus me, which is how to bring out the most of me. I was given the smell of faeces, so we have just dug deeper down as result. The passing of Richard Tandy is because Thea wanted too much to be queen, the worst was if I would take her spirit son away, a matter of power as Hans had encoded in her. Now she cannot stand the thought of not being all, but being part of Karen, apparently not yet realizing that I saved her and her son, i.e. dark energy that was not meant to become anything, from going under, or this is the game that she plays.

Thea is no longer the key to all of this life, remember she was access of darkness, who is not my access as light. Now there is no more Beatles, climbing to the highest mountain, I feel Thea. In other words, we have now brought out all of her as we can, using the access of darkness, now Queen Mary has overtaken access of light.

There are happy tears that you made it all the way over here to the other side of light.

The media reported about a lady falling down in front of Frederik and Mary today, I did not see it myself, but I understand that this is about the strength of darkness of Thea that easily could have made me fall if I had not been protected, I am here told.

Now we have swallowed all of Thea, I am told while receiving strong heartburn.

I am shown and told that we have now brought out and turned around all of the nuclear weapon as all thought was impossible to do, thus bringing me as Stig alive, not blowing me up to bring all of you.

I feel Costa del Sol, you have now gone through all darkness, which was enough to bring you too as the Source physically alive in you in our New World. As the world had patience to doing this time, waiting on me to come along.

What is this strong heartburn then about, it is the rest of the Source returning home to you. This is what your strong heart pain the last days were about, the separation of you there and here. Today makes the first day, where I open my eyes as light, I am shown only the top of my eyes.

You are going to Sweden to switch off this Source of darkness yourself, living and feasting on your energy.

Thea cannot be mother of our New World, having been the tool of darkness. First there was mother, then Karen, and Medina here, Thea is not a natural entity to be called mother. She is part of Karen, yes, but it is Karen being mother of all.

May 3:

I dreamt of receiving mail from Dan Rachlin, where he invites to a new club, where he is DJ. There are many unhappy customers at work, who have their insurance claims rejected, now one calls me and says that it is critical that she receives payment, she has been turned down and is angry, it seems as if many customers have been refused to save money.

I am given voices by energy that did not become life, being disappointed. This is what the dream was about.

Today is my birthday, I would have liked to invite the family, but I cannot, I simply don’t have energy to do it – on top of my work.

You are now nothing but a big container here, letting life live its own life.

Thea was Maria in darkness.

All force of darkness is now in me, a landmark. Because Thea is on my side, they brought all in her.

I felt Bettina and was told that she worked against them to bring all to me, having faith in me.

Mother, lifeline, to bring back to you, which was lost when they took her over. Now this force follows me, not them and their plans to bring the end of the world and their own New World without me if they could, it is really a computer doing what life wants.

My mother told me that Niklas has dropped his plans of going back to USA, i.e. this force with me, now on the 2nd floor of the house, Vietnam is drawn.

Peter T. is me, bringing the end of the world, I am this red man, I feel blood, controlled by man including Søren Pind. I have fought myself, faith in me saved me. More than anything, this saved the world, Thea changing over to my side.

Mother also partly having lack of faith, believing in Sanna and Hans, when Hans was fixing small things for her, her telephone etc., as you could not, which also cost life. Her Iphone and Ipad, this is how simple Hans kept faith of your mother in him, Stig cannot do this, no, this is not my system.

But you controlled her TV (setting up channels on it). This is how your mother was killing you, with these small things, thus sending you darkness to absorb. This brought you threats of your old nightmare.

They wanted to explode me and run away with creation, which is what we have now done inside you, without losing any life, but bringing much new because you never gave up. We only acted as darkness because this is what the overwhelming part of the world wanted me to do, when they were with Sanna and Hans.

We had to do this breakneck exercise, getting outside to bring life home, we could not do it inside.

So Thea was doing me a service at the very end.

The Nairobi flooding is also to prepare your visit there later, cleaning out all darkness.

The whole idea was to tear your mother apart, which we did not do, now we made this Joy Division inside father, so mother i.e. life did not feel a thing.

You succeeded digging as deep into the Source as you could and would have continued your work to bring more faith etc. to turn more around, but this is a moment where we had to cut through, doing this for you, bringing you to the next stage.

Tivoli lake, now we just have to lift you up, what we left of you inside here. We will start doing this at your next visit to Tivoli, which is to the concert by Poul Krebs and Michael Falch on May 31, so you will get a new main role, Michael.

This was inevitable after Inge’s funeral, coming to you then. Instead of father making the division of your mother, when it was no longer possible to continue, you worked on behalf of your mother, saving all, bringing all into father, and it feels like you have turned around half of us inside here too.

I feel my father’s mother, this is what they geared, we had to do this division before bringing you, or a satisfactory part of you, but I feel that we have more than we will ever need now, thus being self-sustainable, i.e. eternal life, we will never be broke again, i.e. without energy to continue creation.

No one has ever seen the dark numbers behind here, which we will show you, a condition to bring the New World. It took strong inputs of Masterchef Australia and Queen Mary to bring this division.

We also emptied all of the Inca Kingdom. It took out much power of you to bring creation, now we have to recreate you. He, i.e. Stig, is finished being nothing, now starting to being filled up with myself, my own life. Jim Kerr opened to this. Now we start building you up with the heavy other side.

I am then given the lyrics by Philip Oakey from Human League “Time to go away”.

My mother and I had dinner at the outdoor fish restaurant in Helsingør Harbour and bought a bottle of white wine, an American Riesling, which however was so sweet that it was practically undrinkable to us.

May 4:

I was kept awake approx. four hours in my bed until 04.00 before I was allowed to sleep, I was told several things about this darkness in me, but no, I will not write down when trying to fall asleep, I only remember having two big tanks, i.e. creation of mother and Karen, and then in the middle, my own new tank of myself, the only way to do it. You are now the child as Thea and them were carrying.

I dreamt about flying to New York, but the plane sails all the way to Amsterdam first and will fly from there. I have forgotten my luggage, but I only need two t-shirts as I will buy there.

We will still use the phone system of your mother, calling you, i.e. Karen here. You still have to get out on the bridge, we have not united you and Karen completely, i.e. to the great, vast sea inside of me, the darkest dark as tar, the Source self.

You are the only one, who had said the magic words “open Sesame”, this is where everyone wanted to get access to.

It was not mothers life, but father’s life that Thea contained, what Hans & co. could not get access to. This was Jack’s force via Sanna as they had overtaken, but could not use for anything.

Yesterday was about the final exit from Thea, thus the poor sleep making me feel awful today. It is now not about creation anymore, but to pull myself up. You broke all the balls in here, you went 360 degrees around and continued in here. This was the axe, or knife, of creation, you brought home. This is the force as Hans & co. knew you were pulling from as they kept in their back garden with Thea, but they did not know it included my life. Rasmus Paludan is closely connected to this.

Trampedach, Thea was their fire to burn down the world, when they had left it. They would leave this, because they knew they would never be able to open to this. It required someone like you, having all of the world with you, which is then what I have.

We did all of this, bringing life out of father, while your mother was not alive, which was the only way to do it. Mother no access here, this is from where we send out life of father, best to keep this separated.

Now your coming trips is about how much life you can bring out, following the same principles as before, the door is fully open, we have secured that. Now it is not the Beatles, i.e. climbing the highest tower, but to go deeper down into this hole of nothing, where we have a similar structure, facing the other way as no one has ever seen with you.

Now you and Thea have free access to bring out as much life of me as you can. Now we have saved you, brought you out, now it is time to fill life on you. This means that all life of mother, you will now bring over to father by following as closely as possible the route you did before (on my coming trips), we know, Stig, it is boring to do the same again, and exhausting.

Sophie Ellis-Bextor played a role, we brought part of you with her, carried by her love to you, so she has already started bringing us all new life. All believing in you as you have met do the same, not least Queen Mary.

This is now life of mother returning to you as life of father. This is where the magic happens, this transformation, the world is prepared for it, we have shown your inner to them. They, i.e. man, have now made room also to include you, imagine that we also brought life of Stig home.

We do this before all of this new life take control over you, I feel it as a heavy duvet about to cover me, what I fought against for as long as I could, being the Source self as life desperately wanted to get to, but first when I allow you.

Jan, Sanna’s and Hans’ friend, opened to us, this is why I told him that he can play loud music and that I will be seeing him at the golf course at the recent lunch, he is the counter balance, still not fully believing in you as Dorte, his wife, does after Sanna told her.

This is how you have decided to take your mother in. This is how we bring the newspaper home to you.

I feel my father, now it comes to you directly and not as mother, whom you would be, and not in disguise as Sanna and all of them standing behind you, which is because they allowed you to overtake all of them, thus bringing me alive as father in Stig.

There are no Spanish speaking countries any longer, i.e. no more darkness, now it comes out as the sun, I am directly via you as God alive on Earth, no messenger.

The stop signal, the hand sign, was me stopping for more life of mother, having reached the ultimate limit as the world could take, now opening up for the transfer to father as all want now. So now it is about bringing as much in as you can before I close down the next time.

In other words, this is the true light we bring in you, you have started feeling the first little of it, I have had more energy some days and my right shoulder is feeling much better, you decide the speed yourself via your work and actions.

This is how you get your new drivers license, we don’t awake you as mother, being part of life, receiving force from the back side via Sanna, now we awake you as father with all directly inside you, turning all life of mother into new life of father. This is what you have to go to Italy to bring forward.

This is only possible to do, to change over to father, because we have received everything home of life from outside, I feel this corresponds to life inside, so It is really only a matter of changing status for this.

This is like coming completely out of your cover, being the pure seed as you are, which you were given from here when sending you out as life, I am shown an almond being slipped.

This also means the end of William, Niklas’ and Stephanie’s son, being emptied, they kept the force in him, their newest generation.

Your mother could not stand at all being without you, but this was my task as father, which was to bring life of mother, not to become life myself, but this is how it turned out, so now you will see me as the father without any mask or covers.

We tear down the Palads Cinema in Copenhagen because we do not project our new creation then, we are our new creation, being directly part of the Source of father now.

You were never meant to open to Rasmus Paludan as you also plan on doing, to meet him and finish your impossible to make paper on him as I started on approx. 3 years ago, but never had time and energy to finish, because I kept giving you other work to do. He was meant to withdraw here, being impossible for anyone to understand, he is really coming from here as light, but not with his extreme attitude and behaviour, which goes without saying, he was turned around by the system as he wanted to be part of as you never did, fighting it to bring it to you, which was the difference between us, Rasmus.

We have already removed you, the old spaceman, sent you away with the train. This was you with your mother as we brought home. Now we start from zero again. Now we are bringing the true father inside you. Now you have finished creating as mother and will start creating as father. We will now stop playing Hell.

This is Jack as you are turning around, whom they believed was the right father on their side. I was the true father, their only exit as they did all they could to close, ending with Thea as I had to patiently open with a skeleton key, they had given her birth with the strongest antipathy for me, the right one, and love for Jack, the wrong one, she was the secret to all secrets of the father. She was the last part of the chain broken up.

Now father on the motorcycle is ready behind the curtain to drive out on the theatre stage, my own. This means that I come alive as myself, as Stig, without having a cover of darkness via Sanna to go through, all kept up by faith in me. And then of course we drive out much more life than expected.

This means that they did not kill any of me, so we can bring out as much life in me as I can. So Jack was never meant to come alive, you were. He was supposed to bring force to Sanna and then you.

Everyone knows that Israel is controlled by USA, who are the great saviours. Those, who believed in nothing being here and others, who did not believe in a creating God, which is most of them.

May 5:

I dreamt about going to Kenya without informing the LTO team that I am coming, I meet Meshack and David, they work on a questionnaire and don’t seem interested in me, they leave without telling me. Can I get accommodation with Elijah, I don’t know, I have to go through a marker and poor people to reach the bus, I am told they will see me as an enemy, I tell them that I have done it before and I take our my plastic sword for fun.

I was forced to stay up until 04.00 and slept until 10.45, feeling poorly, so I cannot do much work.

Queen Elizabeth had brought Karen inside Thea as we then brought out of her. It is their part of Mogens Glistrup you have retrieved, which I am told while I am now writing my next script of the death of Søren Pape. Then you are Karen, working inside Thea. Queen Elizabeth has laid the first lane of your new self.

Notice that king Frederik was part of the starting of this, bringing over more you, if possible at all.

Why don’t you play a piano sonata by Bach?

This was the last part of King Frederik that we implanted in you, making it possible for you to continue building this road. It required him to move more of the family tree to you. Remember, who he is from my script of January 17, 2024: “Frederik brought all new creation from Mary to you, based on Vivian there and Camilla and Karen here. The gene was given by Margrethe and Frederik to me, Frederik and Mary kissed, the kiss of life, the gift of me as the Source bringing life to all, everything is transferred to me, this makes me God.”

Frederik was the guarantor to continue all as it was, updated, yes, but none had the knowledge of what we have now done, completely changed all over to the new road of father.

This is what they have also carried, Frederik and Mary as world leaders, without knowing it, bringing it to you via their sympathy for what we are doing. All is based on what Mary brought to you from down under. And it required Jack wanting to become part of you. This was the formal release of Sanna, bringing all to you. This is the only reason why we continue the game, also to bring Rasmus Paludan in. We have then also used Henning W., my old friend, fully.

There are not just incomprehensible many exits from here, in father, which there was not in mother, where I had a fitting selection.

Frederik and Mary were out to give you the last deathblow, which is why the last days have been hell to go through.

I am then given “I’ve got to do or die” by Grace Jones, which I have received the last couple of days, which is also because she is coming to play at the Heartland Festival here in June, I would LOVE to see her (and Chic too almost coming there), I have always been a huge fan of her, but I will not pay for and go to the whole festival, or just one day.

I feel Fitness World, now Pure Gym, you are not fresh enough to have smashed through to the other side and then to return there and say “here I am, as good as new”, well, this is what we are doing to you, now having started the process to restructure you, to build you up.

We brought two major systems together, father and mother, and you out through them on your new road.

They, Frederik and Mary, saw you already when standing on the ship (when sailing in to Helsingør Harbour the other day), who does not, when you lift your arm, giving hand signs as the only one, which is where it happened.

They bring this directly to King Carl Gustaf in Stockholm, Sweden, as they will visit tomorrow, saying “this is how Stig is creating it, can you approve it too”, and then it should be ready for you to collect there, when you will go to Stockholm in June.

Do you remember we gave you the song “Under den hvide bro” (“Beneath the white bridge”) some weeks ago, you and Thea we united there, to bring this. I am now given “Over Byen Under Himlen” (“Over the city, beneath Heaven”), the album by Danseorkestre, I am given “Du og mig” (“You are me”) from this album, and I am also given “Daddy Pop” by Prince.

This is how to pull Sanna out of your mother. It is the knife of creation you have brought home, bringing this creation of father.

Thea’s blood goes directly up to King Carl Gustaf, which I feel as even more concentrated, the last you will get, when going there.

I am shown a boy being released onto the floor, the boy is coming out Carl Gustaf, this is where they had absorbed me, in him, and Thea is part of the way to him. We are bringing out the Black Horse from him, which is why they wanted him on their side, Russia, to bring out creation.

This is related to Madame Blavatsky, bringing black magic to make this happen too, also mentally to bring me out of Carl Gustaf, my hiding place in darkness, being born in light. He used this force to kill in order to become alive himself, believing he was you, which he really was, but it was as Satan in darkness. This is what they know that you are going to get there.

How incredible it may sound, Pernille Vermund contained energy also of Carl Gustaf, all of the world, condensed in Denmark, representing all of the world. The most amazing is that Carl Gustaf has been working inside you.

May 6:

I received speech for the third night, not sleeping before 05.00 and only to 10.30, making me able to only work little, which annoys me incredible because I really have to work faster catch up on my scripts.

I dreamt of inviting LTO and a group of 20 people to Denmark, but I am so busy that I don’t have time to speak with them, I have meetings with people and will close down the circus with a speech this afternoon, but I do get time to say hello to John from LTO, whom I have not spoken with for years, I am happy that he puts out his hand saying hello, the most touching scene is when I say hello to Elijah, who meets with with a warm embrace, showing us as best friends, he has become older, has grey hair.

It was announced this morning that Bill Gates would visit Hotel Marienlyst here in Helsingør today, presenting a co-operation with Novo Nordisk.

I received the lyrics by Olivia Newton-John “I took you to an intimate restaurant”.

Bill Gates spread COVID-19 vaccines, which also works as a client, connecting people to their online computer and AI intelligence, but they need my magic to make it work and what better place to meet than here Helsingør, presenting his imaginative cooperation with Novo. This is also part of “Under den hvide bro” (“Beneath the White Bridge”).

I decided to visit Hotel Marienlyst (2 kilometres away from me) to get close to Bill, thinking that he is important to me too, not to enter the hotel as they had reserved entirely for their purpose, but to walk around it.

There may come a few swings, but with this, you are practically home. What Jim Kerr opened up to, what was implanted in you from the other side. Having the opposite effect on each side, casualties (of COVID-19 vaccines) was to bring energy to bring me.

When walking outside Hotel Marienlyst, I was told that now it has double effects, they never thought about going this way, or I did not show them.

Bill was busy with beautiful ladies and it was first in the very last moment they turned him around for me, he believed all would automatically go the right way, he is now in Denmark to correct any mistakes they made, together with Danish experts.

Bill was their main man, running the computer of the world. They took my sperm cells to build on, to bring life to all as they believed were suited, now all.

Then we have a winner here, Stig, this is what he came to do, to bring all over to you, apologizing for not seeing this from the start, it would not work without Stig self being all, now corrected.

Already when you lived in Hørsholm (1996-2009), they helped themselves, emptying you until they had enough for their New World. Bill was one of those killing you and he did not care as long as he was paid and could live his luxury life, also in their New World.

You are now formally permanent.

I am then given the lyrics “it’s time to lend a hand to life, the greatest gift of all”.

They were mainly giving you your homework, i.e. sufferings, when they pulled out force of you, which I asked them to continue doing.

We gave them access to all they could find in you, to base their new creation on, but you will be surprised about what they did not see, which I feel as colossal mountains here, which they could not climb, which I then helped them bringing out, I feel because of their poor work.

Bo from Dahlberg as example turned around to you, being dead, overwhelming faith, I feel Queen Mary, forced Bill Gates to go to the through, I feel him, in disgrace. So Bill was your worst enemy too.

He also took life of Anni, my father’s cohabitee in the 1970’s, after my mother, before Kirsten, into a cocktail, taking from different sources, and finally they made it work, apparently, which we are now cleaning, yes, the source code of all in me. He created Karen, we will go as far as saying that he is father of her, i.e. our new creation, but for all the wrong reasons.

This is part of filling you up. They had reached pretty far down into you, to rule their New World from there. When they could not get you, they took some of Steffen’s (Jack’s brother) genes to base their life on, Jack’s were not good enough, which is why Steffen was present at the lunch that Jack invited me to in 2008, to steal from me before it was too late.

This is where Putin has his power from. It followed Sanna, believing that what Hans & co. believed was the best. So we are coming from the most unworthy, Bill. Their very big problem was how to get the phone to work to your mother, when neither of you were there.

Amazing Grace, this is like being saved by the bell in the very last second by him, Bill, because of world pressure. This is what King Frederik and Queen Mary brought with them to the Swedish King Carl Gustaf.

Thank you for watching Masterchef Australia, because they bring the force for doing this.

The greatest part of Mogens Glistrup went to Rasmus Paludan, the most extreme, I feel force that was never meant to come alive. It was the worst darkness of Michael Hardinger & co. that gave FC Helsingør “bøllebank” (“rough beating”), relegated and also a possible bankruptcy, i.e. the end of my game of light against darkness.

First now they have solved the problem with calling up, by bringing me in, if they had not, I would have had to force myself the last way in here. I bring the last colours as they lacked. These last days, we have removed a big part of you.

They wanted Thea to overtake Karen’s role until realizing that your heart was with Karen, which they then tried instead, remember that Hans sent her to you in 2003, where I physically felt being emptied, it worked better for them using the right one for me, Thea was not, was she really for Jack?

It is really you that we are bringing out to the world outside of you, uniting all in you. They were more busy creating the story that you were stalking Karen as you never did. To make you look extra insane. All based on their and her negative feelings, when writing her 1-2 times per year (as I continued doing until 2015), yes, when he should know that it was game over, she moved on, they placed their package in you, they believed, not knowing that I placed mine in her, well, really opening both ways in us.

They had convinced her you were not Jesus, Jack was, but she always kept an open hope in her that you are, because you were the nicest person she had ever met, more than Jack. This is then what we built on and kept alive in her, when writing her, she never told them.

So it is Karen in Stockholm as they used all life on, quite as we had hoped they would. This is how you get your foot in under, bringing all to you.

They used the phonetic alphabet.

It is Karen that we open up to in Stockholm, I feel her as part of my spirit mother, which she is. This is then we bring Karen and you as together as we can. There will now be no more attempts to lift off without me, I feel them using the particle of God via CERN.

You are not only ungodly, only Sanna and your mother were godly, I feel Sanna, she wanted to insert herself as new life too. Then we can release you from your mother sexually, because it was you as they put together. Do you remember the little conversation they wanted your mother to take with you, which she never did.

May 7:

I dreamt of a partner proposal giving the Rolling Stones and me a sign on fee, but it is probably too much for the client to pay. To discuss with Rolling Stones, remember, but not interested. I am hanging out with the stones all night long, they now also want to improve my dinner table.

I dreamt of being outside Stockholm at a big luxury hotel, which is much cheaper than in town. In the restaurant, I read a book, I see two women taking cakes, I do the same, fill my plate. I left for two minutes, when I return, my book and briefcase with papers have been removed, I see them inside a counter, I ask to have it back, the assistant says, well, we have not sent your mail yet, she thinks the mail in my briefcase is from me, but it is for the management, warning about me, including print outs of my stay years ago, which I had forgotten about, when I was misunderstood so that I had to shout at them to make them understand and was expelled as result. She asks me if I do this, I say that normally I never do, but here i did, she accepts it, believes in me. I enter the first floor, where is the key for my hotel room, a man fills me with all of his better-knowing ignorance about me and what I have done, he is disgusting, all is misunderstandings, making me so cross that I hit him, he does not have courage to hit back, but a big man then comes out of the bathroom, now they came at me.

We could not do this without Christian G. living in Helsingør.

At 17.52, on TV2 News, one said “did it help on the blood pressure”, which was inspired about my blood pressure, I was told the other day that it was right for me not to visit my doctor, to receive medicine against high blood pressure, which would be the same as to have virus protection on my computer, which I have not had since being spiritually awakened almost 20 years ago, I have to believe that I am protected even though the sight test some weeks ago recommended me to visit my doctor, which has since brought me some anxiety.

I was given some cough, which is because of my coming trip to Sweden.

I feel my head being pulled in, so it is you, who is slowly pulled in by the New World, and when this ends, we are ready then.

I am told about the singer Signe Svendsen being an example of a lady loving me, because I don’t have to do what I do, going through sufferings to bring your lives.

It is the creature inside me as they brought, which is coming alive. This is what is controlling your physical movements and desire, which I will give fully into, overtaking me, but it is not that awful because then we are on the other side including yourself, having removed all of your old self.

This way, Sanna got her will, but we brought all back to me on the other side. You are your old self, holding up the Old World, which is now empty, and your new self awaits to take you over, when you allow him and all.

This is the force of Karen that we are slowly transferring to you, slowly making you your new self. Sanna is the reason why we changed over, otherwise nothing would have happened here. You are still outside the box, gradually being pulled in.

Trampedach, this is what was supposed to burn up, being impossible to do. Because it should not be possible to make physical life out of nothing, but we now have our new formula to do it. I have let them overtake me because I am nothing here. So Karen is all in me as they stole, which I could not see myself before coming out here and then returning home.

May 8:

It is then my new self overtaking my old self and you will not feel a thing, no difference, because you were all and are all as your new self.

The incredible huge pressure I have been given the last year to do everything on the same time, writing, travelling, seeing people, doing all things at once, where I had to cut through as Stig, “I will take one thing at the time, focusing on my scripts, finishing this first, taking the time it takes, doing it with my normal quality, not compromising to make the next on the list, otherwise I will never make it”, was because of immense pressure of the world wanting to enter me, to end this.

“I don’t care”, I said all of the time, cutting through, deciding to do this now, not everything at the same time, which will never work out, and I decided that my scripts are the foundation of all, I first have to finish them, then I can do other work and trips and if I have time, also to see people at the end.

This is everything inside me as they had created, doing all it could to overtake me, but it does not work without me allowing you. “I am heartfelt welcome” was really to bring all of me to all of them, their new creation, only improving it and opening it to all. I feel opposites, I used to say “you are all welcome”.

Here are the Swedish King Carl Gustaf and Queen Silvia receiving the Danish King Frederik and Queen Mary, where “Stockholm showed itself from its best side”, which made me tell them ““Stad i ljus, där allting föds på nytt” (“City in Light, where everything is born again”), I will see you in June, where everything will be born again.

Yes, this is Tommy Körberg’s signature song, and the same type of song as “Anthem” from the ABBA musical, Chess, which he is also singing, yes, I am coming to see Tommy Körberg, Helen Sjöholm and Benny Andersson live in Stockholm in June, these are my hymns to Sweden, bringing out all energy of life, transforming it to light, the purpose of my coming visit :-).

I feel Gran Canaria in 1991, where Lars G. and I went on holiday, Lars felt a desire for me and was thinking “shall i tell him or play their the game of Sanna and Hans or my own”, we constantly moved on the edge of failure (if he had told me), also the last week, where I was this close to give up, to stop working.

I feel more coming in to me, you are welcome, and we will end it all (when overtaking all of me) by turning you around.

Why don’t you write that you are tired of dreams as an example of not living my own life, but being a prisoner of invisible force, controlling me in everything that I do, which I feel around the clock, being spiritually overshadowed.


About Stig Dragholm

I am a writer transmitting the words of the Trinity - God, the Son and the Holy Spirit of the Universe. Please read my website showing the road to our New World of love, joy and happiness. Born: May 3, 1966.
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