New World Order – of darkness of the World Elite (part IV) – The Pope played the Devil self!


The master mind was the Source using the Universe and man to bring friction between light and darkness as the only tool bringing enough energy to create our New World!


In short: The dark NWO was created by man/the Universe because of lack of faith of man with the underlying plan to save all, create our New World and return home to God. Part IV: The Pope played the Devil self! The Catholic Church controls the UN, NWO, bankers, Islam (!), terror and wars to bring totalitarian world rule to enslave man, and their The Ten Commandments of Anti-Christ call for one World Government and religion limiting world population by 90% – they wanted to transfer my being to a fake Jesus. But all was a game between light and darkness to bring the birth of my new self and our New World – and they did it 🙂

The Vatican and the Universe controlled the world, the Source and the game between light and darkness, they created the gold of me

Arthur Findlay College were keepers of the Source, they planned light vs. darkness and created my new self and our New World 

Lack of faith of man brought “the end of the world” via the dark New World Order of man, which was required to bring home all life to the Source

  • The Vatican worked together with people of other civilizations in a Universal Council deciding on how to divide darkness with the ultimate goal to return home to the Source.
  • Man wanted to steal the secret of life from the Source inside of me to carry out their evil New World Order – the Source let man to bring birth of my new self.
  • Armageddon was accepted as the means to bring out the gold of me and man would be told that ”Stig is Anti-Christ destructing the world”.
  • “The rapture of man” would supposedly have brought the chosen 10% of man in “safety” while Armageddon would bring horrible death to the remaining 90% of man.
  • Darkness was planned by my inner self/the Source as the only tool bringing enough energy to create life :-).
  • Arthur Findlay College played the game as henchmen for darkness, which the world was led after, but they really worked for my inner self designing our New World.
  • The Source let itself be found and exploited by a power hungry World Elite to surveil and control mankind in order to bring birth of my new self.
  • “The World Elite” wanted to steal my secret of life, terminate most of mankind and abandon Earth via “the rapture of man”.
  • The Judgment of man would have eliminated 90% of mankind because my sister did not have the capacity to save all, as I did.

The Catholic Church controls the UN, NWO, bankers, Islam (!), terror and wars to bring totalitarian world rule to enslave man

  • Napoleon Bonaparte: “The Jesuits are a military organization, not a religious order. There chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is: POWER. Power in its most despotic exercise. Absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms: and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses….”
  • The Catholic Church controls the world and its dark New World Order to bring total world control via totalitarian rule controlled by the Society of Jesus – the Jesuits – and their Superior General (“Black Pope”), Adolfo Nicolas, who command the White Pope and the Vatican City, the United Nations and all governments, the International Bankers, the Bilderberg group, the Freemasons, the Knights of Malta etc. and all Intelligence Organizations.
  • Members follow the Extreme Oath of the Jesuits including to “make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth”.
  • Their ultimate goal is the rule of the world, with the Pope of their making, from Solomon’s rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem (as Anti-Christ) eliminating the Protestant Reformation, and they control wars, political and economic systems including conspiration of the world. The Jesuits are like the SS of the Catholic Church. They maintain order.
  • They aim to bring feudalism as the economic system of the dark ages with Lords owning everything and peasants/slaves working for them in a totalitarian rule with the abolition of private property, inheritance and family.
  • The Jesuits condemn freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of conscience. So, no man has the right to choose his own religion; no man has the right to publish what he feels is the truth; and no man has the right to freedom of conscience.
  • The Secreta Monita: ”The Secret Instructions are the handbooks that are given to the professed Jesuits, those under extreme oath. And it tells them how to conduct their plans, subjugating peoples and nations to the Jesuit General, and thus, to the temporal power of the Pope. It tells how they are to deceive and swindle people out of their fortunes.
  • The “Cold War” was a hoax to enable the Vatican to knock over country after country after country, and replace the leaders with dictators, subordinate to the Pope. And to bring the economic system of the Dark Ages with few rich lords and many poor peasants/slaves.
  • Rome is in control of the drug trade. The Vatican controls all of the drug trade — all of the heroin, all of the opium, all of the cocaine, everything going around in Columbia. The whole drug trade is run by high Mafia families out of the country of Columbia, subject to the Jesuit General.
  • Any Pope who resists the Jesuits gets punished or murdered. And all the Popes know it.
  • “Rome’s—the Jesuit General’s—international intelligence community carries out all high-level assassinations, kills anybody who’s against their program.”
  • The American Pope is the Cardinal of New York, who is in command of all military orders and “the Commission”, which controls all of the trucking, all the supermarkets, it’s power is beyond our wildest imagination, and of course, they all control the Federal Reserve Bank.
  • The Jesuits are the true authors of socialist-communism. Jewish Freemasonry, controlled by the Jesuits, implemented Communism in Russia. They used Freemasonry to implement Communism in Russia, and from there, China, and from there, throughout the world.
  • They blamed it all on the Jews, purged Europe of its Jews, so Europe is primarily Roman Catholic now. It’s a Roman Catholic block, and it will be the army of the Anti-Christ, with its European Union.
  • World War II was produced by Rome, the Jesuits were using the SS to mass murder the Jews in Europe to implement “the Final Solution to the Jewish Question” and the Nazi experiments on the people in the concentration camps. The Jesuits brought in all of their top Nazi SS soldiers into the CIA.
  • The Jesuits are not finished with their purgings and their installings of dictators loyal to the Pope, around the world. They pretty much have South America. They pretty much have Africa. But they don’t have the East, and the Orthodox nations, and the Buddhist nations. The purpose of the Cold War was to kill millions of these heretic, orthodox Buddhists, and to install in their country dictators that will carry out the Inquisition, who are loyal to the Pope.
  • Now that they have all of the dictators installed all throughout the world, they don’t need the Cold War anymore. So now they can proceed with their next agenda, and that’s the unification of Europe, the building up of Russia, and the destruction of the Western Empire.
  • The religion of Islam and the Koran is not the work of God but deception of the Catholic Church with the higher motive to bring energy to bring my new self alive.
  • The New World Order of darkness of the World Elite would be built on Islam for “the rulers” on top to control and suppress man.

The Ten Commandments of Anti-Christ calling for one World Government and religion limiting world population by 90%

  • The Georgia Guidestones erected in 1980 are the Ten Commandments of The Anti-Christ calling for one world government, world religion, world courts, dramatically reducing world population (by 90%) to 500 million, controlling reproduction, promoting environmentalism and a new spirituality.
  • They say that humans are a cancer upon the earth and should be culled in order to maintain balance with nature – an omen of the coming “Agenda 21” (from 1992) including the totalitarian world order of the United Nations to control all resources and end freedom and property of man.
  • The stones were erected anonymously by the Catholic Church, the Jesuits, knights and Freemasons as representatives of a secret society called the Rosicrucian Order pushing for their dark New World Order also with the intent to destroy Judeo-Christian beliefs.

The Catholic Church invented Islam, wanted world domination and to kill me rather than bringing me the Shrine of Bethlehem

  • Islam is an invention of the Catholic Church to bring them world domination via totalitarian regimes controlling people.
  • The “supreme” order of the Catholic Church planned to live lives in sin including extreme luxury and continuous sexual abuse of children.
  • The Church wanted to kill/transfer my being to Putin to become the new fake Jesus and for Queen Elisabeth to overtake my mother.
  • The Shrine of Bethlehem was the very foundation of the Church to bring us home to my father, but it was forgotten/neglected by the Church!
  • The Shrine of Bethlehem was removed to Copenhagen because of my faith and lack of faith of the Catholic Church and Muslims.
  • Afterword: Goodness of the Catholic Church, the Evangelical Lutheran Church, and the Catholic Church knew that darkness was the road leading to salvation!
  • The Pope was my delegate looking after the Source in my absence – bringing darkness to man because of darkness of man – until my return.
  • April 27, 2015: Email to Pope Francis and the world: Confirm my arrival, resign, disclose ALL information on me and open ALL IT-systems, archives etc. of the Old World to open our New World :-).
  • Receiving the diamond of life from the Vatican, which we will open to bring our New World when the Pope will announce me bringing faith of the world.
  • The Vatican invented the evil empire of Russia, and Russia brought the world directly into the abyss to awake me and bring us home at our outermost.

Lack of faith of man brought “the end of the world” via the dark NWO of man – required to bring home all life to the Source

  • The Vatican and the whole Universe worked together to bring me darkness to clean as “the game” to save man and return home to the Source.
  • Communication of the Source went through the Vatican to me, their darkness made my arrival much more difficult requiring more sufferings of man and more work for me.
  • I overtook and moved into the stone of the Source including my new self and the foundation of life of Karen from the Vatican.

The Vatican and the Universe controlled the world, the Source and the game between light and darkness, they created the gold of me


  • The Vatican and the whole Universe worked together to bring me darkness to clean as “the game” to save man and return home to the Source.
  • Communication of the Source went through the Vatican to me, their darkness made my arrival much more difficult requiring more sufferings of man and more work for me.
  • I overtook and moved into the stone of the Source including my new self and the foundation of life of Karen from the Vatican.
  • My new inner self (Jesus) spoke through the Pope to me to make the world believe in me.
  • The Pope protected Jesus of light from darkness of the world, where Queen Elisabeth kept Jesus of darkness – this is how light and darkness of man was divided.
  • NGO’s were part of planning the whole game of me and my fight against darkness – together with the Vatican and world religions.
  • The Pope will push the button to start our New World, which is ”first to be done when STIG gets inside here, seeing who he is/I am controlling light of all life”.
  • It is up to man, the Pope, to decide when Stig cannot no more, and to push the button bringing my new self, but first when I ask for it is, this is what all decided on.
  • The Vatican were the true people in power having direct contact with and controlling the Source, sending information to me, they are the winners, life self had to find the road out.
  • The Vatican possesses all power of man and my new life, which they will hand over to me and push the button to start our New World.
  • The Vatican directed me through all darkness via “remote control”, they control the Source and can enter and control the mind, thoughts and feelings of all life.
  • Jesus is hidden inside every Pope, “I will jump over to you from here, to become my new self”, “I am tired of being old fashioned, I look forward to becoming modern”.
  • Great Britain worked on behalf of the Vatican and my new self bringing man through darkness to save the world and bring my new self alive.
  • The Pope will carry out my giant wedding in Rome on May 6, 2018, bring me the sceptre, transform/ignite eternal life, the first explosions of the egg will come out.
  • The Pope pushed the button bringing my new self, Jesus, alive as me, opened the Source and our New World, now I am alive, God as Stig.
  • This was the end of the Old and start of our New World, we just pretend being our old selves, my mother passed on the baton to Karen, we are now all part of Karen.
  • The Pope is now not my messenger and head of the world any more, he handed over the sceptre to me, now I am the highest authority, the power has changed.
  • The Pope preached to include all creation in me, which was followed by my mother re-entering me with all force, she is all creation and is now alive, now I am all.
  • We will carry out our New World in Great Britain, where all starts, I am now the post official delivering all new, genuine and eternal life, Vatican is not any more.
  • We finished creation in Rome, where God was made and all creation was transferred to me, we pulled out all world energy almost releasing a bloodbath.
  • Denmark started and ended the game, the power was with Sanna and Hans, who allowed me to start the final clash of the world, authorized by the church.
  • The Commander-in-Chief of the Universe, Vrillon of the Ashtar Galactic Command, was my true deputy inventing the game, protecting me and bringing man to me.
  • “Aliens” acted as God inventing life here and controlled the world with the Vatican including the game between light and darkness, they created the gold of me.
  • The Vatican, the Universe, my father and “the free world” controlled the Source and planned my life including desired qualities, my voice etc.
  • All other creators (“cells”) are the light in me, the force of the Source, who created this universe and me as “the one”, they stood behind all, controlling me/this game.
  • My new self with the Vatican invented the monster of man, who only followed my orders, all of the game was centred around me with “Old God” standing behind all.
  • The Danish Church received no messages of Rome about me, they led the fight to kill my mother and I, to bring the end of the world, until I turned them around.

Arthur Findlay College were keepers of the Source, they planned light vs. darkness and created my new self and our New World


  • I visited Arthur Findlay College in 2005 and 2006 to learn about my spiritual opening: “You are Moses, the Grail and the fond of knowledge”.
  • I worked from inside of the heart of the Source at Arthur Findlay College to receive access as Stig coming from outside to become my new self via faith of man.
  • Paul Jacobs, Arthur Findlay College, looked after my heart, he had the key to destruct the world, his faith crosses creation with force of the Source :-).
  • Arthur Findlay College were chosen as the spiritually leading people on Earth, Paul Jacobs set up the signal of the flame of life bringing us into the Source.
  • We have placed the secret exit to the Source and the eternal life flame with Paul Jacobs, who will hand it over to me to light the Source and start our New World.
  • Arthur Findlay College played the game of darkness of the world, but were really designing our New World, they controlled and were keepers of the Source.
  • I started my mission and will end it at Arthur Findlay College, where I saved the light of the Source and the Tree of Life, and from where I will start our New World.
  • Paul Jacobs was my main teacher to open up to the inner of myself, he contains the light of all, which I will overtake to start our New World.
  • Britain planned the game between light and darkness making them rulers of the world, Arthur Findlay College, the Church of England and the Vatican stood behind.
  • The Voice of the Vatican directed me, receiving inspiration from my new self invisibly directing man and working both as the voice of darkness and light.
  • I will receive the tool of the Source at Arthur Findlay College, which can do all and will be open to all – and my new heart and the release of all life of our New World.
  • Only one can bear the light of the Source without being compromised by it’s power, me, which is how we bring all of Paul Jacobs, thus all light, inside of me.
  • Arthur Findlay College are in direct contact with the Source, which is how they could direct the whole game, to bring Stig to become my new self.
  • Great Britain’s most important task was to bring me alive, to save the world by going through darkness, planning and executing it, without darkness knowing it.
  • We will pour all life into the Source of me as the Tree of Life at Arthur Findlay College, awake my new self, light up the gold and start our New World :-).
    • We will carry out our New World in Great Britain, where all starts, Arthur Findlay College are preparing the big package including all for me.
    • All I have brought from Rome, I will bring out at Arthur Findlay College, London, in June 2018, where we will start up all, the spaceship is ready.
    • Paul Jacobs will switch on all life, the last slot of me, the key to start all creation, everything will be poured into the fountain of the Source in London, June 2018.
    • Arthur Findlay College led all darkness to me, received and stored all new life to be placed in me as the Tree of Life, the lifeline of all, when I will return in June.
    • Arthur Findlay College set me up as the centre of the world, they collected all gold in me and will now release me to bring out all life of Karen in me.
    • Eventually, the world followed Arthur Findlay College, who controlled all of the game including my sister, mother and my “old nightmare”.
    • We will turn around and start opening our New World in London, the British kept Karen as the mother of our New World the best secret.
    • My stay in London will light up the gold, awake my new self and bring the rising of our new sun, the world is waiting on me there :-).
    • My visit will end my old self and bring the birth of my new self, start the spaceship of all and let life float directly to the force of the Source in me.
  • All energies of the Universe was stored at Arthur Findlay College, they planned, created and brought me this gift as the Son of God, all is now one in me :-).

I wrote my four pages of the New World Order of darkness between August and October 2013, and I was first given the full understanding of the background of this in December 2013-January 2014, when I wrote the following chapter included at this page telling the story that the dark New World Order of man was set up by The Vatican Church, who met with people of other civilizations many years ago to plan the survival of (parts of) the Universe and return home to the Source because of darkness of man not having faith in me as the divine origination of life “forcing” the Universe to send darkness to destroy life self.

Lack of faith of man required the Universe to create a dark New World Order and bring “the end” with the plan to save all, create our New World and return home to God

  • Man knew that darkness would tempt man to ultimately choose the wrong way leading to the end of life, which is why the world was created as an opposite world where sufferings of man brought strength to create our New World.
  • Sins of man and lack of faith in divine origination required the Universe to bring darkness including the dark New World Order of man with the ultimate goal to destroy creation/life self.
  • The Vatican worked together with people of other civilizations in a Universal Council deciding on how to divide darkness with the ultimate goal to return home to the Source.
  • The Universe hoped that I would be able to take on lack of faith/darkness of man as my sufferings without giving in, thus saving the world from going under and to reach the the Source.
  • I did NOT give up, thus using energy of darkness as building stones for the creation of our New World and being the train of gold bringing home all life to the Source.
  • “Lack of faith”of man was a condition for the world to come as close to the end that it really had become “nothing” before I was able to bring it home to “nothing” of the Source.
  • Had I given in to my sufferings, Armageddon would have come through bringing the end of the world including horrific sufferings of man bleeding to death/being terminated.
  • “The end game” between light and darkness was deliberately fought between only a little group of the World Elite knowing about it, thus saving man from sufferings.
  • The battle between darkness and light including the development of the dark New World Order was developed by my new inner self, Jesus, and installed inside my sister and I in 1978.
  • The Source self included the record of the inevitable end of the world, which was known to man and the Universe not knowing about my agenda to save everything.
  • Most of the Universe has destructed and people of other civilizations knew they had to sacrifice life as part of the “game” to bring energy to return home to the Source.
  • The world dissected me and drilled their way in to the Source bringing the world through a long, dark hole in space even though the world believed this was impossible to do.
  • Only the Vatican and very few knew the truth of the game; the World Government believed they were saviours of the world, but they were really “the worst darkness”.
  • Receiving the diamond of life from the Vatican, which man knows we will turn around to live on the other side as man has known about since day one.
  • March 17, 2016: The Group of Christ controlled the eternal fire of the Source and tried to make new life via my mother and I to live in – controlled by the Vatican.
  • September 17, 2016: The Pope and the Vatican were also monitoring me around the clock, they had the authority to explode the world if they lost faith in me. “We have been seconds away from letting the bomb explode believing that now you will break down to power of your mother against you”, but we did not because we had faith in you.

“The World Elite” wanted to steal my secret of life, terminate most of mankind and abandon Earth via “the rapture of man”

  • Man wanted to steal the secret of life from the Source inside of me to carry out their evil New World Order before killing me, which could NOT be done!
  • Armageddon was accepted as the means to bring out the gold of me and man would be told that ”Stig is Anti-Christ destructing the world”.
  • “The rapture of man” would supposedly have brought the chosen 10% of man in “safety” while Armageddon would bring horrible death to the remaining 90% of man.
  • If I had given in to sexual torments/temptations given to me by man, I would have opened to all force of the Source that would have exploded/terminated everything.
  • Man fought for their MAD world order fearing that entering the Source with me would end the world but it was the other way around.
  • We returned to the Source through a “Black Hole” making man fear termination and believe that the end had come at Judgment Day, December 21, 2012.
  • The world was meant to terminate before the creation of our New World, and the world actually did in 2010, but I would not accept it to terminate!
  • Darkness was planned by my inner self/the Source as the only tool bringing enough energy to create life :-).
  • Impurity of Arthur Findlay College brought man WRONG messages from the Source accepting the dark world order terminating most of mankind!
  • Arthur Findlay College was “darkness disguised as light” believing that they transmitted “the voice of God”, which however was the Devil leading directly to the end of the world.
  • Arthur Findlay College played the game as henchmen for darkness , which the world was led after, but they really worked for my inner self designing our New World.
  • August 25, 2016: Arthur Findlay College contributed to create the plan leading to victory of light over darkness. They possessed the power of controlling minds and actions of people via the Source, and they stood available to service Russia as “the masters of the world”, but had a deeper plan to bring their rule of darkness down via me.
  • October 10, 2016: Faith of Arthur Findlay College changed from my sister to me, which opened the Source for me with all life, they were keepers of access to the Source on behalf of the Catholic Church.
  • Putin/Russia planned “the final solution” terminating most of mankind while “the elite” would abandon Earth via “the rapture of man” that was supported by the UN.
  • The Source let itself be found and exploited by a power hungry World Elite to surveil and control mankind in order to bring birth of my new self.
  • Man believed that I was the Devil bringing the end but eventually man gave me the key to the Source when they obtained faith in and decided to support me.
  • The elite WRONGLY believed that they had extracted eternal life from my mother and I, and they were ready to start terminating most of man but they “just” had to remove me first.
  • Man conquered “Lebensraum” in space to inhabit instead of Earth and dissolved life of people of other civilizations living there as part of “the rapture of man”.
  • December 30, 2015: Man almost succeeded to terminate this world and continue life in their New World as they had already opened having had life there for generations.
  • In my absence, man controlled ”the cockpit” to the Source placed on the moon to monitor/control life and world development including distribution of force of the Source.
  • USA and Russia struggled for power of the Universe controlling thoughts/feelings of man; USA won via my inner self dissolving Russia’s poor copy of me.
  • Lund Cathedral, world churches and the Universal Council controlled the Source, thus the world/me, because it was the task of the Universe to return home to the Source.
  • The Source was transferred to me from Lund Cathedral because I am the strongest force in the Universe having obtained world support.
  • Russia almost launched nuclear war against Sweden to reach “the rest of the Source”, which was the biggest threat ever to existence only prevented by my mother.
  • My sister wanted to bring a wonderful New World to the elite replacing the Old World without knowing about Putin’s plan to overtake, control and enslave man.
  • Putin’s network of the uppermost world was misleading the world to bring its surrender to their horror regime of a totalitarian New World Order.
  • September 8, 2016: It is the inner circle around Queen Elisabeth, with Putin pulling the strings, that decided the world development including the secret war to eliminate 90% of mankind, to steal their energy. When world leaders eliminated the world population via their “invisible war methods”, it transferred their energy to them.
  • October 10, 2016: My sister brought her wrong guesses as “divine information” to man, which was basis of their New World Order, which however led man in ruin because of their wrong desires.
  • December 16, 2016: The World Elite ordered World War III via the war in Syria and also the end of the Old World, but they “could not” because of my force working against you.

Read the full chapter here:

The Judgment of man would have eliminated 90% of mankind because my sister did not have the capacity to save all, as I did

  • The Judgment of man would have eliminated 90% of mankind because my sister did not have the capacity to save all, as I did, all was planned by my new self, Jesus.
  • Psychiatry wanted to steal the Source from me and to kill me, only little of my father was in me, most was with darkness of man, I had to be clever to win :-).
  • My new self, Jesus, was buried inside this darkness, where I, my old self, had to find and liberate him with all life instead of destroying it.
  • The game plan of man was to steal and turn around all of my life energy, this was a battle on energy based on faith in me, man started believing in me in 2012.
  • I received energy from the music world and brought force of the Source to all life, which we first saved with Prince, then united Prince and all of the Source with me.

Read the full chapter here:

The Catholic Church controls the UN, NWO, bankers, Islam (!), terror and wars to bring totalitarian world rule to enslave man

This chapter is based upon extracts from this interview with the author Eric Jon Phelps about his book “Vatican Assassins”, which you can read by clicking the pictures below – or you can also read it here and download it here (285 MB).

Vatican Assassins

Vatican Assassins – “Wounded In The House Of My Friends”

The Perfidious and Diabolical History of The Society of Jesus
Waging Its Relentless Wars Against All Accursed Heretics and Liberals Pursuant to the Jesuit Oath and Council of Trent Including:

  • Its Second Thirty Years’ War (1914–1945)
  • Its Cold War (1945–1989)
  • Its Anglo-American Crusade Against Islam (2001–Present) (Prime Minister Tony Blair’s and President George W. Bush’s Masonic “War on Islamic Terror,” as Directed by the Black Pope’s Jesuit Curia; Which Crusade Is To the Exclusion of “Roman Catholic Terror,” Daily Exported from the Pope’s Islands of Ireland and Cuba) And Its Assassination of America’s First Roman Catholic President Knight of Columbus John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1963)

Complete In Four Volumes By Eric Jon Phelps.

Vatican Assassins

Who are the Jesuits you may ask? Aren’t they just missionaries, priests and general do-gooders who establish schools, universities and pride themselves in being pillars in the community? If so, then why was The Jesuit Order abolished in over 80 countries in 1773? J.E.C. Shepherd states that “Between 1555 and 1931 the Society of Jesus [i.e., the Jesuit Order] was expelled from at least 83 countries, city states and cities, for engaging in political intrigue and subversion plots against the welfare of the State, according to the records of a Jesuit priest of repute [Thomas J. Campbell]. Practically every instance of expulsion was for political intrigue, political infiltration, political subversion, and inciting to political insurrection.” They are overlords of chaos. In a nut shell the Jesuits are Warlords, Assassins, Teachers, Infiltrators, Tyrants. They tried their hand at global domination with the Jesuits“League of Nations” but it failed, now they are trying again, under a new name…The United Nations, and its about to work!

What people are not understanding is that the Jesuits command the White Pope and the Vatican City, (no NOT Obama) /Bush’s/ Clinton’s / Blair’s / Peres/ Rudd / Jintao / Sarkozy / Medvedev (and frankly every government on earth) including the evil Council of Trent, CFR, Illuminati, the Zionists, the Bilderberg group, the Freemasons, the Knights of Malta, the Knights of Columbus, the Knights Templar, Council of 300, and every intelligence organization in the world all have ties to the Jesuit Order and more specifically, the Superior General of the Society of Jesus (the Jesuit Order) known as The Black Pope Adolfo Nicolas who as of January the 19th, 2008 succeeded Peter-Hans Kolvenbach as the 30th Superior General of the Jesuit Order.

I was told spiritually myself that that this is also the order that Rothschild swears to –  the secret instructions of the Jesuits – also meaning that they control the International Bankers, thus global finance and their dark New World Order.

The Mafia or Italian/Sicilian based La Cosa Nostra is also controlled by the Vatican. The Catholic Church is in other words the Devil self wanting total world control.


Adolfo Nicolas, the Black Pope, is the most powerful man on Earth, who rules over Maritime Laws (business). He controls the banking system, Freemasonry and the Secret Services (CIA, FBI, NSA, SIS, MI6, Scotland Yard, Mossad, CSIS, DGSE, FSB). The Vatican owns 60% of all Israel lands and the Land of the Temple Mount for their Third Solomon’s Temple where they want their throne.

He is a part of the Arcana Arcanorum controlled by the Papal Bloodlines within the I-Mori. These bloodlines are the omega point of control. These are the Farnese, ORSINI, Aldobrandini, Somaglia & Breakspear. Their war room command center is within the Borgo Santo Spirito which is missile protected! Viktor Emmanuelle IV wanted to nuke this region of Rome. Henry Breakspear and Pepe Orsini are in high control! Jesuit Assistancy Soldier, James Grummer controls the United States Corporation.

the Black PopeThe Jesuit General, Adolfo Nicolas, is the absolute,
complete, and total dictator and autocrat of the Order
(however, they do NOT control Obama or me!)

The ”NEW WORLD ORDER” is the GLOBAL TOTALITARIANISM dream that a BANKER called Mayer Amschel Rothschild, helped revive in 1760′s to protect his private bank from global government regulation. His grand blue print is best described by his paid social engineer called Dr. Adam [Spartacus] Weishaupt, Professor of Canon Law in the university of Ingolstadt. Weishaupt adopted the term “Illuminati.” This nightmare is still sought after today by their family’s decedents. Below is the ‘outline’ Weishaupt set out for his banker financier master!

The blue print for the New World Order is:

  • Abolition of all ordered governments
  • Abolition of private property
  • Abolition of inheritance
  • Abolition of patriotism
  • Abolition of the family
  • Abolition of religion
  • A global population of 500 million
  • Creation of a world government


The Extreme Oath of the Jesuits (The oath appears in its entirety, in the book, THE SUPPRESSED TRUTH ABOUT THE ASSASSINATION OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN, by Burke McCarty, pages 14-16).


Notice especially the following paragraph from the oath above:

“I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity present, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex or condition; and that I will hang, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants’ heads against the walls, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel of the poniard or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agent of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, of the Society of Jesus.”

Eric Phelps from this interview:

  • “The Jesuit General exercises full and complete power over the Order. He meets with his provincials. When they decide to start a war or an agitation, he gets the information from the provincial of that country, how best to go about this, the demeanor of the people, and then he uses legitimate grievances to foam an agitation.”
  • “The Jesuit General rules the world through his provincials. And the provincials then, of course, rule the lower Jesuits.”
  • “It’s just like Freemasonry. The lower have no idea that the High Shriner Freemasons are working for the Jesuit General. They think that they’re just doing works and being good people. But the bottom line is that the high-level Freemasons are subject, also, to the Jesuit General because the Jesuit General, with Fredrick the Great, wrote the High Degrees, the last 8 Degrees, of the Scottish Rite Freemasonry when Fredrick protected them when they were suppressed by the Pope in 1773.”

Bush Putin Free masonsThe hoax and purpose of the “Cold War”: To enable the Vatican to knock over country after country after country, and replace the leaders with communist dictators, subordinate to the Pope. And to bring the economic system of the Dark Ages with few rich lords and many poor peasants/slaves

Bush Gore and Egan

Here is a list of Freemasons and members of the Knights of Malta:


  • “The purpose of the Jesuit Order, formally established by the Pope in 1540, is to destroy the Protestant Reformation. They call it the Counter-Reformation. Nicolini of Rome wrote: “The Jesuits, by their very calling, by the very essence of their institution, are bound to seek, by every means, right or wrong, the destruction of Protestantism. This is the condition of their existence, the duty they must fulfill, or cease to be Jesuits.” [Footprints of the Jesuits, R. W. Thompson, 1894].”

Temple of Solomon

  • “When Ignatius Loyola first started the Order, one of the first things he did was, he wanted to go to Jerusalem and set up the Jesuit headquarters there. So, he went there, he tried to do it and failed.”
  • “Loyola had an indomitable will. He had a will of steel, and he set his mind to regain back what the Papacy had lost to the Reformation. And so, he went to the Pope, and the Pope in 1540 then created the Jesuit Order. But this man is a soldier, he’s a lawyer, and he put together a legion of soldiers and warriors to get back what Rome had lost, as well as institute a World Government for the Pope, from Jerusalem. This was in 1540.”
  • “The Pope chartered them, created the Jesuit Order; now he has Papal protection, and they began their awful history of deeds of blood. And war after war after war after war, they’re all attributed to the Jesuit Order in some way. Catholic nobles, with lots of money, donated castles and schools and money to the Jesuit Order.”
  • “Virtually everything they own has been given to them or stolen by them. Of course, they stole all of the fortunes of the Jews in World War II. They stole all their gold, all their assets and everything, whenever they went into a country. What’s just been released is NOTHING compared to what they’ve taken.”

Vatican and the Pope - WRONG

  • “The Jesuits are like the SS of the Catholic Church. They maintain order.”
  • “In the 4th Session, which is probably the most important Session, the Jesuits condemn freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of conscience. So, no man has the right to choose his own religion; no man has the right to publish what he feels is the truth; and no man has the right to freedom of conscience.”
  • “Harry Truman was put in office by the Jesuits, the Pensergast Democratic machine in Missouri. Harry Truman takes over after FDR’s murder, because he was murdered in the home of Bernard Baruch. When he did that, he then finished up the war with the hoax called the dropping of the nuclear bombs, to purposely create this greater hoax called the Cold War, that would enable the Vatican to knock over country after country after country, and replace the leaders with dictators, subordinate to the Pope. That was the purpose of the Cold War.”
  • “The other thing is that Rome is in control of the drug trade. The Vatican controls all of the drug trade—all of the heroin, all of the opium, all of the cocaine, everything going around in Columbia. The whole drug trade is run by high Mafia families out of the country of Columbia, subject to the Jesuit General.”

Adolfo and FrancisThe Black and the White Pope,
the Jesuit General Adolfo Nicolas and Pope Francis

  • “The CIA was built by the Knights of Malta. One of the founders of the CIA was “Wild” Bill Donovan, an Irish Roman Catholic, who are the most fanatical, and his brother was a Dominican priest, Vincent. So, the CIA was founded by this high Roman Catholic, the first head, to solidify the Catholic or the Vatican control of it.”
  • “Yes, the Jesuits work in conjunction and have regular meetings with the Knights of Malta.” (The Knights of Malta are the militia of the Pope, and are sworn to total obedience by a blood oath which is taken extremely seriously and to the death).”
  • “The Knights control the money. The Knights control the banks. They control the Bank of Canada, Federal Reserve Bank, Bank of England; they control the banking. They were the ones who were behind the sinking of the Titanic, with the creation of the White Star Line, J.P. Morgan and others.”
  • “And so, we have the Masons in control of the Nation of Islam and the Klu Klux Klan—one agitating Blacks, and the other agitating Whites, to the glory of the Jesuit Order.”
  • “The Jesuits had brought in all of their top Nazi SS soldiers into the CIA because the Jesuits were using the SS to kill the Jews in Europe”.



Hitler and Papal Nuncio

  • “Now, the CIA was composed of the SS. The CIA now was an arm—and the intelligence arm—of the Vatican. The Knights of Malta were throughout.”
  • So, Kennedy wanted to end this “intelligence community”. That was the end of him. Thus for anyone attempting to end the CIA, and attempting to end the Vietnam War, and also because he attacked the Jesuits’ Federal Reserve Bank by printing United States Notes, they got rid of him. They killed our only Roman Catholic president.”
  • The Secreta Monita: ”The Secret Instructions are the handbooks that are given to the professed Jesuits, those under extreme oath. And it tells them how to conduct their plans, subjugating peoples and nations to the Jesuit General, and thus, to the temporal power of the Pope. It tells how they are to deceive. It shows how they are to swindle rich widows out of their fortunes, like they did with Astor’s second wife who survived the Titanic catastrophe. It shows their general approach on how to do things.”
  • “When Rothschild sent that note, via Roost, into London, saying that Napolean had won the Battle of Waterloo, that’s when the stocks plummeted, and all the Jesuits bought all the stocks up, there in London, and got control of the Bank of England. The Jesuits then made London their commercial center of the world, and Rome their religious center, aiming that one day Jerusalem would be both.”
  • “Elizabeth II is a wicked, evil queen. She is the head of the Knights of Malta in England. She curtsies to the Lord Mayor in Old London, and she goes and visits the Jesuits of Stonyhurst and kisses their derrières. She has complete allegiance to the Jesuits of Stonyhurst, and will do anything they tell her to do, or they’ll get rid of her just like they got rid of all the rest of the monarchs in Europe”.
  • “She’s just a pawn, sure. She’s nothing. Remember, White men rule the world. Evil, White, sodomite, homosexual men rule the world, and these are the High Jesuits, with their High Knights of Malta and High Freemasons, they rule. And these women who are involved are just pawns in their game, like the queen, the queen of Holland, just to give the appearance that these nations have a sovereign monarch, when in fact, they’re just tools”.
  • “Any Pope who resists them gets punished or murdered. And all the Popes know it.”
  • “We first have to remember the creation of the nation of Israel. World War I prepared the land for the people. World War II prepared the people for the land. World War III, the battle of Armageddon, will “prepare the people for their messiah”—with national repentance and realizing that “Jesus, the messiah, is the savior and will deliver them.”


  • “The present government of Israel was set up by the High Masonic Rothschild-controlled Jews, and Rothschild has had an alliance with the Jesuit General since 1876, with Adam Weishaupt. This is the very same Rothschild powers who betrayed the Jews into the hands of the Nazis, killing many Jews all throughout Europe, betraying their own Jewish people. These are the very same powers who run the nation of Israel today.”
  • So what’s going to happen, I believe, with the Dome of the Rock is, that has got to be removed—somehow, someway. It’s on the Temple site; it has to be removed. If I was the Jesuit General, I would make— somehow, someway—American bombers do it. Because I want to create universal hatred for this nation of the United States, because in the United States there are more Protestants and more Jews than any country in the world, and “we’ve” got to kill all those people. So what better way than to create a Jihad, a Moslem fanatical attack against the United States, coupled with a Chinese invasion from the East. That’s what I think is going to happen.”
  • But what they (the Jews) don’t know is that they are being used by the Jesuits to rebuild their own Temple, that they would love to have rebuilt, for the Pope, so he can sit there and be the man of sin, the Anti-Christ of the Book of Daniel, Chapter 9. That’s what I see coming for Israel.”
  • “Rome’s—the Jesuit General’s—international intelligence community carries out all high-level assassinations, kills anybody who’s against their program.”
  • “The American Pope is the Cardinal of New York. He is the most powerful Cardinal in the United States. He is what’s called “the military vicar”. The military vicar is in command of all of the military orders within the United States, they being the Knights of Malta and the Knights of Columbus. He is also in command, and privately, of “the Commission” because Cardinal Spellman was an intimate of Joe Kennedy, and Joe Kennedy was an intimate of Frank Costello.”
  • “Cardinal in New York controls the Commission. And that Commission, you know what it controls? All of the trucking, all the supermarkets, it’s power is beyond our wildest imagination, second only to the Knights of Malta. And, of course, they all control the Federal Reserve Bank.” Eric Phelps speaks here about the Jesuit Banking system consolidating all of its financial power in North America into a handful of banks.



  • “Jewish Freemasonry, controlled by the Jesuits, implemented Communism in Russia. They used Freemasonry to implement Communism in Russia, and from there, China, and from there, throughout the world.”
  • “So, the Knights of Malta took the Royal Family out, faked their death, and then after they had taken the Romanoffs out, the Orthodox Church no longer had a protector, because Church and State are one in Russia.”
  • “Now the Jesuits were free, with their Bolsheviks, to kill-off the Orthodox leadership that was anti-Rome. That’s why they killed 5,000 priests and nuns, during the revolution, of the Orthodox Church. They just beheaded all the anti-Catholic, anti-Pope leadership of the Orthodox Church.”
  • “And so the Jesuits were given formal re-entry into Russia in 1922, after the Bolshevik Revolution and Civil War, and from then on—the Russian College was erected in Rome in 1929, so they could prepare Russian Jesuits to rule Russia. And that’s what they’ve done, and they’ve ruled through the KGB, just like they rule this country through the CIA and the FBI.”
  • “So they blamed it all on the Jews, purged Europe of its Jews, so Europe is primarily Roman Catholic now. It’s a Roman Catholic block, and it will be the army of the Anti-Christ, with its European Union.”
  • “There is a secret war against the Jews, and all of the intelligence communities are waging it.”
  • “The Jesuits are not finished with their purgings and their installings of dictators loyal to the Pope, around the world. I mean, they pretty much have South America. They pretty much have Africa. But they don’t have the East, and the Orthodox nations, and the Buddhist nations.”
  • “So, the purpose of the Cold War was to kill millions of these heretic, orthodox Buddhists, and to install in their country dictators that will carry out the Inquisition, who are loyal to the Pope.”
  • “We have this nonsense Cold War, which enables Rome to put up all their dictators, their Communist dictators, all of them loyal to the Pope—including Ho Chi Minh. Ho Chi Minh had a secret deal with Pope John XXIII, and he was under the advice of a Roman Catholic Bishop all throughout the war.”
  • “Now that they have all of the dictators installed all throughout the world, they don’t need the Cold War anymore. So now they can proceed with their next agenda, and that’s the unification of Europe, the building up of Russia, and the destruction of the Western Empire. And that’s their next agenda”.

Antichrist and his militia

  • Define the Jesuit term: Universal Absolutism: “That means worldwide, universal, over every nation, absolute power. Absolutism is their great doctrine, that absolute power resides in the hands of the General. He is limited by no constitution. He is limited by no law.”
  • “I’m saying that what’s in position now will ultimately bring in the future Pope, whoever he is, and whatever it may be, as a Universal Absolutist—the Universal Monarch of the World, in Jerusalem.”
  • “World War II, produced of course by Rome, caused the Nazi experiments on the people in the concentration camps—the Jews, the Gypsies, the Socialists, primarily the Jews. But they experimented with things like fluoride. They experimented with things like EDTA chelation, which is THE treatment of choice for anybody with heart disease. They experimented with poisons. They experimented with surgeries. They experimented with all kinds of things on these people. They also experimented with vaccinations and immunizations.”

The Jesuits are the true authors of socialist-communism. The economic system of the Dark Ages was feudalism consisting of the few rich landowners and the many poor peasants. It was a sin to make a profit by anyone other than the feudal lords. Thus, if the world is to be returned to the Dark Ages, the Protestant middle class must be destroyed. Socialist-communism accomplishes this, having yielded its bitter fruit in both Great Britain and the United States. The great deception is that the Jews are the authors of communism. (After all, is not Zionism Jewish communism?) The facts are that the Jesuits used their Masonic Jews to introduce it in 1848 and again in 1917 with the Bolshevik Revolution.


Pope John Paul 2 calls for new world order

Having deceived the world into believing communism was of Jewish origin, the Jesuits then used Hitler to implement “the Final Solution to the Jewish Question”—pursuant to the evil Council of Trent. The result was the mass murder of European and Russian Jewry at the hands of the Jesuit-controlled SS.

Napoleon was captured by the English and banished to the island of St. Helena. There, his Memoirs were written which accurately described his masters, the Jesuits:

“The Jesuits are a military organization, not a religious order. There chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is: POWER. Power in its most despotic exercise. Absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms: and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses….”

The general of the Jesuits insists on being master, sovereign, over the sovereign. Wherever the Jesuits are admitted they will be masters, cost what it may. Their society is by nature dictatorial, and therefore it is the irreconcilable enemy of all constituted authority. Every act, every crime, however atrocious, is a meritorious work, if committed for the interest of the Society of the Jesuits, or by the order of the general.” [Fifty Years In The Church Of Rome, Charles Chiniquy, 1968, reprinted from the 1886 edition, quoting Memorial Of The Captivity Of Napolean At St. Helena, General Montholon].

The religion of Islam and the Koran is not the work of God but deception of the Catholic Church with the higher motive to bring energy to bring my new self alive

The religion of Islam and the Koran is not the work of God. Muhammad was NOT a prophet of God, he served entirely his own interests and aspiration to become an important and powerful man and with the help of the Devil, this is what he achieved.

The Muhammad drawings were made and published in the name of freedom of speech receiving divine inspiration. The “bomb in the turban” drawing showed you the aggression of some fundamental Muslims, which is exactly what you subsequently saw from the threats and attacks of Muslims on the drawers, and the drawing of “Muhammad as a dog” is also divinely inspired because – as you will understand from my scripts – the dog simply symbolises the Devil.

Update November 2013: Islam is an invention of the Catholic Church as part of the dark New World Order, because of lack of faith of man, in order to control people on their way forwards to world domination (including totalitarian regimes) – yes, it was the Church inventing this brutal regime of Muslims as part of “the Big Plan”. Read about The Catholic Church controls the UN, NWO, bankers, Islam (!), terror and wars to bring totalitarian world rule to enslave man, which again was only because of the Universal Rule returning to man what man brought via sins and wrong behaviour, work and communication.

Update January 2015: The Muhammad drawings are not only about free speech of man, but are part of the war plan of the world elite against man bringing World War between the Muslim and Western world to eliminate life as you can read from my page on the New World Order of darkness (part I). This is why I decided that I will NOT wear the “Je Suis Charlie” T-shirt after the “terror” attack on Charlie Hebdo in Paris, January 2015, even though I of course support freedom of speech as a basic human right for all as you can read more about here. The invention of Islam and “terror” including the attack on Charlie Hebdo was really about: ”I AM CHARLIE” = ”I AM STIG” (the Source): Islam and ”terror” were a ”play” to bring out energy of man to bring my new self alive.

The New World Order of darkness of the World Elite would be built on Islam for “the rulers” on top to control and suppress man

The Source was monitoring/recording everything (every little thing = “everything”) and abused by the elite with Sheikhs (Arab states) controlling and spreading darkness of Islam to the world. The New World Order of darkness of the World Elite would use Islam to control and suppress man in order for the very top to remain “rulers of everything”, which was the opposite of what Islam was invented for according to the Vatican, which was to spread darkness leading to the end of the world to lead to me turning around everything to bring FREEDOM and RESPONSIBILITY to man.

These rulers were willing to defend their possession with all means because they believed they were the righteous rulers. However, this was part of the plan of the Vatican where it was only the purest, hardest working and suffering man who could cut through these thick walls of darkness to save the world. The leaders of the world abused the Source for their own comfort, and this is why the Source decided to give to them what they wanted via spiritual lies telling them that it was only “the elite” that could survive, and this was the key to survival because this is how darkness, via my sister, was sent to me to be cleaned and transferred to our true New World :-).


The Ten Commandments of Anti-Christ calling for one World Government and religion limiting world population by 90%

A message consisting of a set of ten guidelines or principles is engraved on the Georgia Guidestones in eight different languages, one language on each face of the four large upright stones (see photograph of the face with the English version right). Moving clockwise around the structure from due north, these languages are: English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese and Russian.

  1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
  2. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
  3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
  4. Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
  5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
  6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
  7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
  8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
  9. Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
  10. Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.

Cull of humanity

Radio host and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, in his 2008 documentary Endgame: Elite’s Blueprint For Global Enslavement, said that “the message of the mysterious Georgia Guidestones, purportedly built by representatives of a secret society called the Rosicrucian Order or Rosicrucians, which call for a global religion, world courts, and for population levels to be maintained at around 500 million, over a 6.5 billion reduction from current levels. The stones imply that humans are a cancer upon the earth and should be culled in order to maintain balance with nature.

Are these The Ten Commandments of the Anti-Christ created by the Catholic Church, the Jesuits, knights and Freemasons? Is this what they came up with because of what they believe was “lack of resources” for a “New Age of Reason” to come after what may be a planned “catastrophic end” of the Old World including “apocalypse” of mankind (planned genocide of man using “silent weapons”) to “depopulate” world population by the planned 90% bringing a maximum of only 500 million people in their “New World” and to establish the groundwork for their totalitarian One World Government including One Religion – on basis of these “crazy” commandments?


No one knows the true identity of the man, or men, who commissioned the construction of the Georgia Guidestones. In June 1979, a well-dressed, articulate stranger visited the office of the Elberton Granite Finishing Company and announced that he wanted to build an edifice to transmit a message to mankind. He identified himself as R. C. Christian, but it soon became apparent that was not his real name. He said that he represented a group of men who wanted to offer direction to humanity, but to date no one knows who R. C. Christian really was, or the names of those he represented.

The messages engraved deal with four major fields: (1) Governance and the establishment of a world government, (2) Population and reproduction control, (3) The environment and man’s relationship to nature, and (4) Spirituality.

Limiting the population of the earth to 500 million will require the extermination of nine-tenths of the world’s people. The reference to establishing a world court foreshadows the move to create an International Criminal Court and a world government. The emphasis on preserving nature anticipates the environmental movement of the 1990s, and the reference to “seeking harmony with the infinite” reflects the effort to replace Judeo-Christian beliefs with a new spirituality.


The message also foreshadowed the drive for Sustainable Development of the United Nations World Order of “Agenda 21” including control of reproduction, world governance, the importance of nature and the environment, and a new spirituality. The similarity between the ideas engraved on the Guidestones and those espoused in the Earth Charter (“building a just, sustainable, and peaceful global society in the 21st century” based upon Agenda 21) reflect the common origins of both.

What is the true significance of the American Stonehenge, and why is its covert message important? Because it confirms the fact that there was a covert group intent on

  1. Dramatically reducing the population of the world.
  2. Promoting environmentalism.
  3. Establishing a world government.
  4. Promoting a new spirituality.

R.C. Christian is a clear reference to Christian Rosenkreuz whose English name is Christian Rose Cross, the legendary founder of the Rosicrucian Order.

The monument has been erected in recognition of Thomas Paine and the occult philosophy he espoused. The Age of Reason was a book written by Thomas Paine. Its intent was to destroy the Judeo-Christian beliefs upon which USA was founded.

Thus, the Guidestones describe the ideal world, as envisioned by occult Secret Societies. The monument is proof of an existing link between secret societies, the world elite and the push for a New World Order.


Main sources of this chapter: Wikipedia, and


The Catholic Church invented Islam, wanted world domination and to kill me rather than bringing me the Shrine of Bethlehem

Islam is an invention of the Catholic Church to bring them world domination via totalitarian regimes controlling people

Let me say it out clear. The Catholic Church may say that it teaches my words, but I have NO connection as God to this church (but as the Devil!), they abuse my (previous) name, and this is why I say on the front page of my website:

“I have one organization only, which will spread my words to the world and that is the Living Testimony Organization (LTO) founded by my dear friend Elijah Katama in Nairobi, Kenya.”

“As a consequence I ask all religious organizations to show your PURE FAITH in me by disbanding your organizations, sell all of your property including glitter and gold and to give the income hereof including all of your fortune to poor people of the world helping them to receive a normal life, and to do this through LTO.”

I have been told spiritually that the Catholic Church is in control of foreign policies of the world (as part of their world game slowly going forward towards the end target of total world control), NGO’s are their invention too (not helping the poor world too much!) the (oil) bribery scheme of world leaders and as example the division of Germany and Europe after World War II was a “joke” too to bring cold war for the Church as part of their game.

I have also been told that Islam is an invention of this Church in order to control people on their way forwards to world domination (including totalitarian regimes) and yes you heard it right, Stig, it was the Church inventing this brutal regime of Muslims. Is this the kind of “dark world” you would truly like, no right?

Islamization of the world

The curse of the Catholic Church has finally been lifted, you are free too all of you, and no, we will NEVER again get a post called “the Bishop/Pope of Rome”, which in simplicity was only a battle for power to unite every nation around this Church and its highest priest, and yes it goes “way back” to prehistoric times and who should believe that a modern world was still slaves to this old thinking and system?

Later I found this video where Eric Jon Phelps speaks about Vatican creating Islam, where he speaks about the purposes in a greater detail.

The “supreme” order of the Catholic Church planned to live lives in sin including extreme luxury and continuous sexual abuse of children

I was told spiritually that this story about the German Bishop Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst was brought to the knowledge of the world (and me) to show that “servants” of the Catholic Church are not as “modest” and “humble” as they would like to appear, but have access to the greatest richness in the world, which this Bishop “could not” resist thus spending outrageous amounts of more than $41 million to renovate his residence and other church buildings, and this is what was included in the setup of the dark New World Order, which was for the “supreme” of this Church also to be allowed to spend as much as they would like on shameless luxury also including “small and nice choir boys” for them to continue “the pleasure of having sex with these”, and yes, these men are supposedly my “servants”, and you may understand why I tell you that they are abusing my name and cannot be called servants of mine?

NYT 231013

October 30, 2013: This young boy was “very attached” to Pope Francis, and when I saw it, I was told that “the Pope immediately realised that something was wrong”, and this is not the same as being beheaded, is it Stig (?), and yes the Pope knows that this is what it is about, and this is what he will become because this is the Pope, who has allowed abuse of children to continue in another New World Order, which is “different” to mine, isn’t it so, Francis (?), and is it also so that you are “different” yourself when it comes to sexual preferences (?), and this is what this clip really shows the world (?), and yes it is brought to be included in my script and also my new website on you.

Telegraph 301013

The Church wanted to kill/transfer my being to Putin to become the new fake Jesus and for Queen Elisabeth to overtake my mother

I have been told that the plans of the World Elite, thus the Catholic Church, as part of a coming “One Religion” was to have “someone looking like me” to stand forward appearing as the Son of God, whom however would be an implant of me working entirely as a slave of their New World Order too as I was told, which should be to unify the world around their totalitarian New World Order without questioning it.

In October 2013 I was told: No, you have not lost your voice yet (?) because it is going to become even worse than what you can read on paper, and that is what they were really willing to do, and was that to put Putin on top of the world as the new Jesus, is this what was their true plan (?), and yes it brings the missing puzzle to Putin emptying me (using advanced technology for “mind control” purposes as I was told about a couple of months before) wanting to become me – and this was only avoided because of my will power going against it and because I kept on working every day, otherwise I would have been overtaking, so the game of the world was a mind game about who was the strongest, which I was.

Previously, I have been told spiritually that the power of my mother would be transferred to Queen Elisabeth, and in a vision I was shown the magic potion being delivered to a row of people and I was shown Queen Elisabeth, and told that if you can clone sheep creating a perfect copy, isn’t it also possible to clone people (?), so there you have your story about Queen Elisabeth being the designed Goddess on top of this false world order.

Man had received a collective blackout/megalomania deciding not only to play God but to steal away and control God from my inner self to become the “mentor” of their activities – including individual creation, total control/enslavement and termination of life – without understanding that all of their dark New World Order was darkness self NOT sustainable with life, which requires individual FREEDOM and RESPONSIBILITY of man as basic requirements to breath, thus ending the world and all life self.

This is how it is to come all the way in here at the back also receiving full access to their library – for the whole world to see (!) – where you can read about how they have tyrannized the world for centuries waiting for the day of my return, where there is a detailed plan also about what to say about me because the truth of Stig would come forward because it could not be hidden, which I have secured via the writing of your name on the planet and now “everywhere”, and they had to use the plan that Stig was crazy for my sister and also mother to confirm, which is why it required to have my mother on their side!

The world was mind controlling me – with the approval of the Church – to remove my resistance to their New World Order plans, and they used my sister, family and local authorities trying to kidnap and lock me up at Mental Hospital to be used as a guinea pig exposed to “medical tests” and pumped with psychoactive drugs to remove the voices they had brought me via mind control, and also to receive “sexual tests” to create the basis of constant anaesthetization and control of reproduction of man. In other words, they wanted to kill me by bringing my mother on my sister’s side. I would not live without the love of my mother.

The Pope and the Black Pope – the Jesuit General – sit on the chair at top the world, which is my golden chair. They have been waiting on me for centuries to show up, but still they “could not” welcome me politely and announce my coming to the world, but wanted to kill me to hide their own darkness, but still their inner wish was to end their dark system, and they also surrendered to me when they understood that they turned evil to bring the world to an end before we could turn it around and save it. They were the most evil of the world, but they only acted on basis of inputs from my inner self to bring everyone new life of our New World without any darkness and sufferings, only incredible joy and happiness.

The Shrine of Bethlehem was the very foundation of the Church to bring us home to my father, but it was forgotten/neglected by the Church!

In October 2013 I was told that it will not be my birthday before opening the Shrine of Damascus, and also that this Shrine was stolen from my birthplace in Bethlehem (as my previous self/Jesus), which was meant to bring only good to the world, but instead it brought the disease of darkness to the world because of these extreme Muslim’s wrong behaviour also developing wrong sexuality of the world.

This is what these Muslims were really about, people with the mission to end the world via their dreams of conquering the world bringing their darkness including Sharia. This is the Shrine which slowly killed me and the world because of their wrong behaviour because it requires that you behave properly before you will get me out of it. Consequently, they don’t believe that it works – “this is the greatest insult to the Muslim Kingdom, it doesn’t work!” – so it merely collects dust in a corner being unused instead of what it was supposed to do, which was to help sustaining the world self, but it required a clean “owner” of it, and this is what went wrong.

Later I was told that we are close to get back your rightful throne from the true infidels, which is this Shrine of Bethlehem controlled by Muslims and the Catholic Church behind them, and this is because I am writing on this very website about the Catholic Church, and I was told that no one had the courage yet to fiddle with the Golden chair (the shrine) even though it should not be that difficult (?), and again it is because it requires to be CLEAN to use it, and when you are not (as neither the Church nor Muslims are), you cannot, and this is how this chair is still safe after these many hundreds of years when Muslims too also tried to make it work but it will only work with someone being completely clean in mind, soul and actions, so there you are, Stig, this chair is in the possession of the Vatican Church, and they “cannot” make it work because of their own darkness, and this is what we will use to bring everyone up to our new life.

This shrine is what the Church originally was planned to look after until my return, where I would be using it again, this was the very foundation of the Church, but the effect of this was forgotten right until now where it – with scratches – will be brought forward again and placed in front of me to lift up life becoming one with my father at our New World.

In December 2013, I was shown the Tivoli Gardens and the Central Station in Copenhagen and “radiation” of the Source coming from this place of original creation, and have they discovered what this is (?), and is it so that we simply have moved all of the Shrine of Bethlehem to Copenhagen (?), and yes it has followed you because of your own faith and the lack of faith in the Shrine of the Catholic Church and Muslims. So here you have the golden capital of my kingdom, Copenhagen. It is quite a sensation that Copenhagen still stands without having become a big hole in the ground and Berlin too etc., which would have happened in line with darkness defeating me, but it never won a set.

August 28, 2014: This is what the church has been waiting to deliver to you for centuries (the Source), which is what you asked for months ago, but they knew that it was darkness making you ask which they did not give in to because you had to collect it yourself here via their help, and yes, to go through the eye of the needle, which practically didn’t exist and required that you didn’t make any errors during your journey.

Afterword: Goodness of the Catholic Church, the Evangelical Lutheran Church, and the Catholic Church knew that darkness was the road leading to salvation!

(Spiritual speech included): You could also have decided to focus on love of the Catholic Church, which its ministers show, but you decided to judge them as the Devil focusing on their evil desires of world domination and not the fine work that many of its servants do, which however is done based on wrong doctrines also decided by the top of the church, and it also applies here – as with other “public systems of Hell” (State, Regional and Local regimes/offices) – that there are kind people working inside of it, and it is “the system self” (the collective everything), which is “sick”/darkness and “impossible to control”.

Is it possible to believe that the Pope is suffering because of the conflict about all of the good that he says and does and all of the awful truth of the Church and the world (?), and yes this is easy.

Isn’t it funny if there is also a secret society of the Catholic and Evangelical Lutheran Church? And the Lund Cathedral, Sweden, plays a vital role in this secret co-operation.

The Vatican Archives has a file on me, which they have been writing on all throughout history.

Vatican Archives

I was told spiritually that it is not as bad to reach my Third Reich, which is the Paradise of our New World, and this is what Hitler knew was the main goal of his work and it required for him to be evil (sufferings of man brought energy to my inner self for survival/creation), so there you have the true story of this man and it made me think – without being told spiritually – that if Hitler knew about our coming New World, the Catholic Church has to have known about it too, which may be the reason why they decided to become vicious in the first place knowing that this was the role that the Church had to play in order for all life to reach home, but still, if this is known by a few of you on top, why is it that you “could not” bring me the Shrine of Bethlehem or to communicate with me here at the very end of “the critical hour” as I encourage you to (?), and is it because you received “poor habits” being used to be evil/silent/secretive making you forget that it was only a “play” (?), and is your shame of the evil you have done so deep that you “cannot” overcome standing forward in this life?

In December 2013, I was shown black train wagons and was given the feeling of Nazi’s, this is about the gassing of Jews, and I was told that we saw that it was necessary to go through this, and this is about the Vatican Church knowing that it and the world had to turn evil in order to save the world because we were turned around with darkness here bringing light on the other side to save the Old World and create our New World.

I was told more clearly that the dark New World Order of man seriously would have been launched/triggered if I had given in to darkness (the old “Bomb of Nixon”), which would “remove all life” inside of darkness between me and the Source, and I was told that man knew that this was the road in, and this was the ulterior motive of the Catholic Church, and when entering the Source, it could only lead to goodness, because when reaching the gold of me, man had to change the dark New World Order because I am good, which would also end the simple minds of man. This is how to come home regardless of the road.

And is it so that the Catholic Church was hoping that you would not give in to darkness, but to come through it without making it explode (and seriously launch the war of the World Elite on man), yes – but you did not believe that I could. And I still wonder if your desires of world domination and living in luxury/sin were too strong for (some of) you making you forget about the original goal to release me from darkness to bring only light to man? Thus, the Church was both the worst darkness and light, which man knew about. I was given smiles and told that I am forgiven by man because you had to go through everything to receive this secret.

It was only a small part of man knowing that going through darkness of man led to goodness of the Source also meaning that these were actually heroes, and most people attending in the dark New World Order of man did it with greed and selfishness when they decided to kill/enslave mankind – better to kill them than us! – based on negative desires and feelings given to them.

It was necessary to have clean people at the top of Earth having strong faith to control the plan of the Universe to bring man and me darkness without themselves being corrupted by power, money and sex, which is why the Vatican was chosen for this task.

The Pope was my delegate looking after the Source in my absence – bringing darkness to man because of darkness of man – until my return

From my script of June 12, 2014: Nordic Parliaments report to Lund Cathedral in South Sweden as the true people in power here, and yes, as a prolonged arm of the Vatican Church, which makes logic – read my page on the dark NWO part IV about the Vatican Church being in control of the world to understand. Lutheran World Federation in Geneva and Tore S., my old contact there – as I visited in 2009 – are connected to Lund Cathedral as a “Communion of national and regional Lutheran Churches” and “the Federation was founded in the Swedish city of Lund in 1947”, so there you have it, they are a direct arm of Lund Cathedral being the highest organ here.

And it is the same with the Kölner Dom/Cologne Cathedral that is the highest organ in Germany to which the Germany government is referring to, which is also why I visited Köln one day in the 1990’s.

This way leads me directly to the Pope, which is why I have been told many times lately that he is “proud of a Pope” for my accomplishments, and yes, the Pope was my delegate looking after the Source in my absence, and if he mind delivering all of it to me (?), no, this is the dream scenario for me to walk all of the line returning to the top, and yes, the world agreed to appoint him as my successor but only until my return. And we had a BIG CLASH because he was forced to do as he did bringing darkness to the world via the dark New World Order because it was a condition of life to return to man what man brought via his behaviour/sins, and if he did not, the world would cease to exist by itself, and it would require a man of a special cast as the only one trying to walk the line returning to this top.

These four pages of the dark New World Order is what I had energy, time and skills to discover, understand and write in August and October 2013

This was the hierarchy of the dark New World Order planned and prepared for so many years (decades), but now it is “gone with the wind” and “gold” will now take over bringing you MY New World Order without all of these (central) bankers (!) but with FREEDOM and RESPONSIBILITY coming together with endless joy and happiness to everyone, this was the difference between light and darkness :-).



These four pages of the dark New World Order is what I had energy, time and skills to discover, understand and write in August and October 2013 knowing that there is more to it than what I bring here, and I am thinking about the roles of China, Russia and Japan, which I would have liked to know and write more about, and also about “One Religion” and the plans of the World Elite to have “someone looking like me” to stand forward appearing as the Son of God, whom however would be an implant of me working entirely as a slave of their New World Order too as I am told here, which should be to unify the world on their totalitarian World Order without questioning it, and I can add here that I have been told spiritually that the power of my mother and I would be transferred to Queen Elisabeth, and in a vision I was shown the magic potion being delivered to a row of people and I was shown Queen Elisabeth, and told that if you can clone sheep creating a perfect copy, isn’t it also possible to clone people (?), so there you have your story about Queen Elisabeth being the designed Goddess on top of this false world order.

I would also have liked to know more about human trafficking, the use of nanotechnology as part of war against man, designed computer viruses, computers manufactured to enable the World Elite to carry out comprehensive spying on all computers, nitrite, softeners for plastic (phthalates etc.), active elements of freezers and “thousands of chemicals/ingredients” in food and consumer products making life difficult aimed at pacifying and killing man, monopoly on all natural resources of the world including DNA (!), Genetically modified insects, the Fukishima disaster * and much more, but this is what I had in me to bring you an understanding of what this dark New World Order was really about.

* I was told the following in January 2014: “We had been guaranteed a full melt down of the Fukushima nuclear power station by Japan, and yes you do remember that there was a period where things didn’t go very well (?), yes, my mother, father, John and I were very close to dying as examples up to and after 2010 and the Fukishima “accident” was in 2011, and this was strong darkness that had to be absorbed by man this way to poison/destroy the world, which was “our own weapon” of darkness”.

I would also have liked to know more about staged intrigues and “secret operations” controlling politics, media and business removing (using all means) and appointing people or cabinets “designed” to follow plans of the bankers and their New World Order, the World Elite’s participation in organised crime, production and trade of narcotics, war in space and control of the entire Universe and people of other civilisations including how this was practised and what consequences it had to life and death of the Universe, how the World Elite controlled acknowledged educational establishments, research centres and scientists within all kind of research and science, culture (TV, movies etc.) and news of the world to deliberately bring people passive entertainment, violence, sex and gossip to make people dumb, passive and uninterested in true matters of importance.

And I would like to know more about underground tunnels and cities (see here and here as examples) for the World Elite to hide when a staged “Armageddon” will take place in the form of “terrorists” using Nuclear Bombs, HAARP bringing the most disastrous earth quakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis (?), or are they simply build for the elite to survive the day you have been looking forward to with fear, which is when all of the house of cards of the world would collapse?

I did my best work under difficult circumstances, but there may be errors/misunderstandings included in these pages, which I however hope will only be minor.

Conspiracies, Theories & Truth E-Book Collection

For those, who want to seek out more information, here is help for you via a large collection called “Conspiracies, Theories & Truth E-Book Collection”, which was presented like this when I downloaded the collection via “Torrent” and uploaded all to my library here. I have not had the time and energy myself to read this.

Conspiracies torrent

Find all documents of Conspiracies etc. from my library

April 27, 2015: Email to Pope Francis and the world: Confirm my arrival, resign, disclose ALL information on me and open ALL IT-systems, archives etc. of the Old World to open our New World 🙂

This email goes out to the Pope and the United Nations of the world including all world governments, governmental agencies/enterprises/bodies, intergovernmental organizations, religious organizations and also private businesses, universities, unions etc. with the request for the world to open/publish ALL (secret) INFORMATION from IT-systems, archives, files, registries, record offices etc. of our Old World in order to open the doors to our New World as you can read about from my website.

In my email below, I also encourage Pope Francis to publicly support my request, to open the Vatican Archives to show the road for the world, to confirm my arrival as ”the truth of the Source” (God), to resign and to deliver leadership of the world to me. I dismiss the whole ”system of Hell” of the Old World and replace it with true FREEDOM and RESPONSIBILITY to man in our New World :-).

This is the short summary of the email – you can read a longer summary from my script of April 29, 2015:


  • We will open our New World when the Old World will allow this to happen by opening ALL (secret) IT-systems, archives and files on me and ALL information in general.
  • I encourage Pope Francis to confirm that it is alright to open ALL IT-systems, archives and files and to do it yourself opening the Vatican Archives to show the road for the world.
  • This will bring the collapse of the Old World and the opening of our New World.
  • I ask Pope Francis to give the official message to the world that ”Stig is the truth as the Source, Sanna was a forgery” as he has known all along as one of the few.
  • I ask Pope Francis to resign and to deliver leadership of the world to me; I collectively dismiss all of ”the system of Hell” of the Old World and bring FREEDOM and RESPONSIBILITY to man.
  • As our new selves, ”we have nothing to hide” and no one will mind private information of their old selves to be shared with the world.
  • We will bring only positive memories to our New World, which is why it is vital to keep all information of darkness as documentation to protect life (”do NOT repeat this”).
  • In our New World we will have an OPEN society with free access to all information; movements and communication of people will NOT be monitored.
  • Open the door to a NEW AND OPEN WORLD, dissolve the Old World and its secrets including ”everything” and admit your sins.
  • I ask Pope Francis to overturn the first domino piece by opening up the Vatican Archives, which will make all other pieces of the Old World fall too – stop talking, act now :-).

Receiving the diamond of life from the Vatican, which we will open to bring our New World when the Pope will announce me bringing faith of the world

September 20, 2015: I was shown Vatican priests in traditional brown monk robes bringing me the diamond of life, i.e. the eternal life flame. They were guardians of this, have hidden it and bring it to me because they and the world are convinced I am the right and only one. This life flame was given to Arthur Findlay College by the Vatican as only they could do, to hide and take care of it.

They knew that everything around me was a fortress and I was only allowed in when having all of it on my side. This is the life flame man knows we will turn around to live on the other side, which man has known about since day one without telling the world. This is what ended up inside Paul Jacobs’ head as the guardian of all life, which he is now ready to bring to me as the right owner. It is in this eternal life flame we will plant the tree of our New World, this is what we have now given to you because it wanted to seek its right owner by itself.

We just have to open it, which will be done when the Pope will announce me bringing faith of the world when saying that I saved you from Armageddon. After this, my airplane (Spaceship of the Source) will be released for me to fly around in. This is the board I will be chairman for. This is also the Shrine of Bethlehem, the flame of life self, which the world was fighting for as the essence of all, creation self, but could not get to work as darkness. This is what Queen Margrethe had access to when declaring my New World in accordance with requirements of light.

September 29, 2015: The Vatican invented the evil empire of Russia, and Russia brought the world directly into the abyss to awake me and bring us home at our outermost.

Thank you very much to all sources helping to bring the information on this page :-).

This website was first published October 22, 2013, and has since been updated many times.