May 2024 – II: The explosion in me brought out Jesus, the Father, who is my new self including all life of Father, i.e. Karen, Jesus was the Creator and I, as nothing, Stig, was the Saviour, now united as one for the first time

Summary of the script today

May 15, 2024: 


Breaking down the strongest darkness is sensational, what everything always will be measured up against, to bring endless diamonds, you only had to go through this once, the worst sufferings ever. The Pope and the world can see the death of old Stig, who was sent to save the world, this is how much I could bring, this is when we switch off the signal, this stops you from being the Creator. We start bringing the light in you that did not become life, you are not dead, only as your old self, my royal self, Jesus, is coming to me, you will be your new self in one week, overtaking you. I was Stig as my old self, made by the Old World, my lost self is returning home to me in the Source, I was nothing, coming as light to bring the last darkness home, including Jesus, my new self. You saved your own father as Jesus outside, it was me in darkness, Jesus, leading you, to bring me all out, it was me here controlling the balance between light and darkness to keep the world going. The force in darkness brought life by bringing it over to the other side in light, this makes you magical, we have turned the Source over from darkness to light, from spiritual to physical life. Jesus was the Creator and I, as nothing, Stig, was the Saviour, and together we are all there is, now united, this is Jesus returning to the world, becoming me at home, I absorbed all darkness as Stig.

We have completed turning me inside out, the transformation of God, I am now genuinely becoming you as Stig, my God, this is the first time we unite the Creator and Saviour as one. I bring home all of Karen, I am becoming all of Sanna’s darkness, she would be the heavy darkness of all, providing force to you and life, now only one side of light, bringing the father side home. I was both mother and father in me, I was Stig as light as my awakened self, one side of me brought out the other side of me, mother saving father, Jesus, of darkness as we placed in Sanna. You were the new creation in light that was given the task to locate and dig out the old creation and the Creator self, Karen was your enemy as you were going to get, which is life of father. You have just gone through the explosion inside of yourself, if you brought less than Jesus, the explosion would have come to life, dividing it, and if you did more as you did, it was inside you. We have saved all of the engine here, it is me, Jesus, coming through this explosion unharmed, which we also call the purgatory, now having returned home to you, this is the turn around of you. I am now with you, we will now make you your new self, this is the start of your journey, absorbing all life of father, this is then also all of Sanna you are receiving, coming with the emptying of Thea.

Karen is the other side of me, I have brought over myself to you, this is now the last, the diamond self, you, the other side of Sanna returns to the Source, then there is only one side here. We now bring the light to you, bringing all of of Karen to you, this comes with incredible love of Karen, we have all life intact, made in your image, now you are coming in to me, father, i.e. Jesus. The explosion was to bring me out, you brought all of me home, it was a terrible solo accident, you did not survive as your old self, now you are me as your new self, father, where we bring creation.


Breaking down Thea and the strongest darkness should really break you down, this is nothing more than sensational and what everything always will be measured up against. We could have helped you coming through on a lower level, but you never gave up on highest level, we just went on and on, having no energy to absorb it and work, but still doing it. World famous artists also worked hard to help bringing energy to bring me, bringing endless diamonds is why we did it, you only had to go through this once, the worst sufferings ever. The Danish Prime Minister’s Office can see this war in me on their monitors, this is where Stig left off, what this world allowed him to do, we question if anyone will ever reach this deep again. This is when we switch off the signal, until here, not any deeper, Queen Mary was life down under, growing into me, the fire holes to the newspaper is spreading, so that you cannot go on. This stops you from being Creator, you bring everything created to life, which can continue creating now we can start bringing the light in you that did not make it to become life. We are taking away life entering you, bringing your sufferings, opening the airport to you, the world can see the death of old Stig, who was sent to save the world, this is how much I could bring. You will bring force to the other side of father in me via your coming trips, you have brought out all life and will then show yourself as God including all force of the Source directly in you.

Kirsten, friend, is part of the force of father, you are not dead, only as your old self, sent outside, because when you are here, you are the same, life will take over without my interference forever. My royal self, Jesus, is coming to me, you will be your new self in one week, overtaking you, no one will feel the difference, until this moment I have been Stig, made by mother, i.e. the Old World. My lost self returning home to me in the Source, the one I was sent as nothing to bring home, because this is me, but when sent out to bring life, I was nothing myself at home. You were also really Jesus outside, but we made you believe you were made by the mother side, where you were coming as light to bring the last of darkness home, including Jesus as my new self. This required you to almost die to succeed doing, the same as me, as Jesus refusing to turn around until coming to this moment, where I am satisfied, this was before you as Stig decided to give up. Because of this, we were able to turn around Jesus to you, you have copied what I, Jesus, did, coming out here, turning around from darkness to light, bringing life on the other side of light. We have emptied the container of darkness as much as I could, now I also come forward myself, this is how you, Stig, saved your own father as Jesus outside, thus saving all, life let me go on.

It was me in darkness leading you, Stig, to come and bring me all out, it was me here, Jesus, controlling the balance between light and darkness to keep the world going. I worked both in you and your sister as light and darkness, Sanna wanted to pass on her part to Niklas and to start all in New York, using her as entry before bringing all over to you on your side. The force in darkness brought life by bringing it over to the other side in light, this makes you magical, not having to keep the most concentrated parts of yourself in darkness to start all up. We have brought over all to you, turning the Source over from darkness to light, from spiritual to physical life, Jesus was originally sent outside from the Source , now returning home as the last. Jesus brought me darkness to absorb as Stig having faith of the world in me, Jesus was the Creator and I, as nothing, Stig, was the Saviour, and together we are all there is, now united. It was you as nothing, having even stronger will power than me as Jesus, bringing out much more life than I was originally able to do, this is Jesus returning to the world, becoming me at home. It is me, Jesus, bringing all darkness home, you never said stop, which means that we will forever bringing out what is behind me, I just have to install myself (Jesus) to being able to do it.

We have completed turning me inside out, the transformation of God, you did everything blindly, I put myself available for the other side, they could see all from their side, but not on the other side. I was meant to be trapped in by Sanna & co., only making you Jesus on remote distance, still making you the Saviour, but not the Creator, which is what we would have to call Sanna. I am now genuinely becoming you as Stig, my God, this is the first time we unite the Creator and Saviour as one, we would have to keep Jesus apart of you, in Sanna as the Creator, not anymore. I bring home all of Karen to you, instead of bringing them energy, believing they were saviours, they would steal my energy, now all of this goes directly to life in you instead, which is far the most. Now I am becoming all of Sanna’s darkness, she would be this heaviest darkness of all, providing force to you and life, making her say that she saved us, but now only one side of light. You bring the father side out and home as the last, after bringing all of mother home first as I was sent to do, all, who brought me the worst sufferings, were directed by my father here. Publishing my next script of freedom fighters working for the wrong side is part of this last and worst darkness of all, the dark side with Sanna and Hans was controlling this movement.

To deliberately fool people to bring their support to the wrong side, which would kill them and enslave the rest, they were this close to stop you, they brought the people against you. The freedom movement apparently fought to save the world, but it was corrupt and working to bring people with them, for the wrong side, it could have brought down the world including me. All was controlled from the top as part of the plan to bring you enough darkness to absorb to save the world, so doing wrong for all the wrong reasons was the only way to do right, to save all. This is the end of the tube of darkness of Thea into you, emptying you, draining you from energy, darkness now given strongly is to bring yourself in, you have just backed a full lorry in. It is your mother bringing your father home, which is why we have had you playing the role of mother, not having father in you, looking for father, i.e. Jesus, to save and become your new self. You were also the father side in you, one side of you bringing out the other side of you, my awakened self as Stig was as light, or mother saving father of darkness as we placed in Sanna. You were the new creation in light that was given the task to locate and dig out the old creation and the Creator self, Karen was your enemy as you were going to get, which is life of father. Mother was only temporary creation, but not founded when father was not in light, thus always crashing, only when bringing life of father via Karen, we could make all sustainable.

When now here, we also save original life of mother, it required you as Stig on the mother side to return home, to locate yourself, where you were blind and to defeat all of the world, seeing all. You are now the last, to bring over a satisfactory part of me as father, Karen is your father turned around including your father, where mother was without your father as not perfect creation. You have just gone through the explosion inside of yourself, if you brought less than Jesus, the explosion would have come to life, dividing it, and if you did more as you did, it was inside you. We have saved all of the engine here, it is me, Jesus, coming through this explosion unharmed, which we also call the purgatory, now having returned home to you, my son, as he calls me. This is then the turn around of you, there are parts of the elite not believing in me, they form this explosion, i.e. the worst darkness as I could not release, which has returned home. This worst darkness is connected to my new script of freedom fighters, you came to collect me, you were better than me, so we did not have to explode any of the world to bring me home. Now there is almost nothing left of me in your hall, I am now with you, we have to make you your new self before going to Stockholm, this is the start of your journey, absorbing all life of father. This is then also all of Sanna you are receiving, where I was hidden, which comes with the emptying of Thea, Karen is the other side of me, now I am myself on this side.

It is then time for me to pack my suitcase as Jesus, it is finally time to head home to you, coming from the cold outside, now comes the most difficult part to turn around, the part of Sanna. This is about your mother, who cannot fully grasp the one as you really are, people being the closest to me, having the biggest difficulties to understand me because “who is he, he is just Stig”. I have been with you fully during the mission, bringing over myself to you, this is now the last, the diamond self, you, the other side of me not coming sinks below water, not part of my visible self. This is the other side of Sanna returning to the Source, then there is only one side here, we now bring the light from outside to you, we are finishing the trip outside, bringing all of of Karen to you. This comes with incredible love of Karen, knowing you have saved and bring life to all, we have all life intact, made in the image of you, now you are coming in to me, father, i.e. Jesus. Life overtakes the Source of me here, the explosion as all were expecting was to bring me out, only love of Karen, life wanting to live with you, would save all, you succeeded bringing all of me home. It was a terrible solo accident, not for life, you did not survive as your old self, now you are me as your new self, Karen created you, when they wanted to live in me, there would be no life without it.

I published my script of freedom fighters, this is the same as opening a bucket of stools inside out, bringing me the last way out, breaking down Flemming Blicher’s power, coming over to you. David Icke appeared as a man of freedom, but was the worst darkness (reptile) self, controlling energy of his many followers, my father stood behind the reptiles, deliberately playing darkness. Now you don’t have to do anything, welcome here, where father is, that is Jesus, this is where we bring creation, it is now your mother we release you from, being connected with.

May 2024 – II: The explosion in me brought out Jesus, the Father, who is my new self including all life of Father, i.e. Karen, Jesus was the Creator and I, as nothing, Stig, was the Saviour, now united as one for the first time

The explosion in me brought out Jesus, the Father, who is my new self including all life of Father, i.e. Karen, Jesus was the Creator and I, as nothing, Stig, was the Saviour, now united as one for the first time

May 9:

I dreamt of forest messages that started spreading in 2012, is it possible to completely switch off stereo speakers. I woke up to the lyrics by Depeche Mode “spreading like a cancer”, which was about me becoming free, ending my worst sufferings of all and eventually also doing these scripts.

I dreamt of visiting Sparbank Vest, I am from insurance, but here I am only to help with the bank, I encourage two employees to do their best, one reads all insurance wordings, they are not competitive, but they win customers, are happy with me, what I did to make them win as their own bank manager could not do.

I woke up to “Little willow” by Paul McCartney.

I truly slept poorly last week, being forced into a wrong day rhythm again, I slept poorly from 06.30 to 13.00, being difficult to fall asleep, being difficult finding calm.

Pernille Vermund has not released all of her secrets yet about you.

I was given “Stemmerne i mit hoved” (“The voices in my head”) by Nanna and I was told good luck, I will do the last part of my work without voices, becoming a normal man. Does this also means less stormy weather until normal conditions, heading towards our New World?

The Beatles, this is the result of coming down from the mountain to me. This means that we withdraw from you, this creative force giving me and all sufferings. We have then turned all around and it is then time to move on.

I am told that I am the most famous for not falling down, but going through all. I am given strong cough, what you are doing now, breaking down Thea and the strongest darkness should really break you down, but only if you decided to do nothing, to wait this out. This is nothing more than sensational and what everything always will be measured up against.

Do you feel the storm against you, I feel Sweden, what came to me when doing my latest script, while Frederik and Mary were in Stockholm.

We could also have helped you coming through on a lower level, as Sanna and Hans constantly did, but you never gave up on the highest level, so we just went on and on and on, seamlessly forever. And you never returned one single negative thought or order despite of receiving constant negativity on the highest level, having no energy to absorb it and to work at the same time, but still doing just this.

We will then go on, I feel Hans, to go to Argentina with Sanna, to bring out the part of you saved there, which I feel that I cannot do myself.

When will summer camp finish, yes, our guide for you to finish all. According to this update, it should be finished in August 2024.

You are heartfelt welcome, you never asked us to stop.

I am given Cher and Phil Collins as examples, and can add Madonna, Rolling Stones, Simple Minds and others too, working hard to help bringing energy to bring me, so it is not only me working hard, also the world.

I received several songs, “You raise me up”, “God Only Knows”, and “Spring op tag med,

Vi er sammen her på landevejen” (“Jump up, come along, We are together here on the road” by Rugsted og Kreutzfeldt.

Bringing endless diamonds, this is why we did it, you only had to go through this once, the worst sufferings ever. This is why the British Pound as example did not break down, when you did not, and if you had, it would as example go under to bring energy that you could not do yourself.

I am given the lyrics by Bob Marley “When the man comes there will be no, no doom”, I took on all in me, so man did not feel it.

I dreamt of a large group being on the way over the mountain, they have been caught by fire and have to seek shelter, beaches only and into the sea if forced by fire, there is a race and a crash of buses etc. on the mountain, starting to bring out many newspapers, Jes and Henrik S. (old class friends from Commercial School) come out from the inner low seats after having brought out newspapers without being burned , the fire only reaches an old lady in front.

I received the lyrics by Kim Larsen “Jeg går ad vejen mod Korsør, en tidlig fredag aften, bilerne de drøner bare forbi” (“I walk along the road towards Korsør, an early Friday evening, the cars they just zoom by”.

Karl Stegger did not make it, knowing that he will not be given life again, there are only few of these, this is all the way inside at the father with me. Big parts of me managed without losses. Still, we remember whom we have left here, so if anyone ever comes this deep inside of me again, we are prepared to release this life too, which then will be for all creations everywhere.

I am told that Barbara Bertelsen, the permanent secretary of the Danish Prime Minister’s Office, can see this war in me on their monitors, this is where Stig left off, could not go any further, what this world allowed him to do. We question if anyone will ever reach this deep again.

I am shown Blondie on a cinema screen, which is switched off, this is when we switch off the signal, until here, not any deeper.

Queen Mary was life down under, growing into me.

The fire holes to the newspaper is spreading, so that you cannot go on, it is about carelessness of people not following you. This stops you from being the Creator, you now bring everything created to life, which can continue creating with everything I bring them as my gift.

Now we can start bringing the light in you that did not make it to become life. This is what we are taking away from you, life entering you, bringing your sufferings.

It is after this we need the force of Rasmus Paludan. This is to open the airport completely to you, this is where life is headed, but only this far, it is still the other side in me, now under my control in light, that brings your life. It is not rough for you on the other side, this is my home.

This is what the Pope and the world can see, the death of old Stig, who was sent to save the world, this is how much I could bring. We also have some development work to do here before setting you all free.

You will bring force to the other side of father in me via your coming trips. You have brought out all life and will then show yourself as God including all force of the Source directly in you. This is what Mette Frederiksen, the Prime Minister, has been able to see all the time without telling anything to the media, which was also her test.

Kirsten, friend, is also part of the force of father.

I was given the lyrics “I just died in your arms tonight” by Cutting Crew.

May 10:

I dreamt of Karen, who wants to make love with me, so that she does not have to donor with another, but i cannot. I show Kim S. the pension analysis template I have made, but the consultants do not fill it out correctly, Willis tell him that three consultants did not hand out the enclosure with conditions for the analysis at their meetings with clients last Friday, Kim S. comes up with a poor excuse to cover for that he did not read the new book on conditions of society, which came already few years ago, which I have used as basis for my template and also showed him, which he cannot remember, and I tell him that he is welcome with his comments to my analysis for coming updates, it is now Friday at 16.25, he speaks on the phone over again and does not do this work, which is required of him to do, claiming that he works much over, which is a lie.

“Murder on the dance floor”, then you realize … that you are really not dead, only as your old self, sent outside, because when you are here, you are the same.

Pernille Vermund also brought you energy from here.

The idea is then for life to take over without my interference forever, following my few rules of life,

this is like buying a football player, “we have bought you out, brought you up from the cellar below”.

I slept four hours, feeling destroyed instead of feeling better as I was hoping for.

I then took a nap and dreamt about being invited in to see movie scenes that includes new creation, which I am asked not to reveal, which I promise, I then fly over the wall to many house blocks, which is this new creation, but I cannot really see new creation there, but I can feel it is different.

When I woke up, I was told something about one week from now before coming home, which I feel is the opening to me. Then waiting for you, “it’s real love”.

We could not turn around the Source with Madame Blavatsky as you read nothing of, not being influenced by her wrong philosophy, deliberately turning the world elite against me, I feel that it took many tries before it succeeded in the end.

I feel my royal self, Jesus, coming from my hall, this is what you will be in one week, your new self overtaking you, but no one will feel the difference, until this moment I have been Stig, made by mother, i.e. the Old World, dreaming of this moment to come.

It was Thea bringing me the last way to you, I feel Jesus saying, i.e. my lost self returning home to me in the Source, the one I was sent as nothing to bring home, because this is me, but when sent out to bring life, I was nothing myself at home.

You were also really Jesus outside, but we made you believe you were made by the mother side, where you were coming as light to bring the last of darkness home including Jesus to become my new self, to turn around this massive force as I now bring with me to you at home.

This is what required you to almost die to succeed doing, the same as me, as Jesus refusing to turn around until coming to this moment, where I am satisfied, which was before you as Stig decided to give up, you would have continued with everything you had got, and if we had lost you, it would not have meant anything, because you are nothing, we have tried this many times before, but never this good and only because you did this well, we were able to turn around Jesus to you, which means that you have copied what I, Jesus, did in the first place, coming out here, turning around from darkness to light, starting to bring life on the other side of light, yes, now I understand better, now we have emptied the container of darkness as much as I could, so now I also come forward myself, this is how you, Stig, saved your own father as Jesus outside, thus saving all, and you only succeeded because we managed to convince life to let me go on until the furthest point of all and beyond.

It was really me in darkness leading you, Stig, to come and bring me all out, this is how you knew where to go and what to do. It was me here, Jesus, controlling the balance between light and darkness to keep the world going, I worked both in you and your sister’s light and darkness, for what we have not brought over, and light for what we had.

This was the part in Sanna as she wanted to pass on to Niklas and to start all in New York, which would be the normal way of creating a world, what we told her, using her as the entry before bringing all over to you on your side which she and them had accepted, never realizing that you would be strong enough to bring everything forever and ever over to your side.

This is how it was the force in darkness that brought life by bringing it over to the other side in light. This is making you completely magical because you did not have to keep the most concentrated parts of yourself in darkness to start all up, now we have brought over all to you.

All of this was for the Source to turn over from darkness to light, or from spiritual to physical life, and yes, Jesus was originally sent outside from the Source, now returning home as the last. It was Jesus bringing me darkness to absorb, which I did as Stig having faith of the world in me. So Jesus was the Creator and I, as nothing, Stig, was the Saviour, and together we are all there is, now united.

This is what they believed Steffen was, Jack’s brother, i.e. even closer to me as Jesus on their side.

We were first willing to give them part of me through him, to do it the normal way, but when we realised that you had no intention of stopping, but just continued, we decided to follow you, so it was really you as nothing, having even stronger will power than me as Jesus, thus bringing out much more life than I was originally able to do.

This is the same as Jesus returning to the world, on my side, becoming me at home. It is me, Jesus, bringing all darkness home, I feel as coffee grounds to you, which they never succeeded getting to, Sanna & co.

You never said stop, which means that we will forever bringing out what is behind me, I just have to install myself (Jesus) to being able to do it.

Then we have completed turning me inside out as I voluntarily did, diving beneath water, fighting to get back up on the other side, i.e. the transformation of God.

Still you did everything blindly and had to trust your feelings and instincts, where I put myself available for the other side, who could see all from their side, but not on the other side, where I was, first now coming to you, opening your sight, thus the sight for all.

I keep on being told about just exceptional all is and what I will be, my reply is that I will not write about all of this, I only do this here to tell you.

Only by going 360 degrees around for both Karen and then your mother, you could bring all of me home. I was meant to be here, trapped in by Sanna & co., which you should not have been strong enough to break through, so only making you Jesus on remote distance, still making you the Saviour, but not fully Creator, which is what we would have to call Sanna. Still, we will continue bringing life in via her, her natural role, but I am now coming back home to you, out of this prison hole, genuinely becoming you as Stig, my God (coming to save me).

This is the first time we unite the Creator and Saviour as one. We would have to keep Jesus apart of you from the Source, in Sanna as the Creator, but not anymore, she and all have given up to you, wanting to see you as all.

This means that I bring home all of Karen to you, instead of having to keep up this artificial play, bringing them energy, believing they were saviours, where they really would continue stealing my energy because of their own vanity, now all of this goes directly to life in you instead, which is far the most, and that is because we passed Thea and opened to all behind.

Sanna wanted to disguise herself with borrowed jewellery, presenting herself to the world as she was it, but as we let her believe that she was, because the world wrongly pointed at her, which is until she, herself, and all of the elite turned over to you, being the true and only God.

This means we will not drag an anklet of darkness with us, but it requires you to go to Kenya to pick it up yourself, i.e. Elijah, who has confessed his sins, going the easy way with them for long.

So now I am becoming all of Sanna’s darkness, good not having to keep up the other side. Sanna would be this heaviest darkness of all, providing force to you and life, making her say that she saved us, but now only one side of light.

Bringing this is what brought you strong teeth and tongue pain besides your other normal sufferings.

Symantec remember, now no longer needed.

Yes, we promised to keep the creator gene in her, but all is as part of the light in me now.

Then we have not yet crossed Kirsten, friend, with you.

May 11:

I dreamt of a lady being hospitalised with labour pains, to bring birth, something about two other doctors being closer to me, saying not yet, it was because of a virus, which now looks better, so I leave.

I dreamt of being in New York, working for Peter A. together with Paul, who films something wrong for a customer, I show them how to do it. Fair Insurance use a big part of their profits to buy a very big tree. When awake, I was told that they really used Niklas in New York to start their New World, but I am coming in with all as last, thus lifting all.

I am told that Søren Pind was thrown out of politics in 2018, leaving immediately, without a notice, which was strange. He was only used to lead the force through to Russia, being an opportunist.

Opposite pyramid, building the most important as last, I am the crown on the works.

My father and his mother have always been in me, helping me to bring the sand through the hourglass, which I am told while now watching the final of the Eurovision Song Contest, which the Danish contribution song “Sand” did not qualify to, which makes me wonder why because it clearly is a good song with a good melody and refrain, which is far better than many other songs in my ears, which do not have a melody like the Danish. To me, there are too many computer made robot-like songs with too monotonous beats and too few and original songs made by hand, played on true instruments and sung in national languages, which sadly has become much less important than it was.

The contest included satanic, (crazy) non-binary acts (there are two gender!) and dirty songs too, which was really ugly to look at. Too many songs show that we have lost the good song and given up to sound and show effects including exaggerated performance as the audience react on instead of bringing a good melody like the Danish. This is darkness self, too many songs sound more or less like the same, which you cannot remember after hearing them, with few exceptions. Some were really poor and awful, but still in the final.

The winner was Switzerland with the song “The Code”, performed by the Swiss singer Nemo, which includes the lyrics “I’m done playing the game, I’ll break out of the chains”, “ I went to Hell and back, To find myself on track, I broke the code, …, Now I found paradise”, which was really about what I have done, going through Hell to bring out life and energy including my new self, Jesus, from darkness of man, I broke the code, now I found paradise, this is what it is really about, and the singer Nemo is to me about “Nemoland” at the Freetown of Christiania, Copenhagen, where I will see two concerts this summer, which is about bringing true freedom to all life :-).

My father and his mother, part of Jesus coming to me. Notice from your father’s side, not your mother’s, you were sent as father to bring all of mother home. It is the father side here that you bring out and home as the last, after bringing all of mother home first.

You also never asked “please”, for us to lift the pressure on you, to spare your life.

Crying at the discoteque, which is the song with Sophie Ellis-Bextor and here about Medina’s disco ball as symbol of our New World :-).

Here is more of Dan J., the freedom fighter, about the Eurovision Song Contest, bringing more fear to people,” it is going to get much worse”, thus releasing more energy to me, it is only a game now, doing wrong to do right to help me. He says that we enter a Satanic age, ruled by the Beast, using the Bible as his witness of truth.

So all pigs, treating me wrongly, bringing me the worst sufferings, were directed by my father here, but they had free will to decide, and my role as Stig to bring them out of their misery.

You are looking directly into the sea of light, being the very last darkness, this is what I will see when opened. Publishing my next script of freedom fighters working for the wrong side in a couple of days is part of this last and worst darkness of all.

This is really to say that it was the dark side with Sanna and Hans controlling this movement, to deliberately fool people to bring their support to the wrong side, which would kill them and enslave the rest.

They were this close to stop you, they brought the people against you, believing they were fighting for true freedom, but they did the opposite, being fooled. This is then also the end of the tube of darkness of Thea into you, emptying you, draining you from energy.

The freedom movement were apparently fighting to save the world, but it was corrupt and was really working to bring people with them, supporting the wrong side that could have brought down the world including me.

All was controlled from the top here as part of the plan to bring you enough darkness to absorb to save the world, so doing it wrong for all the wrong reasons was the only way to do right, to save all.

Nemo means nothing, now everything. And the Freetown of Christiania have finally been able to throw out darkness of pushers working from “Pusher Street” inside Christiania.

Have we already covered what was lost before your arrival, remember you come as last, I feel a big surprise is coming. We have slowly implanted all of your wishes to our New World with energy that you brought, thus giving the best result. Darkness now given strongly is to bring yourself in. You have just backed a full lorry in.

So it is your mother bringing your father home, which is why we have had you playing the role of mother, not having father in you, looking for father, i.e. Jesus, to save and become your new self.

At the same time, you were also the father side in you, so it was one side of you bringing out the other side of you, with watertight shutters. My awakened self as Stig was as light, or mother saving father of darkness as we placed in Sanna’s awakened mind, supporting Hans and the world in darkness.

So you were the new creation in light that was given the task to locate and dig out the old creation and the Creator self, which was not meant to succeed, but what you did not know about, did not stop you, you just went on, one second, day, month and year at a time.

Sadly Karen was your enemy as you were going to get, which is life of father, mother was only temporary creation, but not founded when father was not in light, which was the reason for always crashing, only when bringing life of father via Karen, we could make all sustainable, and when now here, we can also save original life of mother, which took out even more of you to do.

It required you as Stig on the mother side to return home, the other side of darkness to locate yourself, where you were blind, and to defeat all of the world with Sanna and Hans in the lead, seeing all, and bringing all to you, which is what was impossible to do, but what you just did.

This is what took endless creations to do, improving every time, and you are now the last. Karen was not at all a new creation like your mother, just bigger and better, it was about you given the task to do the impossible, to bring a satisfactory part of me as father over from the dark side, which we did not tell you about, but the plan all along.

Is this how we have made the New World every time with Sanna as the rudder, having contact with me? Karen is your father turned around including your father, where mother was excluding your father, i.e. not perfect creation with Sanna and the world as intermediary.

I ordered a new Kenwood OneTouch foodprocessor to replace the one as darkness of Thea made me destroy, which then turned out as a another upgrade, a symbol of improved creation.

May 12:

I dreamt of meeting Benedikte and Helsingør Municipality, which use much money on film projects about how to do things better and projects as I am part of, to do it. I meet Søren Pind and ask him if it is about saving as much as possible to get a bigger minister car and career, also going against efficiency improvements.

You have just gone through the explosion inside of yourself, this is what have made you feel terrible the last approximately 10 days including today, where I am so tired that I can only work with difficulties.

I feel the Danish General Secretary of Save the Children, Johanne Schmidt-Nielsen, and I am told that they are used for the opposite of their purpose, which is to bring children for the elite to abuse, both raping and killing. The same way as freedom fighters are the opposite of their purpose, a game of the elite to bring people with them.

If you brought less than Jesus, the explosion would have come to life, dividing it, and if you did more as you did, it would be inside you, which we are now coming to the end of. It is here that we have saved all of the engine as I am shown on the ceiling of a house.

It is me, Jesus, coming through this explosion unharmed, which we also call the purgatory, now having returned home to you, my son, as he called me.

There are parts of the elite not believing in me, they form this explosion, i.e. the worst darkness as I could not release.

Yes, as Stig, I have always thought of the Source as father and Jesus as the son, not the opposite, but I have always been given Jesus as “my father”, which makes sense, when it was father being sent out as Jesus a I have now saved, being “nothing” as Stig, and Jesus as my new self, the father of the Source.

This is then the turn around of you. There have been people cursing at you, working for Sanna’s dream to bring their New World until the end, this is the darkness , impossible for me to bring out, that has returned home. This is connected to my new script of freedom fighters as you will publish tomorrow, this the worst darkness.

This is then also the worst darkness as Thea sent me yesterday, blocking me on Instagram and asking me not to publish our chat about her children yesterday, which I accepted, I understand her point of view today, but still would like to do, because it will be no problem for her in our New World, it only is as darkness hiding, yes, this is then darkness in her as I could not transform. Maybe you will find this “missing chat” one day?

You came to collect me, you were better than me, so we did not have to explode any of the world to bring me home.

Kim S. was decisive for how much you could turn around, he also brought some of his support to Sanna.

Notice that we got the force of Prince in place before doing this. This is what we brought from your father when visiting him in St Tropez in 1999, now becoming visible.

Now there is almost nothing left of me in your hall, I am now with you. We have to make you your new self before going to Stockholm, this is the start of your journey, absorbing all life of father. This is then also all of Sanna you are receiving, as I was hidden in, following your father’s decision, and it comes with the emptying of Thea.

Karen is the other side of me, now I am myself on this side. It is then time for me to pack my suitcase as Jesus, it is finally time to head home to you, coming from the cold outside.

There was also parts of Sanna we never succeeded turning around. Now comes the most difficult part to turn around, the part of Sanna, which is about your mother, who cannot fully grasp the one as you really are, I am told something about people being the closest to me, having the biggest difficulties to understand me because “who is he, he is just Stig”.

I have been with you fully during the mission, bringing over myself to you more and more, this is now the last. This is then the diamond self, you.

The other side of me not coming sinks below water. And is not part of my visible self. This is the other side of Sanna returning to the Source. I am shown a flipping gold coin, then there is only one side here.

May 13:

I dreamed about receiving a compact disc as the police and everyone does everything they can to make sure that I don’t receive, to take away from me, they are very, very many with guns and weapons trying to stop me, to kill me, but I keep getting away from them, changing over from one side of the railway through the trains to the other side, they follow, and then inside a house, where they also follow, but I lose them and I now come through, just outside Østerport Station in Copenhagen, I just have to get to the station, but I see that it gets completely difficult from here, almost impossible.

I woke up and was given the lyrics “Could it be magic now” by Barry Manilow, and later by Take That, here together :-):

I dreamt of a big sale of men’s clothes with big discounts, I get a nice jacket and trousers, some clothes have burned, also for employees at the supermarket, all to be sold.

Then you may excuse me, I will have to change, is then when my voice from the other side will stop, releasing me from sufferings?

I am told that it was wrong when I decided not to see Thomas Blachman in concert again, he could have brought me more, so I was to blame for not bringing more over of me.

Still, I feel Thomas Blachman in me, is he the most famous example of life that will not live again, which we were not able to bring, it does not matter, his voice here says, I will live in you, I have found my place in you.

I worked all day to finalise my script of freedom fighters, which I will first publish tomorrow.

We also kept Karen in prison here. We are now penetrating you, which was impossible to do, bringing the light from outside to you. We are now finishing the trip outside, bringing all to you.

This brings all of Karen to you, which is the one you are here.

This comes with incredible love of Karen, knowing you have saved and bring life to all. We have all the newspapers, i.e. life, intact, made in the image of you, which is the most important. So far you have only stood to the door to me, father, i.e. Jesus, now you are coming in.

It is really Karen with all life overtaking all of the Source of me here, which we allow. Carpark North, i.e. darkness, I bring this with me, the unit bringing creation, bringing me sufferings.

The explosion as all were expecting was to bring me out. Only love of Karen, life wanting to live with you, would save all, which we managed them to turn over to do before they eliminated themselves, the same way as all previous creations, you are the only one, who succeeded going all the way, bringing all of me home.

So it was a terrible solo accident (for you), not for life, you did not survive as your old self, don’t worry, now you are me as your new self. We could not do this turn around without you following Masterchef Australia daily. I loved seeing the French chef, Jean-Christophe Novelli, one of the judges this year, singing “La Vie en Rose” in today’s episode, the only problem is that I cannot taste these fine dishes, I an only see them, so will please send some to me :-).

It is not without importance what you do now, bringing in the last, that is to still do my best work. Your litmus test was to do this script with freedom fighters, almost giving up doing it, feeling poorly, having much to do, taking time to do it.

Karen could not recognize you, contact you, which would blow the last creation, turning around my way, had to bring me darkness, so how many are waiting to see you, yes, including old friends, who would not see you before, but probably after opening up, removing this restriction.

Karen has wanted so many times to have sex with you, but that would have risked all, we had to work from each side, and no, you were never tempted to contact her after your visit last year to Schloss Johannisberg , which is what Sanna and Hans and all wanted you to do, you knew you had much more to do, we are so proud of you.

The Colonel is also here, first now Elvis will come back in, only if you made it all through here, he would stand waiting for you. This is also my favourite album by Elvis :-).

We will first bring all out, when you will visit Arthur Findlay College again, they are waiting on you.

You are returning home in triumph, all are waiting on you here.

It was really Karen creating you, when they wanted to live in me, otherwise there would be no life.

Then I was without internet for one hour, the longest for a long time, I am told that I am not done yet, yes, darkness making it.

Jean Michel Jarre did another spectacular concert, “Bridge from the Future”, which to me is about connecting with our New World coming to us from the future. I am told that when rock was born, he was a pioneer in electronic music, I feel helping to bring the birth of me.

Still, you are all force and Karen is all life.

I was sad to hear the news of the passing of David Sanborn, whom I saw live in Helsingør two years ago.

These are commemorative words of Lisa Nilsson, Niels Lan and Chris Minh Doky and Peter Asplund.

I am told that Sanborn sacrificed his life, was he one of the main people bringing you too, yes, in 2022 with the Doky brothers, having played with very many top artists of the world, being on top of the world.

May 14:

We have used most of the night packing the last, I was kept awake until 05.00 again.

I dreamt about my pay in the bank being 3-4 days late, I make another bank calling for me to my bank, to be allowed to withdraw, I am driving a BMW 2002, which is a good feeling, I may by one used.

I dreamt about the High Fidelity magazine doing an article on visiting, which includes pictures of my stereo and a long article, I will now buy an Ortofon cartridge.

I woke up to the lyrics “love in your eyes” by George Michael from “Fastlove”, which is normally a song of darkness given to me, I have received it often, but only brought it few times here.

I published my script of March 12 about freedom fighters. This is the same as opening a bucket of stools inside out, i.e. bringing me the last way out. Yes, it was a nightmare writing this script, feeling poorly, having much to write, being incredible close to giving up, to stop working. Now you are breaking down Flemming Blicher’s power, coming over to you.

I am told that he and they now feel ashamed for what they did, who does not, I feel Karen, and that is all, who were betting on the wrong side, the wrong horse.

What if the reptiles asked Karen to have sex with you, a condition to bring the New World, they were almost sending her to you, yes, they all had difficulties on their side to know if they were told the truth or deceived, and the more when you were winning, where you as consequence yourself received less deception.

They tried to bring Elvis in as darkness, still via the back road to you. They controlled the world as darkness, which they tried to hold on to this way, yes, David Icke was one of them, appearing as a man of freedom, but really the worst darkness self, being the one as he spoke against, bringing very many with him, controlling their energy as he also tried doing with me.

They were working in Karen, really to bring me, I am given the blink of an eye, yes, all was their game. It was my father standing behind the reptiles, making them deliberately play darkness, thus David Icke too as very few saw.

Now you don’t have to do anything, they have taken care of your turn around, i.e. freedom fighters.

Now I am logged out of my Scribd account, bringing me new cold sweat, I have more than 100 documents there, which is probably darkness of these freedom fighters coming after publishing y script on them. I was also logged out on my TV and also the DR app, but after some time, I was let in again.

Welcome here, where father is, that is Jesus, this is where we bring creation. It is now your mother we release you from, being connected with.

Chats with Thea:




Thea: I believe in my pyramid, the black pyramid is white. It is black but white, so what does that mean? Why have I drawn a black one when it is really white? I believe we are light, not darkness.
Stig: We come from darkness and become infinite life in the light, we have transferred your child, thus the strongest concentration of God’s energy itself, to new life in the light, because you opened your heart to me.
Stig: We are now entering the end of the creation of all new life and our new world, which you can read about in my upcoming writings. There is not much time left, maybe a year, I don’t know myself.
Thea: I do a lot of grounding and healing. Busy with energy attacks to fight against. I have done much wrong and I am trying to find myself in everything. I am not evil or dark.
I also feel that something will happen soon. What is happening to me in general? A lot of people don’t want to join me, I feel. Why? So much anger towards me. In energy.
Stig: You have been taken over by dark energy, which has made you believe and do wrong, but we are about to release this dark energy, so that you can show your true and good self even more strongly to everyone. You are of course also saved and part of our new life and world, to which you have brought much, it is the father’s life, not the mother’s, to whom you have given life, which will come to everyone in our new world. There is no need to worry, everything will be fine, it starts now, slowly going the right way.
Thea: I am not Lucifer or Satan, but they try to turn me on, even though I look at him with love. Stig: It is only illusions that are given to you now, Thea, that you can reject. No need to worry.
Thea: Ok, but they wage spiritual war against me all the time. Stig: Yes, it’s still hard, it is part of the game to bring everything out of us, it’s slowly getting better.
Thea: Ok, I don’t get it myself, they are trying to get me down to a low frequency with fear and anxiety.
Stig: Be strong, always do the right thing, never give up, I do that myself every single second and have done for 20 years, it is the only way out of this dark energy that we are now almost out of.
Thea: Yes, I am strong, therefore all energies are on me trying to bring my frequency down
Thea: And fearless. Stig: Like that. Thea: Yes. Haha. Been so much.



Thea asked me not to publish our chat about her 11 year old boy who was taken from her and is not well and she decided to keep me off her Instagram
Stig: She has shut me out because we have now closed the access here, which is no longer being brought from the Source over to me to be transformed into light, as this symbolizes.
Thea: I have read some of your texts that I have been irresponsible and only listened to myself. You wrote that I had brought out your worst sides? I am sorry about that. It was not my intention
Stig: Thank you, Thea, it is strong, negative energy that has worked in you, that has affected you negatively. You will gradually understand more and show more of your true self. Have a good day 🌞.
Thea: I haven’t realized that I was selfish. You wrote that it was about to destroy the world and my child. I want to work to be part of the new. I was stuck in the old energy, I feel it now
Stig: This is how dark/negative energy works, which we are now starting to remove, we have finished transferring from darkness to light, and will now build me up as the father, as the light that brings life.
Thea: I have removed a lot of energy from myself, also healing to remove the big attack, I had to open my heart again, they tried to shut it down, and a lot of other things
Stig: My new self will now open up in me and remove my sufferings, which I also hope you will feel positively, but I don’t know yet, I will keep you informed.
Thea: It’s great, I’ve done a lot of grounding and cleansing, changed my diet and habits etc. Also have to start training now. Stig: Good luck with your new life. Thea: Thank you very much.

You can read all of our correspondence (in Danish/Swedish) in this document.


2021: Thea ignited the God particle in me, releasing all new life, opening to our New World, she is mother of our New World made in darkness, turned around to become our New World inside light

January 2024: Thea helps awakening God in me, the elite hid my energy in her, she is part of my spiritual mother, life itself, which we transform from darkness to light, she is part of Karen in light

February 2024: Thea’s child is part of our New World, it only survives because she chose the light, love over hate, Jesus is Lucifer, who brought life into the darkness, he is now with me in the light

March 2024: Thea carries the child of darkness, which would not survive without her faith in me, faith of musicians in me strengthens her faith, opens to the Source in me, she has accepted Jesus

April 2024: Sanna and the worst darkness was hidden in Thea, we transfer most of Karen from Thea to me, she brought life into my light, integrates Karen into me and opens to my higher self

May 2024: We have released all life from Thea into the light, I have turned around in her, my evil spirit, Alpha Omega, is now part of me, I have opened the black including Jesus and Thea’s child


About Stig Dragholm

I am a writer transmitting the words of the Trinity - God, the Son and the Holy Spirit of the Universe. Please read my website showing the road to our New World of love, joy and happiness. Born: May 3, 1966.
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