April 2024 – II: We have turned all light of God around, bringing the whole other side, all of my force, via Jim Kerr to Medina here and to Karen and all life everywhere, opening the black box of Father, bringing out our new creation

Summary of the script today

April 13, 2024:


This is the whole other side as you also have now as you will bring to Medina, via Jim Kerr, opening the black box to me as Thea led to, we use Karen’s and her love to build the New World from. Jack united the energy he stole from you with Thea, back with you, this used to be with Pernille Vermund, anchored with the Danish parliament, Alex Vanopslagh opened up the Source to me. It is now all light of God we turn around tonight, I am shown God being escorted all the way up on the stairs from the bottom to the top, there is only a narrow entrance to bring all of me through. This is all power we transfer to you, we pressure all air out, to bring out the finest creation from my inner secret, coming out of your mother, where we are, which Jim Kerr stole from your mother. We bring this to Karen via Medina, we bring you in front of Jim here, i.e. the New World of my mother, thus to Karen and all, bringing God on your hands, now Karen comes to you. This is the real opening of the pyramid, strong light all over the inside is coming out, now all is mine, to expand all very much, working as the Father to bring out all that I can. The world cannot see the force you are now receiving, it is all about their faith for you to continue, now I see clearly on both of my eyes, now I have walked all the way up the stairs.

This is based on non life, the next higher level, no more separate creations, all is one big unit, this has a natural ability to expand, this is how creation looks like when we have removed darkness. Bettina died in 2015, she opened the Source to them, to monitor you, but she really opened them to me, it was really John and Bettina running it in here, their task was to bring me home. You have now added all of creation, it was you bringing all force for new creation, you are bringing out everything behind your mother, which is yourself, being out here alive as Stig, the Source of all. We have already filled up Medina with the gene as Kristoffer, Mette’s son, collected in Vietnam, connected with Niels Lan Doky, now only lacks you, she should then be fully able to give birth. We now pressure out Putin, Søren Pind is bringing this to you, he received access to me in the 1980’s, he was a traitor for long, really working for Putin, believing he was the strongest. Søren Pind with Putin was their main cut into you, now I take over all, they believed they received access to all of the Sphinx in me, but we did the opposite, turning all of them around to my side. When Søren Pind stands here, it is the same as Putin being here, he works in Søren, the gene that controls Sanna and Hans is in USA, the gene trunk as Putin & co. used to empty you.

All was a game, turning them around instead, Søren was part of this, it was opened from USA to Russia on top with Sanna and Hans, this rules the world as you will get back from Obama in USA. It was really us monitoring them, allowing them to believe that only they monitored all via this trunk into the Source of you, now this is out, Søren’s part, a vital part, Sanna is with Søren. Søren Pind was involved when placing energy of the elite in Thea, he was the real spy, controlling you for the Russians, together with Hans, a Pharisee, eliminating and running away with all of you. Søren Pind wanted to be everything, his ambitions had no ends, he also believed he was the one, not me, Hans was in close cooperation with Søren to break you down. This is the very beginning of creation on the other side, this is the first grain of all, they have inserted their own clone of life here, a new force as we will use as the New World of Karen. I have now transformed into something completely different, all of the knife (of creation) is home with me, it is the greatest restart of a world that never was before, starting our new creation. I am delivering the force to Medina as I have obtained, this is the first time they see you as God over all, I am bringing my water, force of the Source, to Medina, she knows that you come as God.

We are bringing the final part of your mother home via Medina, all power is now in me, which will be spread via the new creation of Medina to all, now the swastika is turned the right way. It is all of Bob Marley, nothingness, we bring out, then you are also not here anymore, all power has now been transferred from me to Medina, to start all, I have implemented Karen everywhere. Thomas Helmig also believed he was the only one, he brings on the overcoat on Medina, it is from his speaker that we jump out, you don’t get into respirator because of him, changing over to you.


This is the whole other side, never meant to be, but to bring you, as you also have, Jim Kerr, Simple Minds, will help you come through, to bring all of this to Medina, opening the black box to me. Thea led to it when going through all, absolutely nothing can prepare you on what is inside here for you, it is like having a complete layer cake with this instead of only one small grain in it. Thea was the other side of Karen, she loved Jesus in darkness as Lucifer and still has a strong love for you in light, it is her love, i.e. both of Karen and Thea that we build the New World from. Jack united the energy he stole from you with Thea, back with you, this is then what used to be with Pernille Vermund, it had to be anchored with the Danish parliament. This is based on non life, the next higher level as we are now implanting, Alex Vanopslagh opened up to all of the Source to me, his energy will help save me at the Simple Minds concert tonight. Now all of our New World is soon falling out to you, it is now all light of God we turn around this evening, I am shown God being escorted all the way up on the stairs from the bottom to the top. There is only a narrow entrance to bring all of me through tonight, we could first do this after Bob Marley, becoming nothing, to bring all of me through, this is then all power we transfer to you.

Now we pressure all air out, to bring out the finest creation from my inner secret, coming directly from Israel, coming out of your mother, where we are, this is what Jim Kerr stole from your mother. We bring this to Karen via Medina, Jim knew this did not belong to him, making it his mission to find you, he will finally bring this to you, sharing it with Hans for long, believing he was the one. We bring you in front of Jim here, i.e. the New World of my mother, thus to Karen and all, the New World of Karen would not really work, Jim is not intended to bring force from mother, I am. We made Jim believe he was running the world, which he was, but he delegated it to Hans, you are getting God on your hands, this is the last power in Sanna as Hans still believed she had. Now Karen comes to you, she is a variety of mother, digging deeper, it is first now the real opening of the pyramid, which I am shown opening, with strong light all over the inside coming out. Now all is mine, to expand all very much, working as the Father to bring out all that I can, a spaceship was flying outside, I was told that “Jim is now not Commander-in-chief anymore. The passenger jet is completely empty inside, the world cannot see the force you are now receiving, it is all about their faith for you to continue, now I see clearly on both of my eyes.

Now I have walked all the way up the stairs, this was the first serious cut into Klondike with Jim, to show the true Statue of Liberty for the first time ever, an old schooner inside overtakes all creation. No more separate creations, all is one big unit, this has a natural ability to expand, I am shown glass bowls expanding, this is how creation looks like when we have removed darkness. Jim felt cheated, being with your mother, not knowing what it meant, they made him believe that all was coming from Sanna, this then also releases all of Sanna, and also Steffen, Jack’s brother. Bettina turned around to my side before she died in 2015, she opened the Source to them, to monitor you, but she really opened them to me, it was really John and Bettina running it in here. Hans believed he received orders from “the great unknown”, but really from me via them, Bettina and John played the game to Sanna, Hans & co., their task was to bring me home. You have now added all of creation, this is what you are now receiving, Hans was hoping to keep all invisible force with him, Karen is this force as they believed they were pulling out of you. It was you bringing all force for new creation, you are bringing out everything behind your mother, which is yourself, being out here alive as Stig, the Source of all, which was never in Hans and them.

Come out of darkness, which is all force of me, which you will do when finishing the turn around to light, and we then cut you off then, Karen was never in danger, but always secure in you. John and Bettina managed you from here, you are everything behind your mother, they were not, we made Hans believe he was all, Sanna did not come out of here, thus being fake. You are bringing all safe into harbour, you were the Lord of the Rings as they were all fighting for, trying to eliminate you, which could not be done because eliminating me is to eliminate yourselves. Kristoffer stands all over at the Medina concert tomorrow, we have already filled up Medina with all that he collected in Vietnam, now only lacks you, she should then be fully able to give birth. We now pressure out Putin once and for all from us, it is somehow Søren Pind bringing this to you, which is because he was a traitor for long, really working for Putin, believing he was the strongest. Søren Pind told Putin “I know the way into Stig and his mother, I got access in the 1980’s”, when we met at Helsingør Commercial School, to start up a local youth branch of the Liberal Party. This is also a main part of turning around, Søren Pind with Putin was their main cut into you, now I take over all, this is how they believed they received access to all of the Sphinx in me.

We did the opposite, turning all of them around to my side, also not least after Kristoffer, Mette’s son, brought home the part of the gene from his trip to Vietnam, connected with Niels Lan Doky. When Søren Pind stands here, it is the same as Putin being here, he works in Søren, they represent the same standpoints right until today, we have now been down into the bottom toolbox with him. The gene that controls Sanna and Hans is in USA, but then it was in you, the gene trunk as Putin & co. used to empty you, all was a game, turning them around instead, Søren was part of this. It was opened from USA to Russia on top with Sanna and Hans, this rules the world as you will get back from Obama in Washington, USA, as your property, Hans believed this is his property. It was really us monitoring them, allowing them to believe that only they monitored all via this trunk into the Source of you, now this is out, Søren’s part, a vital part, Sanna is with Søren. Søren Pind was also involved when placing energy of the elite in Thea, he was the real spy as they hired, Søren controlled you for the Russians, well, wasn’t it Hans, I feel them together. Søren Pind was a Pharisee, he was part of the plan to turn you into a corpse, running away with all of you together with the East, I feel them, they used Tobias to get to you.

Søren wanted to be everything, his ambitions had no ends, he also believed he was the one, not me, Hans was in close cooperation with Søren to break you down. This is the very beginning of creation on the other side, this is the first grain of all, they have inserted their own clone of life here, a new force as we will use as the New World of Karen. We allowed them to replace all in me, putting their life in here, not only my mother’s, I have now transformed into something completely different, all of the knife (of creation) is home with me. It is the greatest restart of a world that never was before, you are the amplifier as they need to finish creation, starting our new creation, delivering the force to Medina as you have obtained. This is the first time they see you as God over all, now you come as one lamp only, I am bringing my water, i.e. force of the Source, to Medina, she knows that you come as God. We will do one more turn around tonight, bringing the final part of your mother home, via Medina, all power is now in me, which will be spread via the new creation of Medina to all. Now the swastika is turned the right way, all enigma codes are broken, dinner is secure, no explosive power remains to be burned off first, you are a sensation to the world doing this.

All is driven by Medina being madly in love with you, she is like an Ophelia to you, bringing all to me, it is all of Bob Marley, nothingness, we bring out tonight, then you are also not here anymore. Medina at her concert: “You make me free, I make you free, to be you”, “Welcome to Medina – welcome to my world”, Medina is mother of our New World here, Karen is mother of all creation. Medina symbolically thanked me for coming, bringing all life to her, for her to bring our New World here including all of her love, making all strong, free and happy together 🙂. All power has now been transferred (from me to Medina, to start all), a huge disco ball came down to Medina from above, which she held up, “Welcome to Medina – welcome to my new world” 🙂. Thomas Helmig was one of the closest to let this NOT happen, he also believed he was the only one, he brings on the overcoat on Medina, all of this would have been of no use without him. It is from his speaker that we jump out, you don’t get into respirator because of him, because he decided to change over to you, he believed for long that “Stig is crazy, I (he) am with his sister”. Now it is up to them to bring out creation, I have transferred all to them, Medina now knows that she has received all that she needs from you, I have now been pulled down from the cross.

It was the high game of Thea we played with, you have implemented Karen with all, not only here, but everywhere, at home, I kept on receiving pain and cramps to my left leg and foot.

April 2024 – II: We have turned all light of God around, bringing the whole other side, all of my force, via Jim Kerr to Medina here and to Karen and all life everywhere, opening the black box of Father, bringing out our new creation

We have turned all light of God around, bringing the whole other side, all of my force, via Jim Kerr to Medina here and to Karen and all life everywhere, opening the black box of Father, bringing out our new creation

April 7:

I was given the lyrics by Dodo “For der er intet der si’r stop nu” (“Because there is no stopping now”).

There were two flamethrowers, Karen and Thea.

I was then given the lyrics by Henning Stærk “She was a sweetheart, If there ever was one”, Thea.

This was the other side led by Jack, which was never meant to be, which we now also have.

This is what Jim Kerr from Simple Minds will help you come through more than anyone and then we bring all of this to Medina at the end of next week. This is the whole other side that was meant to bring you as you also bring.

I feel Helsingør Library that opened the black box to me, it was Thea leading to it, when going through all, which you did not want to do yourself, only me (my voice), your own side inside the box that made you do it.

There is nothing, absolutely nothing that can prepare you on what is inside here for you I am shown a river and then the largest and most beautiful houses along it, i.e. new creations.

It is like having a complete layer cake with this instead of only one small grain in it.

Thea was the other side of Karen, so really the same, which means that she also has a strong love for you, but is not allowed to show it. She is really my true love when turned around, now not loving Jack anymore, but you, now understanding that they were cheating her, so they were darkness, evil, and you light gold, not the opposite. She loved Jesus in darkness as Lucifer and still does as you in light. It is her love, i.e. both of Karen and Thea that we build the New World from.

No US magazines without this, their acceptance of you was under condition that you overtook this power that obviously controlled the world.

Did Thea finally in the end see that what you offered her and the world was so much better than what Jack and then could bring together?

I am told that I was given tooth pain because this creation is installed backwards.

Thea is about to lose it, she cannot control her own life after she was spiritually opened some years ago, with the risk of her children being taken away from her, also being unable to read me despite of the importance of doing it, and then I will publish my paper on her, which is the opposite of her strong desire to hide away, will this break her down, I can only believe that my spiritual mother as I feel here will help her through.

It was your energy as Jack had stolen from you, which he united with Thea, back with you. This is then what used to be with Pernille Vermund, it had to be anchored with the Danish parliament.

April 8:

I felt Alex Vanopslagh, the leader of the Liberal Alliance, whom I met the other day at the library, opening all of the Source up to me. The energy from Alex as I felt all morning will help save you tonight at the Simple Minds concert. I am given strong heartburn. Alex knew this is what he was doing, bringing you energy from spare reserve. As you have opened to via Thea.
Since Easter, they have calculated on when to kill you, now giving you this, so they are also responsible for your survival.
Now all of Karen (our New World) is soon falling out to you. If the world did not do this, there would not be time for Electric Light Orchestra. It is now all light of God we turn around this evening. I am shown God being escorted all the way up on the stairs from the bottom to the top.

I am not the business manager without this. Cine camera, there is only a narrow entrance to bring all of me through tonight. We could first do this after Marley, becoming nothing, to bring all of me through.

Jim Kerr from Simple Minds would also have played the Culture Yard in Helsingør if necessary to be close to your mother.

This is on condition you make it to Kensington Palace again and do your trips later this year. Now we pressure all air out of you and everyone as we should have done a long time ago.

This is connected with Djokovic changing coach, we are closing him down.


I was then given the lyrics by Simple Minds “Come a long, long, Come a long, long way”, this is then all power we transfer to you.

Novak Djokovic is connected with Slobodan Miloševićie, Serbia, and genocide, in the name of what (?), well, freedom, or is it power, money and fame to you, which you cannot get enough of? I am reminded of Djokovic surprisingly speaking Chinese some months ago, i.e. being trump card in the world of sports, to draw as many to their side as possible.

“The war crimes trial of Slobodan Milošević, the former President of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) lasted for just over four years from 2002 until his death in 2006. Milošević faced 66 counts of crimes against humanity, genocide, and war crimes committed during the Yugoslav Wars of the 1990s.”


I feel Manchester City, now we start shooting their castles in the air down. They have incredible interests in sports too (darkness of man with Russia/China etc.), which I feel will dissolve.

Tonight is only to bring the finest Hi-Fi to you, so that I can bring out the finest creation. This is part of the inner secret that has never been out before. This is then what Israel brings me, it comes directly from there.

I arrived at the Fields shopping centre next to the Royal Arena in Copenhagen, where the concert tonight was to be hold. You are now out of your jurisdiction, first now.

Five Eiffel, then you also release me, I feel Kim Larsen (coming from out of the force of the Source).

The most incredible is that all of this is coming out of your mother because it is here that we are.

This is what Jim Kerr stole from your mother. We were a little confused then, it must be him then that they approved to come and get me.

This is then what we bring to Karen via Medina on Friday, April 12.

Simple minds are not just any band, what Jim Kerr has painstakingly been aware of, “this does not belong to me, but someone else”, thus making it his mission to find you, I feel him here, this is then what he will finally bring to you now.

This brought funny results, for example Thea believing she was it all. Only a small warning if you did not get this, this is the end, we already have the first from the previous Simple Minds concert here in 2022.

This is what Jim for long shared with Hans, believing he was the one and also that you had it from Sanna, not from me, Jim?

We have a few changes now, bringing you in front of Jim here too, i.e. the New World of my mother, thus to Karen and all, we now release you from responsibility after tonight, Jim.

The New World of Karen would not really work because Jim is not intended to bring force from mother, I am. We made Jim believe once he was running the world, which he was, but he also delegated it to Hans and what he believed was best.

I was told yesterday that Jim visited Helsingør, which was also to be close to my mother, bringing all really from her to me. On his own, I am told, “if i can get the map to work”, I feel him.

And I feel Medina & co., who are almost crying, knowing that it is God that you are getting on your hands. This is the last power in Sanna as Hans still believed she had.

The doors opened to Royal Arena at 18.00, where the support act Del Amitri would be on at 19.30 and Simple Minds at approx. 20.45. I went up front and stood in the 2nd row, directly in front of where Jim Kerr would stand.

I met Carsten there, whom I spoke to or it was more correct that he spoke to me, which he did 80% of the time, and I was really too tired to concentrate on all of the details of his experiences as he was speaking of, having met Mick Jagger and spoken to him in person in London etc.

They could not keep you down, Sanna and Hans, what New York was about. Barsebäck Nuclear Power Plant exploding, Jim was the most concerned about whether all would explode, we kept him concerned right until the end, “what if Stig does not make it to here before they start all new via New York”, well, of course I do, Jim. This is what you went to his home in Taormina, Sicily, last year to get.

Now Karen really comes to you, she is really a variety of mother, digging deeper. It is first now the real opening of the pyramid, which I am shown opening, with strong light all over the inside coming out.

The concert started and I received goosebumps from the very first second, which lasted the full two first songs – Waterfront and Love Song – which I have NEVER had before. This is just how strong this experience was tonight.

Simple Minds did a fantastic concert at KB Hallen in Copenhagen in 2022, but it was even better on all points today, lifting up what was already grandiose, to become spectacular, “the best ever concert to me” (together with others like Prince, Nick Cave and Arcade Fire), and it was because Simple Minds here played in a larger format at the Royal Arena, with bigger and fuller sound and picture too, they had beautiful graphics and lights tonight, and the band was truly on fire, all of them, doing a mind-blowing performance right there in front of my eyes, bringing all of their energy and strength into the songs, acting as if they were 30-40 years younger than they are, doing their first show, and not one in line of very many on this tour, it was simply MAGIC, which was also the experience of Jim as he later posted on Facebook.


I stood right in front of Jim and already during the first song, Waterfront, he looked at me more times when singing “Get in, get out of the rain”, “I want you now, I want you here” from “Waterfront”, which I understood for me to come out of darkness, showing myself to the world.

At 09.20 in my video, Jim looks at me again when singing (“In glory days that come and go) Some promised land” from “Love Song”, which is obviously about the New World as I bring you all :-).

You can see pictures of Jim’s signs to me from my Facebook post of the concert here:


I loved it when the band played early material in the beginning of the show, not only their biggest hits, but fan favourite songs, for example these two beautiful songs, which is part of their catalogue as I feel deeply inside my soul :-). Even though I loved the set list, all songs were more than 30 years old, where I would have liked them to replace 3-4 songs with songs from after 2000, where they have kept making beautiful and strong songs.


After the first three songs, Jim held a little speech, where he told us about the first visit of Simple Minds to Denmark in 1979, where they only played for 9-10 people, and he said that “something began that night, here we are, 9-10,000 people” and also “you will hear all the big songs, but first the shitty songs” (from the beginning of their career), which was symbolic to me about how we have gone through energy of darkness (symbolised by “shitty”) in order to save all life, which he helped doing when obtaining faith in me :-).

When they played “This Fear of Gods”, Jim showed a heart with his hands (like the heart in their logo, with the crown (of Jesus) on top as can also been seen on the cross of Jesus on the front cover of my favourite album “New Gold Dream”), and he ended the song by saying that “I need a painkiller” and he pointed at his back, obviously hurting, which was the same as mine, which was hurting me more tonight than ever before. And he then looked at me and bowed to me as God (which I will NOT accept anyone doing in our New World, treat me as a normal man), bringing me all force of the Source as he was controlling.


When they played “Let there be love”, I decided to send Jim a hand kiss, which I normally never do, but I decided to do it this one time tonight, which was because of just how much I loved this concert and their music and to show “the Kiss of Life” to the world, and Jim was kind to immediately return my kiss with his hand kiss and also a thumbs us, yes, “Let there be light, let there be life, let there be love”, can you feel it 🌞🌹🤴❤.

They played “Come a long way”, which was for the first time in more than 30 years, Jim said, so obviously it fitted in tonight (?), yes, I was given this song myself this morning without knowing that they would play it, and when Jim stood on the platform of the drummer, when Sarah Brown helped singing the last part of the song, I was told that “now all is mine” and again it is on condition that I do my coming trips to Rome, Sicily, UK, Holland/Belgium, Germany, Scandinavia and hopefully also New York/Washington and Kenya, to expand all very much, working as the Father to bring out all that I can. After the song, Jim said that it was a “a little bit of history”, yes, it truly was, now you know why :-).

On April 6, I wrote on Facebook “What do you think this New Gold Dream is really about? Well, maybe Jim Kerr will tell all to you soon. It is not a coincidence that this is part of my Top 3 albums of all time, I simply love it 🙂”. This is really about the reappearance of Christ to me, and at the end of this song tonight, Jim looked at me and said “Thank you”, yes, I have returned home and will soon show as my new self with our New World to all.


Belfast Child is clearly not only a live favourite song of mine, it is too all, everyone loves it and it received the greatest applause of the evening, and it was truly, immensely beautiful. Jim may explain his lyrics to you, but when he was looking at me and singing “come back Billy, won’t you come on home, come back Mary, you’ve been away to long”, I took it as Christ and my spirit mother, bringing all life, to show for the world, which we will when we have prepared all :-).

On March 31 I wrote on Facebook in the link below “I was given the lyrics “now he’s dead” from Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen, life goes on as Simple Minds sing in “Belfast Child” (will you look me deep into my eyes again, as you did in 2022, when singing this in Copenhagen in April this year, Jim?)”.

When we then reached the very end of this beautiful song, I was excited to see what Jim would do, and I was thinking “I wonder what he is thinking right now”, and he then sang the lyrics “life goes on” WITHOUT looking me into my eyes (!), which I first did not understand, but few seconds thereafter, he then looked me into my eyes, blinking with his eyes to show me with a smile “I got you” and he then pointed at me and said “you too”, which was then to bring the message that we have now also brought all of you out as Christ, which is the last that we saved, yes, which is what Jim was fearing until the end would explode in him, which is where we brought it out from, having received it from my mother long time ago, right Jim


When singing “Don’t You”, Jim looked at me when singing “We’ll win in the end”, which was to say that WE HAVE WON, i.e. the light defeated darkness, saving all. He then saw me singing “Will you call my name”, which made him look at me again, yes, “Don’t you forget about me – La, la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la”, I have practised the lyrics, so I could sing along together with 10,000 others with all that I had, Jim 🙂

The band was truly on fire tonight, all were showing that they still love to play live, bringing out all of their energy, spreading joy and happiness among all.

Jim is obviously a brilliant performer and singer too, Charlie is one of the truly great guitar players of the world, he may be somewhat underestimated, but notice his solos (for example in Belfast Child) and his fantastic touch and feeling when playing, and he was the one sending me the biggest SMILE today, which I loved seeing :-).

Cherisse Osei is playing the drums with so much passion, energy and joy that it lifts up the entire band and whole arena, I love seeing her play the drums hard and I really cannot think of any other drummer in rock music that I love seeing more, you are my favourite on drums, Cherisse :-).

Sarah Brown is a wonderful singer, having roots in Gospel and Soul music, and she brings much of the sound of Simple Minds with a beautiful, female voice, which is part of the trademark of the band. I love it. And I love the rest of you too, you all did fantastic tonight, for example the end bass notes of “See the lights”, yes, I saw it with my own eyes, it is truly beautiful :-).

Flower market, they all know that it is opening soon. They cannot understand that I don’t throw up blood and die, but I have decided to never give up as Stig, which is good enough for me, i.e. my voice, to keep me and the world up.

A marvellous concert ended, the most spectacular ever to me, I loved every second of it, it was even better than their 2022 concert here, the even bigger format, sound and beautiful graphics and light show this time around suits the band much, making this the best ever concert to me on level with Nick Cave and Arcade Fire, this is how great that it was, “truly spectacular”.

But I was really in much pain at the end, being completely maim, my back was killing me, after having stood up from 17.30 until 22.45, which my body is NOT designed for, I am more stiff than all other people, I believe, making me ache all over, being unable to bend down for my jacket on the floor, which I then had to ask Carsten to do for me.

While waiting on the concert to start, they had played many of my favourite songs from the beginning of the 1980’s (new wave, new romantics), and when the concert was now over, they played “God Only Knows” by Beach Boys and “What the world needs now is love” by Jackie DeShannon, yes, this is a “divine band” as you may understand, leaving this message to man that “God is now coming, bringing love to all, removing sufferings of darkness forever and ever” :-).



After the concert, Jim wrote here: “MAGICAL COPENHAGEN: “Under the roof of the Royal Arena, Simple Minds came face to face with possibly the perfect audience” – “It felt magical in Copenhagen last night!”


And also this one including fans praising their concerts, but so far not me, because I have not yet finished writing this “review” of your brilliant concert :-).


Cherisse brought this post, saying “Copenhagen you were amazing !! Loved every second of the gig and it was particularly special to play ‘Come A Long Way’ live for the first time.” And I told her that “We have come HOME, we have gone through the doors, it was a long, long way.”


And this too:


When walking the 10 minutes to the Vestamager Metro Station, there was a spaceship flying slowly above it, I felt it as coming from Star Wars, and I was told that “Jim is now not Commander-in-chief anymore”. Many people were walking this way but no one seemed to notice the spaceship, which is even though planes do not fly this way from the nearby airport and that it flew first in a straight then tilted position, then flew a little back, and and had irregular lights on it, making it show as a spaceship, not a plane, for people, who would care to look after.

On my way home, I was shown a passenger jet being completely empty inside, the problem is that the world cannot see the force you are now receiving, it is all about their faith for you to continue.

If I did not do this, we would open with bumps to start with in our New World, now we do not. I was told that I now see clearly on both of my eyes.

I had been thinking of staying overnight on the Next House Hostel in Copenhagen, knowing that there would be no bus home from Helsingør Station to my home this late on a Monday evening, but when I tried booking a bed there earlier today, “it did not want to accept my payment”, which was spiritual darkness again working against me, which made me decide that I would then take the train home from Copenhagen to Helsingør and hope to catch a taxi home from the station.

On the train, I downloaded two taxi apps and ordered taxi with the first one, but they did not have taxis in Helsingør, so I tried the other, which informed me that they would update me about the trip, but they never did, so when I saw no taxi at Helsingør Station at 00.45, I decided to walk the almost four kilometres home.

I was so tired that I regretted not having taken the hostel in Copenhagen, and I then received diarrhoea on the way, having to relieve myself not only once, but twice, on the way – which I could do unnoticed in a small strip of forest – and I received it the third time just when entering my apartment. And I then looked at my phone, seeing that the taxi company had called me (!), which I did not hear, having my phone on silent.

We have now removed this constraint (of Jim Kerr) too, then we can open to Jeff Lynne. Now I have walked all the way up the stairs.

I then watched my video of the concert at home, and when I saw “Waterfront”, I was given a very strong mark to the backside of my right lower leg, which is an old symbol of more force of the Source coming to me. And I was told that what I received from Tom Jones, seeing him twice in Tivoli in recent years, is nothing compared to this.

This was the first serious cut into Klondike with Jim. This is about showing the true Statue of Liberty for the first time ever, which I am shown coming up through the fog. I was shown and told that we found an old schooner inside this, which overtakes all creation.

This is based on non-life as we know it, they have moved on, up to the next discovery on a higher level. This is what we are now implanting.

I continued being given very strong marks to both the backside of my right, lower leg and also my right foot, which was so strong that it was giving me cramps and I had to quickly stand up and walk on my leg to avoid cramps. And it went on all night, forcing me to stay up despite of being very tired.

No more spaceships ever, i.e. separate creations, all is one big unit, having solved the challenges of having different development stages together. This has a natural ability to expand, I am shown several glass bowls, smaller to larger, expanding in size.

This is how creation looks like when we have removed darkness, it has been taken care of for us, knowing we would come here one day. It is not empty in here as we had feared, it is full of furniture.

Finally, at 05.00 I went to bed, being completely destroyed, and I was told to stay awake if I could in order to go deeper in this force, but no, never again, I cannot and will not do this now.

April 9:

I felt destroyed and had a headache today after the concert yesterday.

I was told that Jim also felt cheated, being with your mother, not knowing what it meant. Not least because they made him believe that all was coming from Sanna. This then also releases all of Sanna, I feel Jim Kerr and Medina. Steffen, Jack’s brother, is then also released from responsibility.

Bettina was completely decisive, being turned around to my side before she died in 2015. Bettina opened the Source to them, to monitor you, but I feel that she really opened them to me. It was really John and Bettina running it in here.

Hans believed he received orders from “the great unknown”, but really from me via them. It was Hans, who was the laughing stock to the world, not me.

The most well kept secret as Kim S. and and them knew. Bettina and John played game to Sanna and Hans & co., “of course we are with you”, but no, they changed over to me before they both died in2015, so they only had a short time to see me as the one I am, coming to them shortly before dying.

Bettina’s and John’s task was to bring me home. I am shown Bettina coming towards me, carrying an acrylic cube, nothing is in it.

April 10:

I dreamt of my father and Kirsten visiting my mother and I in Snekkersten in November, they were also here in October. It is not in my mother’s schedule, she cannot take it, but believe Sanna and I will make it work out. Later there is a party, my father brings me a coat including taxi money etc., there is almost 1,000 USD for me to use wisely. Party guests are VIP’s, part of the elite, I tell them that I am not, which surprises many, and also that I don’t agree with the system, I am working in my own system.

You have now added all of the Creation, complete madness.

Notice that Bettina is coming out with Simple Minds now. This is what Hans wanted to still hide when Grethe did not come at the recent family lunch. But since it really is in you, not him, there is nothing to worry about, this only shows his fake move. Grethe was supposed to never bring you this, this was Hans’ high game here at the end. This is what you are now receiving, I here receive the deepest heartburn ever, feeling like an ulcer.

Hans was seriously behind you, still this is what he decided to do, hoping to keep all invisible force with him as Sanna had promised him to manage, also after he was also with your mother.

I feel that Karen is this force, what makes her confused right until the end, “who is my true master, is it Hans bringing me or will Stig make it all the way to the top, through me and into him, digging all of him out, which is truly your own self”? Yes, not an easy game for her too.

Still, this is what he and they believed they were pulling out of you, trying to bring your old nightmare to bring all and to finish you. It is really Hans inside you, but we turned you so much around that it fooled all.

It was you bringing all force for new creation, not to them as you never gave in to, but here, in my heart. You are bringing out everything behind your mother, which is yourself, being out here alive as Stig, the Source of all, which was never in Hans and them, we only pretended it was.

Come out of darkness, i.e. one of the signs from the Simple Minds concert, which is then all force of me, which you will decide to do when finish the turning around to light and we then cut you off then, I feel that I am also all force not turned around, well, we will continue doing this forever right?

Karen was never in danger, but always secure in you, everything else was a game. We hired John and Bettina to manage you from here. You are everything behind your mother, they were not, it is as easy as that. We only made Hans believe he was all.

The difference is that Sanna did not come out of here, thus being fake. We made Sanna believe that the line went all the way up to here via Hans, or was it via Jack, yes, because she inherited it from your father, but no, this cannot be done for a part of creation, being God or whatever you believed you were, Sanna, or was it all life?

It is not as difficult as your mother believed, going through all of this with you bringing all safe into harbour. You were the Lord of the Rings as they were all fighting for, trying to eliminate you, which could not be done because eliminating me is to eliminate you.

I am reminded what I was told the other day, which is that the previous Prime Minister of Sweden (1946-69), Tage Erlander, was on our side.

April 11:

I dreamt of going to Roskilde to draw out 10 winners in a competition, where people bring a coupon from a magazine, they have to show a watch and the coupon, they can win thousands of kroner. The mail services are putting a cloth on the table, they take good time, I start opening to the 10 winners.

I dreamt of being in the Herning Shopping Centre with Shu-bi-dua except from Michael Hardinger, who is in Stockholm. I receive the best liquorice from Shu-bi-dua and two boys from Amager, I drive far after a Swedish lady, she is very touched being presented to Shu-bi-dua, which was played at her husband’s funeral, which is how it is all of the time with Shu-bi-dua.

I was told something about Putin in the night, somehow having raped my mother and me, which was an activity that easily held him up in nights. It is now him we pressure out once and for all from us.

I had to give everything I had yesterday to finish and publish my Simple Minds Facebook post, which I only did because I had promised to do it 1-2 days after the concert, and it was really bringing out more of me than I had, I had to go to my extreme level in order to do it, which is a level that I am normally careful about going to, because I know that it will completely destroy me, and this was the feeling I woke up with this morning, I was completely empty, I was feeling how can I ever catch up on my scripts, when I keep on being given much more work and much stronger sufferings than anticipated.

I felt strongly that I might give up because of this and then the next 1-2 hours I could only look through my computer screen, being unable to do anything at all, but I tried to do a little and then a little more and then I gradually came into the rhythm of doing some work, but this is really the worst imaginable feeling.

Does Kristoffer stand all over tomorrow night at the Medina concert, we have already filled up Medina with all that he collected in Vietnam, now only lacks you, she should then be fully able to give birth.

First today, my hurting back after the Simple Minds concert is almost back to normal, it has never been this strong before, and tomorrow I will do it again, I do wish that Medina would have no support band, prolonging my pain.

We also could not do this without you visiting your doctor after your fall Hanover, Germany, last year, to retrieve what they have stolen.

I went to the talkshow with Søren Pind from the Liberal Party and Nick Hækkerup from the Social Democratic Party, both former Justice Ministers, and the journalist Søren Kaster at the Culture Yard in Helsingør this evening.

It is somehow Søren Pind bringing this to you, which is because he was a traitor for long, really working for Putin, believing he was the strongest, “come on my man (Putin), I know the way into Stig and his mother, I got access that day in the 1980’s”, which is the day that we met at Helsingør Commercial School around 1985/86 to start up a local branch of the youth department of the Liberal Party.

This is also a main part of turning around, Søren with Putin was their main cut into you, now I take over all. This had to be close to Simple Minds. This is the only reason why Søren Pind and them come to Helsingør today.

This is how they believed they received access to all of the Sphinx in me, but we did the opposite, turning all of them around to my side, not opposite. Also not least after Kristoffer, Mette’s son, brought home his part from Vietnam.

The talkshow started, I sat in the middle, close to the stage, where they could clearly see me.

I was told that when Søren Pind stands here, it is the same as Putin being here, he works in Søren, they represent the same standpoints right until today.

Søren spoke about Nick Hækkerup’s grandfather, the famous Per Hækkerup, who was Foreign Minister in the 1960’s, and Søren laughed when saying that “he dumped the oil in the North Sea”, which was why they always hummed a certain melody, which Søren then also did here, and “oil” was given to him here to confirm himself being the worst darkness.

Søren was asked why he (suddenly) stopped in politics in 2018, which looked “very strange” to all, he spoke about the fight on power in the Liberal Party between Lars Løkke and Kristian Jensen being part of it.





And he spoke about “abused children still love their parents, like the Stockholm syndrome”, which was here about abusing children and stealing their souls and energy.

We have now been down into the bottom toolbox with Søren, it is not there, it is in USA, the gene that controls Sanna and Hans. Which President was illegal, I feel Obama, first later that he changed his mind, but then it was in you, the gene trunk as they, Putin with Sanna and Hans, used to empty you. But it was all a game, making them believing you were stronger than them, turning them around instead. Søren was part of this, but it was opened from USA to Russia on top with Sanna and Hans.

This is what is ruling the world as you will get in USA, what Hans believed he has as his property without Putin, fooling him, but I feel it was really us monitoring them, allowing them to believe that only they monitored all via this trunk into the Source of you.

Now this is out, Søren’s part, which is a vital part, now only the last part lacks in Washington, where you will meet Obama, asking him to bring it back to you as property? But we allow him in here in the future on behalf of mankind.

Søren and Nick spoke about stories in politics, clearly being very funny and interesting to themselves and the audience, who are all brainwashed by the system of politics today, it was deeply uninteresting to me, their dirty power games.

Nick Hækkerup always used to be “serious and correct” when he was interviewed for TV, here he was acting loosely and laughing at what was really not funny, showing himself as an immature man, swearing too much, I did not like what I saw, which was also the case with Søren, both of them taking themselves too seriously, thinking too much of themselves, using their time and minds on all of their intrigues, lies and dirty tricks, fighting for power, which they have as their every day, managing “confidential relations”, not being open and honest to all, which is pure hell to me.

Søren then received strong inspiration, standing up, dividing the audience in three parts, saying that you have to use all of your time as a candidate on those, who may vote on you, not on the two wings, and he then looked directly at me, sitting here in the middle, making me feel that you are using all of your time on me, Søren?

I had reduced light on my phone to the lowest possible to not disturb people around me when I wrote down notes during the talk, but after 40 minutes, it was still “too much” for a senior man sitting to the right of me, who told me that “the shine from your phone bothers me”, showing zero tolerance, which made me decide to stop writing down notes, and I could only think that if only he knew the importance of what I was writing down and what I might forget, when not writing own, he might have been able to accept me doing it, yes, an example of people showing no tolerance and here “the worst darkness” of Søren Pind coming against me.

Can it really be that Søren is a traitor, working for Russia undercover, the story is that he simply loves USA, having Ronald Reagan as his big idol, and Margaret Thatcher too.



Søren spoke about Lars Løkke, who is now Foreign Minister, saying that “he will be Foreign Minister for many years unless our Lord will call on him”, i.e. pass away, which was really symbolically about our New World soon starting. And he said “I am an optimist about world development”, looking at me more times, which was about what is really coming.

I felt Sanna with Søren, she is with him. Søren then spoke about a “worm that cannot stop gnawing in me”, which was about his life interest in politics, and he then spoke about Russia still having a low life expectancy on the contrary to Eastern Europe having experienced increased life expectancy, about the Russian economy being at the size of Italy, saying that they will go down, China will too, and he gave his full support to Ukraine, which seems to be the game you have followed, Søren, but now realizing that I am winning all.


The talkshow ended and I quickly went up to thank all three, Søren Pind, Nick Hækkerup and Søren Kaster, shaking their hands, telling them “thank you for the visit” and encouraging Søren to put on his uniform the next time that he comes, yes, just to say again that he is truly an eccentric man.

I thanked Søren Kaster as the last, and I stood on the edge of the small stage this evening, almost loosing my balance, when shortly speaking with him, I had to step down, which was also given as symbol of Søren Pind’s strong darkness against me, almost breaking me down.

When I came outside, a UFO on the sky was sending blinking lights to me, and I was told that it was yours that they photograph, i.e. bringing me alive as my new self.

Søren Pind was also involved when placing energy of the elite in Thea, Sweden. Søren was the real spy they hired. What do you do if they want to give you 10 million, when also believing they are clearly the strongest?

I was then given a poor taste in my mouth, having to spit out, so it was Søren, who controlled you for the Russians, well, wasn’t it Hans, I feel them together.

I am given the words by Ingeborg to Mads in Matador “you are a Pharisee, you are”, which is why Søren told a story about Matador and Anders Fogh Rasmussen, who planned his career steps since he was young.


Søren was part of the plan to turn you into a corpse, running away with all of you together with the East, I feel them. They used Tobias to get to you.

Søren Pind did not want to follow their plans with Kirsten, your father’s wife, he put down his foot, “I am not doing this”. This is because he wanted to be everything instead of Kirsten, his ambitions had no ends.

Hans was in close cooperation with Søren Pind to break you down. Søren brought you a very practical tool, Istanbul, as they also have on their side.

This is the very beginning of creation on the other side. This is the first grain of all, I was also given the Eiffel song of Kim Larsen, “Oh, to be a hen”, and I am told that Søren is one of them, believing that he was the one, not me.

And I might add that Søren Pind used to be part of the company Waterfront in the 1990’s together with Lars G., Lars L. and Lars P., one Liberal together with three arch Conservatives, yes, the Liberal Party was working for me, the Conservative against me, with Hans and Putin, just showing the world that you were the traitor, right, Søren?

April 12:

I dreamt of working, having few days left, there is no more work to do, I sit in one office, Preben in another, others come in to watch football, Preben is in risk of being dismissed because of poor sales results, I ask him to get inspired by the role model.

It is even more ugly in here, they have completely eradicated your mother and inserted their own clone of life here. It was rape of you during nights that killed your mother, but only if you allowed them to take control over you, which you never did.
I feel Karen, they tried bringing in a new force, which I feel we will use as the New World of Karen, and then we have now also saved the original mother.

They found out how to replace all in me. We allowed them in order to get to all in me, this is what almost killed me, doing this operation, changing all in me, putting their life in here, not only my mother’s.

This is what has always cost the life of your mother (in previous creations), but now we have returned and brought out everything from you. They had to do the same art, bringing creation as I did with your mother, to start the cycle of doing creations everywhere.

Grethe, this is what Hans with Søren Pind and more tried hiding from you, but we forced them forward, to bring all to me. This is what we mean, there is also a sofa (furniture is symbol of tools of creation) up on this higher level.

“Åh at være en høne” (“Oh, to be a hen”), this is how to become one.

Notice that you are doing the finishing touches to the Thea paper when seeing Medina tonight. It is basically all of her that we are pulling out and bringing as new creation here. Change of air, I have now transformed into something completely different. It is Jim Kerr from Simple Minds bringing it through me.

Bill Cosby has done nothing compared to the crimes of Søren Pind abusing children.

It all did because Sanna, Jim and all wanted it. Then all of the knife is home with me after it was lent out to Sanna and them.
Did I write yesterday that Kristoffer, Mette’s son, brought this gene home from Vietnam, which is also connected with Niels Lan Doky?

I feel Medina, it is the greatest restart of a world that never was before. This is the first time that I reach outside myself. You are the amplifier as they need to finish their creation, which I feel is about bringing this to Medina.

I am the father inside the Source and was the mother outside to attract new life, which is now done, we have brought all home including myself as mother/father.

On my way to Copenhagen and the Royal Arena to see Medina tonight, I was given the lyrics by Thomas Helmig “Vi er de eneste” (“We are the only ones”) and I was told “also secured”, which is about Thomas Helmig also coming to the concert this evening to sing his duet with Medina as I also saw them doing twice last year.


The football is running, which is what it is about tonight, I feel to start our new creation. There is no police, i.e. darkness, coming tonight, now it is only about delivering (to Medina) what you have obtained (force).

Now I can make a confession, I feel that I am not all of this darkness at all. This is the first time they see you as God over all. Now you come as one lamp only. I feel and I am shown that I am bringing my water, i.e. force of the Source, to Medina.

The ignition was hidden in Tenna (old colleague from Fair Insurance). This is the deathblow to Kirsten, my father’s widow, their freak creation, which is only because Jim Kerr wanted to, obtaining faith in me.

Michael Jackson is really the ignition, but we placed some in Tenna, close to you, which we will use tonight.

Medina knows that you come as God. Did Simple Minds, I feel both Jim and Charlie, meet with Medina this last week? It is really Medina and I being parents here.

Do you remember Valhalla Borgen in Tivoli, an amusement that closed down years ago, which I had an experience with maybe 20 years ago, when I was sitting on one bench at the end of the tour of the house, which not only swung forth and back, but this time it swung all the way around to my big surprise. It is one more of these that we will make tonight, bringing the final part of your mother home, via Medina.

Instead of Simple Minds bringing the power, it is now all in me, which will be spread via Medina to all.

If it was not for Tenna, there would be no all of this, all that you collected at Fair Insurance (2002-07), it required much courage of her to visit you approx. 5 years ago to buy one of my used items as I had for sale, where she pretended not to remember me, which was obviously a game that she played.

Jim Kerr placed the ground and you will collect all tonight. We are changing all from Kirsten as they did not get to work, to all of your new creation via Medina because of their faith.

George Lucas, let the star films begin tonight.

We can thank Ricky for not becoming you, he never took the role seriously, believing more in you over them, which was because of my emails over the years, which I also sent to him.

Madame Blavatsky was also me, turned around to the other side.
At 18.30, I arrived at the Royal Arena. The support band was to start at 20.00 and Medina at 21.00.

Still only middle speed, we have much more to bring (after tonight). Now the swastika is turned the right way. All enigma codes are broken. You are not just a rock singer, you are all of Jim Kerr and Medina.

Then dinner is secure. You are the Ford, where all prisoners were saved (the Shu-bi-dua video).

Now you are just an air bomb, no explosive power remains to be burned off first. You are not strong enough to carry all of this, they believed, but I am when the world helped me. You are a sensation to the world being able to do this.

When I was standing and waiting in the arena, I was approached by a lady asking me “didn’t you also stand right here at the Thomas Helmig concert last year, I saw you there”, which made me tell her that “I did and didn’t you speak to me then”, which she said that she might have – was it the same lady telling me then that she expects much of me, clearly knowing about me, it might have been – and we talked a little, she had brought her friend and two daughters, the youngest was only 10 years old, the other a little older, and it showed out that the husband of this lady was the guitar player of the band, and when I said “I wonder if Thomas Helmig also comes tonight”, they said that “four artists are coming as guests”, which made me say “well, you are the right people to stand with, you know all of the secrets”, but I had to guess who it was, and I guessed on Burhan G., which later showed out to be right, but I did not guess the other two.

The lady asked me if I had seen the cinema film with Medina a couple of years ago, which I have, and I told her that it was “strange” to see that the female stalker of Medina is a Facebook friend of mine, a lady from Tenerife, Spain, whom I met once at the Glyptoteket Museum in Copenhagen (she was living in Malmö then) before knowing that she was the stalker.

She asked me about what I like about Medina and I told her that Medina has great charisma both musically and personally, is respected by people like Anne Linnet and Sanne Salomonsen when speaking of her, has received more self-confidence as could be seen in the latest Top of the Pops on TV (which I do believe comes with calm from her family and the end of stalkers and also the media chasing her) and that she is a musical phenomenon (there is an incredible force in Medina and her songs, when played out loud to a big audience as tonight), not only for teenage girls, which seemed to be more than ¾ or the audience tonight, and as usual, I was one of few men and one of only very few men on my age here, I did not see others.

And I told them “you have to know Medina then, will you please say hi to her from me, we have never met personally, but she knows about me”, which they said that they would.

I was told that all is driven by Medina being madly in love with you. She is like an Ophelia to you, I feel her as a source, bringing all to me.


I received a quick out of this world pain to my right ankle and I was told that Thomas Helmig used to be against me, he is the last that we turn around.

It is all of Bob Marley, nothingness, we bring out tonight, then you are also not here anymore.

This is commissioned work, to bring you out, first Simple Minds four days ago, then Medina tonight, brought by Sanna, also including my meetings with politicians this last week.

Yesterday, I told Medina on Instagram that I was looking forward to seeing her again and that I would send her all of my smiles, “maybe you will smile back at me”?


Eventually, it became 21.00 and Medina came on, and she started with a recorded speech – “you make me free, I make you free …, to be you” and then came on live, playing a convincing and beautiful version of her “Velkommen til Medina – velkommen til min verden jeg har lavet til dig” (“Welcome to Medina – welcome to my world I have made for you”), yes, she is the mother of our New World here, the model we use for Karen, who is the mother of all creation everywhere.


This was the biggest and also best and most beautiful concert ever in Medina’s own name with 16,300 enthusiastic and incredible happy people in the audience tonight, who lifted Medina up on their hands, loving her, dancing and singing out loud to most of her songs. And nothing was saved in the production of this show, which included beautiful video clips, graphics, light show and effects, it was truly “the best ever”, showing Medina as not only a Danish, but international star :-).

Shortly before the concert started, a group of 4-5 had reached up and stood to the right and front of me, and out of all people I saw at the concert, enjoying it much, there was only one, who enjoyed it “too much”, being unable to control his wild dancing and swings with his arms, bumping constantly into me, and he stood right to the right of me (having a cap on as you can see in moments from my video), showing no consideration, being careless with everyone else but himself, which is also POOR BEHAVIOUR to me, and yes, he also bothered the girl standing in front of me. This took away some of the experience of the concert from me, having to look after this man, annoying and bothering me, and no, I decided to be “large”, not telling him off, which I really should have done, he was also looking provokingly on me to see if he could receive a reaction from me, but I decided to ignore him.

This is my Facebook post of the concert including pictures of Medina’s signs to me:


After 13:35 minutes in my video, Medina looks at me and then holds a little speech, being visible very touched, saying “I am so grateful that you are here (“you” as “you in person” rather than “all of you”), and I am so grateful that you (“in person”) are here with people that I care about (and she then kneels down as if she is speaking to and kneeling down to me, which Jim Kerr also did at the Simple Minds concert earlier this week, but I will NOT accept anyone kneeling down to me!), because when two people have been looking forward to something they are going to see, for example this concert with me, then it is my task to give you a really good memory, which is full of love, and my only intention tonight to send you home together with a feeling that you are stronger than when you came. A thousand thanks for you to be here with me and us tonight. (….) We shall party and have a good time and we shall be much freer on the other side”.

What Medina was really saying here – as far as I understood her – was “Thank you for coming, Stig, bringing all life to me, my task is to bring you this concert, here a symbol of our New World, including love, making you all strong, free and happy on the other side in our New World”, was it something like this that you really meant, Medina, and I am told to notice that she held her hand on her heart when saying it, which is a clear symbol of me ❤.

When Medina invited Burhan G. in to sing their old and big hit together “Mest Ondt” (“Hurts the most”), the audience went wild, singing along with the loudest as they got, and yes, it is truly a special feeling when all people of the Royal Arena united as one being, singing together as on on this beautiful song about “lost love”, missing it (as I am here told together with the feeling of myself being missed much by my spirit mother inside the Source), and at the end of the song, when they were singing “(what hurts the most is) when I am not yours anymore”, both Burhan G. and Medina looked at me, and Burhan was pointing up in the sky, maybe all the way into Heaven, Burhan?

After 38:40 in my video, Medina says in a recorded message “I make you free, you are free, you are free from all around, the only thing you have to do is to be you, thank you for being here, if you dare, then close your eyes now and let us be free together”.

After 1:01:10 in my video, Medina says “I have written a new song as I have never played before, for anyone, it is about, knowing of yourself, if you fall, you always rise again, it is a song I have written to you and us selves, and it is called “Kærlighed til mig” (“Love to me”). As you can see from my picture, Medina also looked at me here, and when she then sang the song, it was truly beautiful, and it was more than “just a song”, the video behind Medina showed the sea, and herself in the sea, which is a symbol of “Life Is”, i.e. Medina is life here, bringing love to all ❤.

And it showed WILD HORSES, which is an old symbol of the New World self to me, bringing all free. This was about Medina’s celebration to life self :-). After singing the song, Medina said “the power that I feel with this song, I hope, one day if you need it, that you will feel exactly the same way”, and yes, this was the force of the Source as she is feeling in her, my force in her :-).
And Medina then played my favourite song of hers, “Kl. 10” (Ten o’clock”), and during this, I received a cramp of few seconds to my left hand, which was here a symbol of force, and I was told that all power has now been transferred (from me to Medina, to start all), and it came right after you had finished your fine new song “Love to me”, Medina 💕

Medina played two of her biggest hits “For Altid” (Foever) and “Vi To” (We Two) together as one song, and again, all of the audience sang out with all they had in their lungs, and I was thinking of “Our Victory” again.

When she played “Lyser i mørke” (“Shine in darkness”), this is literally what she did, wearing some kind of “space suit” that shone up, when it was dark, bringing a strong visible symbol of my light in her, “shine the light on me”, yes, they did all SEE THE LIGHTS tonight, this was the GLITTERING PRICE, Jim :-).

Medina then invited “my dearest friend” as she said, Thomas Helmig, on stage, and then we received their fine duet and hit song “100 dage” (“100 days”) once again, they also did it twice last year when I was present.

The whole evening ended with Medina saying “today is the greatest day, I am so grateful for what you give, it means something and it makes a difference”, “I hope you have had a really good evening, I have, and this has only just begun (Stig: MUCH MORE is coming, a WHOLE NEW WORLD), thank you to you with all of my heart”, and she then did her biggest hit, “Kun for mig” (“Only for me”) as the last song, which more than 16,000 people then sang along with, giving all that we had.

Yes, Medina, you were WONDERFUL TONIGHT, I am sure that Clapton thinks the same, thank you for making it all the way through including this very strong and beautiful concert celebrating life tonight, I love you too, WE TWO are the parents of our New World here – helped by others 💕.

The concert lasted for more than two hours, which made Medina play all of her big hits and also some deeper cuts from her albums. Highlights included “Når intet er godt nok”, “Mest Ondt” (with Burhan G.), Det Smukkeste, Ensom, Større end os, Siger det ikk, Jalousi, Kærlighed til mig, Kl. 10, Synd for dig, For altid, Vi to, Lyser i mørke, 100 dage (with Thomas Helmig) and Kun for mig.



The concert ended, Medina had delivered her biggest, best and most beautiful concert ever, also receiving the strongest support from her fine band, management and production crew setting it up to the highest international standard.

This concert was 6 out of 6 stars in my book, “the best ever”, as it also was to most of the audience and professional reviewers – except from the very little and incredible pathetic Treo from Ekstra Bladet, who has thrown his absolutely worst dirt after Medina for years, showing the worst sexual discrimination and UGLY BEHAVIOUR, which has turned almost everyone against him, demanding that the newspaper removes him, “he is nothing worth as a reviewer”, but “the game goes on”, which is the same as life, “Life Goes On”, this is what Medina showed the world tonight :-).


I was told that Katrine is now also released, feeling this as my most inner, but not being told or recognizing who this is.

Thomas Helmig also loves you, but he was one of the closest to let this NOT happen, he also believed he was the only one.

Thomas brings on the overcoat on Medina, all of this would have been of no use without him. It is from his speaker that we jump out. You don’t get into respirator because of him, because he decided to change over to you.

He would receive a shock, opening his coat to light, realizing that “I (he) am not it, where is Stig”? He was part of the choir for a long time yelling “Stig is crazy, I (he) am with his sister”. All originated from his ambition to be all, well, who does not (except me)?

I received a short cramp to my right leg and I felt Medina, now it is up to them to bring out creation (having received my force).

On the Metro, on my way back from the Royal arena to Copenhagen Central Station, a group of people where inspired when singing “Buster” by Nanna including the lyrics “Buster ka’ noget, andre ikke kan, Han har nemlig lært at trylle, Engang bli’r han sikkert en, Stor og mægtig mand, Som hele verden vil hylde” (“Buster can do something as others cannot, because he has learned to conjure, one day he will probably be a great and powerful man, whom the whole world will pay tribute to”).


And it was followed up by “Sirenesangen” by Gasolin – one of most symbolic songs I have received over the years – and the lyrics “La’ os glemme glemme os selv, I de barmhjertige timer fra to til fem” (“Let us forget forget ourselves, In the merciful hours from two to five”) and also “er du blevet til ingenting?” (“Have you turned into nothing”).


Medina believed for a long time that the only way to receive your force would be to make love with you, but this would have ended all.

Reykjavik, volcano eruptions, this is what was about to happen, the world exploding from the inside, but we will now let it pass.

I feel Medina, she now knows that she has received all that she needs from you.

I have now been pulled down from the cross, I am shown myself on top of the Notre Dame, being lifted down from the cross there, entering a door on the roof that is formed as a heart, yes, as late as in 2019, the Notre Dame was very close to burn down, this is just how close we were to the end of the world because lack of faith then, the world was only held up with the outermost of the nails because I never gave up. Now the Notre Dame will rise again, being rebuilt, re-opening later this year, a sign of of our New World coming :-).



Now we have finished the turn around and no one noticed a thing, I am shown a pixy sitting on a bench like the one in the Valhalla Borgen in Tivoli, turning all the way around.

It was strong faith in you that let me avoid the Iceland eruption, which was my other alternative to do, to leave this world. Now you are completely empty, just being nothing, having transferred all to them so that you can work from here, to do what you are supposed to do, which is to develop new creation.
You were about to bring the whole world with you into the grave if they did not follow you, but as luck was, they all decided to do just that.

Iceland would have showed my force so that the world would be in no doubt that you are coming, but now we can hide this and continue the game, being undetected by the mainstream world.

This means that you have implemented Karen with all, not only here, but everywhere.

If we had played the Iceland scenario, it would have meant that you would die, this was the scenario still of Sanna and Hans with large parts of the world as i decided to go up against. It was the high game of Thea we played with, i.e. Iceland.

Janne, my old colleague from Fair Insurance, I have been given her name for days, I am now told that she was not as innocent as she looked like, when I worked there (2002-07), and why we were placed in the same big office for a few years together 5-6 others, she was their coordinator in their efforts in relation to me, which they were told to do by Sanna and Hans, right, Janne, but it was not easy doing when you saw me as both normal and natural via our talks, as others did too?

There was one coordinator with every employer, Nefer was it at Aon (195-1997), all appointed by Hans, working for Sanna. Can it be that Fair had a completely different agenda to support me via Peter A., the CEO, and Søren H., the sales director and my manager, as Sanna and Hans did not know about?

I slept for one hour only and was then awakened with a big pain to the backside of my left lower leg, we have then brought all over.

All of this and much more was written in the worst plan ever by Sanna and Hans and them, I was told later, again awakening suddenly with a big cramp to the backside of my left lower leg. I had slept maybe two hours and tried to sleep more, but I could not, I kept on receiving cramps now to my left foot, so I had to stand up.

Chats with Thea:



Stig: I haven’t seen you on Facebook in the last week or two, does this mean you have no energy? My story with Simple Minds, which sends me many signs, confirms the authenticity of me
Thea: I have been shutting down for a while. The solar eclipse was very strong as the light and darkness became one. Now I want to work from the inside. Need a break and take in the transformation I’m going through.
Stig: We are preparing the final details for the coming birth of our child, our new world, of which you are a part, Medina is also part of the mother, you are among some who are scattered all over the world.

You can read all of our correspondence (in Danish/Swedish) in this document.


2021: Thea ignited the God particle in me, releasing all new life, opening to our New World, she is mother of our New World made in darkness, turned around to become our New World inside light

January 2024: Thea helps awakening God in me, the elite hid my energy in her, she is part of my spiritual mother, life itself, which we transform from darkness to light, she is part of Karen in light

February 2024: Thea’s child is part of our New World, it only survives because she chose the light, love over hate, Jesus is Lucifer, who brought life into the darkness, he is now with me in the light

March 2024: Thea carries the child of darkness, which would not survive without her faith in me, faith of musicians in me strengthens her faith, opens to the Source in me, she has accepted Jesus

April 2024: Sanna and the worst darkness was hidden in Thea, we transfer most of Karen from Thea to me, she brought life into my light, integrates Karen into me and opens to my higher self

May 2024: We have released all life from Thea into the light, I have turned around in her, my evil spirit, Alpha Omega, is now part of me, I have opened the black including Jesus and Thea’s child



About Stig Dragholm

I am a writer transmitting the words of the Trinity - God, the Son and the Holy Spirit of the Universe. Please read my website showing the road to our New World of love, joy and happiness. Born: May 3, 1966.
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