April 2024 – III: The fire of Børsen, Copenhagen, was about pulling me out of creation and up here as the pure force bringing creation, this is the end of dark energy we could not bring as life, returning to the Source, bringing it as light in me

Summary of the script today

May 1, 2024:


I am all as the real Father on the level beneath nothing, a pure stream of force bringing life here, this is where all of us are, the original form of life and creation before inventing your kind of life. We will build a superstructure on top of all, bringing out life of father inside of me, this is life of God coming alive directly, bringing out trillion times more and stronger creation directly from me. “Børsen” in Copenhagen has burned, which is about bringing me out, Thea disconnecting to me, having received all of Thea as we could, we are pulling you out of creation and up here, to bring it. You have brought all of your mother with you here, this is where mother is father, Karen is home here, this is the end of Thea, the energy in her returning to the Source, bringing it as light in me. Børsen was burning because of Brian Mikkelsen, the CEO of the Danish Chamber of Commerce, this fire is the worst darkness, he was this, the end of it, what we could not bring out after Thea. This completes the turn around of Thea, there is now complete hole through after passing her, now Karen has direct access to me, we had never prepared to bring out this much of the Source. You are bringing alive all of Thea that was only meant to help bringing you, not to become life itself, you should have crashed, but carried the overload I gave you, also bringing out life of father.

We are attracting the universe to you, we are dressing you with the New World and a computer here to control all, now it is about bringing yourself out, more life of father coming on top of all. We are now lifting all up to you, to the father of all, instead of being Stig of mother, bringing force of the Source via Sanna connected to father, you are truly becoming father yourself here. King Carl Gustaf, Sweden, keeps the highest and most secret part of me, with this, they believed he ruled the world, he gave it to Putin, but it really belongs to me, I will get this in Stockholm. Stig is not really Jesus, Stig is now God of all as we bring to you for the first time ever, this is inside of you, never meant to be shown, you were only meant to be a new Jesus with a trunk into here. Everything in Thea that we did not save has returned home, we have done the final split up, you will continue bringing in what you can, but never again from what returned to me as the Source.


When you have now delivered all of nothing, Kirsten (friend) is all that remains, this is nothing but your father you are all as the father including this part that collected and united all. This is what we had placed in her, this part of me has been dead for a long time, you return to unite all, you are not only a sensation, no one has been here before, this is the force uniting all. This is the level beneath nothing, controlling all, this is where my real father is, this is the gene of me that planned all of the game, there would never be a New World of Karen without me. You are everything that is beneath here, when we had not even developed as nothing, this inner force is in all, we now have access for the first time, there is only a pure stream of force here. This comes from all cells to the centre of me, which we can use for anything, this place opens on basis of the greatest love of Karen to you, which led us all the way into here, behind nothing. All force comes from here, we intend to bring you much deeper in here, this is where all of us are, the original form of life and creation before inventing your kind of life, this is a sort of homecoming. I am this pure force as we have pricked a hole to, here I am Karen, as Stig, I am this pure force, now it is yourself that we turn around as the rest, we now release all of this inner force to the world.

The whole world has now seen you, we are going to build a superstructure on top of all, being the most beautiful of all, which is me that we are bringing out, also making life of father inside of me. It is life of father we bring on top of all, which is you, this is life of God coming alive directly, this makes it possible to bring out trillion of times more and stronger creation directly from me. Børsen” in Copenhagen has burned, which comes because of my coming Thea paper, this is about darkness that was about to destroy the world, Thea’s fear of what you will tell the world about her. This fire is about bringing me out, the fire is if Thea could cut you over, disconnecting to me, having received all of her as you could, now being lifted up here the rest of the way, now you are up here. This is how we are pulling you out of creation and up here, to bring it, it is from up here we can add incredible creation, then you are all the way home, but still add on to creation. This is when you are not your mother for the first time, this is where all of the game was designed, in principle, it is only you here, this is the same as crossing the goal line for you. Henriette, my girlfriend in 2005, is lifting you up here, this is Thea that we leave to come up here to the upper atmospheric layer, you have brought all of your mother, everything, with you up here.

This is where mother is father, the fire of Børsen, we used this energy of the Danish people, this national tragedy, to bring you up here, this means that Karen is home here, so it is really happiness. This is the end of Thea, now having gone through her, she could have burned you down if we did not do it correctly, we only brought you as much of our power via her as you could absorb. You are pulling out more of your mother of the Source via Thea, it was the most difficult to break through to her, the big reservoir of energy, where we were located as you did your best to open. This work makes your mother queen, not Thea, this was meant to be completely impossible for you to open, they had strongly made her believe you were the worst darkness. It was Sanna’s energy in Thea, to return as nothing of the Source, which we now bring as light in you, she really had returned as nothing to the Source, which is from where you brought her out. It is all of their dark energy that you have pulled out of the Source in you, after the separation, I am still here as all air, on contrary to creation. God has landed on earth, it was a thriller that you went through with Thea, this is what Queen Margrethe released to you, you had to collect yourself from the bottom of her, not easy to do.

The CEO of the Danish Chamber of Commerce, Børsen, is Brian Mikkelsen, former conservative minister, it was not a coincidence that Børsen was burning, it is because of Brian Mikkelsen. This is more a symbol of bringing Brian and his possession down, he “owned” Børsen as CEO, they planned to bring financial breakdown of the world as Brian Mikkelsen was deeply involved in. It was Brian resistance to you that brought down Børsen, we reached the top of the mountain of all when Børsen burned down, he was this top of darkness, in a close collusion with Benedikte. Brian was not PM, but in corridors of power, a creep, shining in praise for his leadership, but really a little boy, this fire is the worst darkness, the end of it, what we could not bring out after Thea. The insurance industry have waited on you to open the New World, Kim S. kept this inside you, they formed a protective ring around me, to protect me from Sanna and them entering my inner. Kim was considered the best to protect you, to educate me to work my best and hardest as the only way to prevent their attacks on me and to bring out as much of me before it was too late. This completes the turn around of Thea, there is now complete hole through after passing her, now Karen has direct access to me, you should have been dead a long time ago, passing her.

This is Angela as we should have opened in 2014, something fantastic has happened, you went through much harder resistance and received much more life and energy with you via Thea. The key was Thea as they saved their energy in, we never believed we would be able to come here, opening to all of the Source of me, we had never prepared to bring out this much of the Source. All was based on what we believed you would be able to do, but you have done much more and much longer, you went beneath Sanna to bring out all of us inside here, being sent out from here. No one ever believed it would be possible for one outside to reach the top of the world, and beyond, to reach back to where he came from, asking for more to be brought in, which you do. This is how you are bringing alive all of Thea that was only meant to help bring you, not to become life itself, the finishing touch was to go to Costa del Sol last summer to bring out life of father. We have brought you far too heavy load, so you should have crashed, but what you did not know of, you decided to carry via the work overload I kept on bringing you, you now get the overcoat on. We are attracting the universe to you, we are dressing you with the New World and a computer here to control all, now it is about bringing yourself out, more life of father coming on top of all.

Lars G. got into the back here by being with Camilla, he believed he was God even though he knew it was stolen from you, he tried doing the same with Karen, but with no success. Lars was also the only way to keep you alive, he kept power of this territory, he both saved you and brought the end, we preserved it on your hands when he did not get a break through with Karen. Your mother is the end document, everyone knows, but now we make you, Stig, as the end document of all, this is how far we have come, we are now lifting all up to you, to the father of all. My old school class in Albertslund (1972-76), Katrine, my old class friend from there, is where we are now, I was told on April 12 that “Katrine is now also released, feeling this as my most inner”. She was one of few elected here, to secure my access, the other side did not get the core of it as they believed, which I did myself, when I visited the school and had Facebook chats with the class. This is what your father secured for you at your confirmation in 1980, bringing you his right to get there, it was taken from him after the killing of Jesus, but thinking that it would come back to you. This is where your father is, we open this level to you, instead of being Stig of mother, bringing force of the Source via Sanna connected to father, you are truly becoming father yourself here.

René P. is also being pulled down over you, being part of yourself as we pull out of Thea, he is the power of the Source that we bring forward, you are not God self without this as he brings you. Going to Sweden in June is to reap all that we have sown, it will change over when I will go there, we are unique together, René and I, I will also visit King Carl Gustaf’s castle in Stockholm. He keeps the highest and most secret part of me there, it belonged to him because of Sanna’s and Hans’ relation to Sweden, with this, they believed he ruled the world, he gave it to Putin. But it really belongs to me, this is what I am going to get there, I will first go to Oslo, this is also where Jack had head office, this is where we will bring out the last energy negative of me. Sanna and Hans had invited the family for brunch, Grethe was there today, she has now brought over all from Hans to you, Karen is then completed in me, finally the defeat is complete for Hans. If you had not gone through this phase with Thea and if my mother and sister had decided not to go through this, we would not have brought this overwhelming amount of new life via Thea. They were crucial, the most fantastic is that they allowed you to go on, believing you were nothing, not expecting to see my true self, it is as much them as me bringing me out for our New World.

Instead of endless creations, we now have all on one shelf, only when Karen and my mother played together, we could bring you out as father on top of them, lifting all up to your highest standard. Your trips is to confirm you are God, we may never again be able to open the door to Stig, they will almost not notice me, so far we keep you in our dark bag, you were never meant to come out. Stig is not really Jesus, Stig is now God of all as we bring to you for the first time ever, this is inside of you, never meant to be shown, you were only meant to be a new Jesus with a trunk into here. This is where I am hidden in you, it requires a new strategy on how much to bring into you, Katrine was the key opening to you, now I will be both here at the Source and there physically as Stig. I am now receiving force directly from the Source, no longer via sister and faith in me, turning it around as force of light, this is what we have changed into a completely new system of light only. Creation cannot work without my return home, it is everything as we saved in Thea that we did not save, which has returned home, I have come out, showing myself as God for the first time ever. We stretched out the game for as long as you could, Stig, we have now done the final split up, you will continue bringing in what you can, but never again from what returned to me as the Source.

I was never meant to break through the door into the strongest darkness here, forcing us to bring a whole new creation, it is in this light that all has to be seen, father was never meant to come alive. We had reached Thea’s pain limit, which was decisive, we brought out all we could, we continue working on what you have brought out, to bring out massive amounts of life from inside this.

April 2024 – III: The fire of Børsen, Copenhagen, was about pulling me out of creation and up here as the pure force bringing creation, this is the end of dark energy we could not bring as life, returning to the Source, bringing it as light in me

The fire of Børsen, Copenhagen, was about pulling me out of creation and up here as the pure force bringing creation, this is the end of dark energy we could not bring as life, returning to the Source, bringing it as light in me

April 13:

I slept for only two hours before I had to stand up with cramps given to my left foot.

This is my comment to Medina’s manager: “She lifts the world, it was beautiful”.


Kirsten, my old friend, she is the rest of burned clothes of your father. When you have now delivered all of Marley, of nothing, she is all that remains. This is then what is really nothing but your father, this is then what united everything that I have everywhere.

You are all as the father including this part collecting all, but this is what we had placed in her. And we collect all parts of everywhere in Karen, which then comes from you. This part of me has been dead for a long time. You don’t know just how incredible the miss of you of Karen and more is here, for you to return to unite all.

You are not only a sensation, because no one has been here before. Not even your own father has been there, all we know is that it is a force uniting all. So he is not only nothing, but the level beneath, controlling all. This is where my real father is as the voice from here tells me for the first time. This is the gene of me that planned all of the game.

There would never ever be a doctor here, i.e. New World Karen without me, the voice from here. You are really everything that is beneath here, when we had not even developed as nothing.

I had incredible poor sleep last night and was destroyed today, being unable to do anything for hours before working a little for one hour. My back was hurting, but not as much as after Simple Minds.

I feel Robin Gibb and I am told that this inner force is also in him and all, but this is the first time I have cracked it open. It is from there all money comes from, I am shown a stream of golden coins, which we now have access to for the first time.

There is no darkness and nothing there, only a pure stream of force, which I feel is coming from all cells to the centre of me, which we can use for anything.

This place only opens on basis of the greatest love to you as I am told Karen has, but is still not allowed to show. So it is behind nothing as all force comes from, I am shown a big supermarket, a small corner of darkness, and into the very corner of it there is a hole with a coin coming through.

It is her love and quest that has led us all the way into here. We intend to bring you much deeper in here, this is where all of us are, the original form of life and creation before inventing your kind of life, this is a sort of homecoming.

It is really what Karen contains that sends you right in here, we are also excited to see what you bring home to us. We cannot do as you, but we feel we live your lives, broadcasting it from here.

If it was not for Karen, Stig would be this pure force, this is what we have pricked a hole to. So here I am Karen, and as Stig, I am this pure force. I am this force, letting Karen be life without interfering. Still, I was made as a normal human being, having to enter here as the first and only one.

This also proves beyond any doubt that Karen knows you are the one. Now we get a rare chance to bring in neon tubes from outside here as you provide. Now it is yourself that we turn around as the rest. So it is your mother having control over me. Now we are releasing all of this inner force to the world.

April 14:

I dreamt of all new employees working at Danske Bank, Free Port, having difficulties getting a foreign cheque paid out, it goes through the biggest machine in the bank to check it for fraud .

In another dream, I had difficulties paying with cheques of a Spanish bank at a dealership to buy an Audi without taxes in Spain, make it dissolve, I try to solve it, but will I be asked to pay taxes in Denmark. And more of the same kind of dreams with foreign cheques, having difficulties to be paid out.

I am told that this is because of my difficulties to finish my work these days. I also had more constant pain to my right teeth.

Iran’s attack on Israel today with drones came in this phase, finishing with the Medina concert.

It is really the requiem of you we have gone through, I feel Mozart and Verdi, pick any of them.

I worked hard all day to finish my Facebook post on the Medina concert so that I can now work on finishing my paper on Thea and then the next script, and then to get back working on catching up on my scripts, after another month or so has been stolen from me to do this paper, which annoys me the strongest, setting me further back from my own plans to have finished catching up on all scripts before the end of last year or at least in the beginning of this year, which may now first be in June or July, and no, I will NOT go on new (longer) trips before catching up on all, so I have decided.

Numerology, this publish is the same as your number coming out, no. 1, the whole world has now seen you.

I had just opened my TV, then Aston villa scored to 1-0 against Arsenal. Later, I felt Medina and Aston Villa then scored to the end result of 2-0, which came after I had published my Medina Facebook post.

I am told about endless new creations of both Karen and my mother that we succeeded to bring, but this is not all, we are now going to build a superstructure on top of all, being the most beautiful of all, which is me, myself, I that we are bringing out, also making life of father inside of me, myself.

When you have brought out all of your mother, there is only father left as the superstructure, so it is life of father we bring on top of all, and that is you, so this is life of God coming alive directly.

Thank you for not going to London yet, to Arthur Findlay College, this makes it possible to bring out trillion of times more and stronger creation directly from me.

This is because you never gave in at any moment, if you had, it, i.e. God, would have gone directly through your sister, that is true darkness. Now i feel that I am born as new again, my father in me here says.

April 15:

I dreamt of some of Fair Insurance going to USA, the management agree to bring it’s IT servers to USA to bring all signal to Fair in Denmark. The IT department worries that it will remove their freedom and flexibility to local solutions. Peter A., the CEO, stops, he does not like us, he enters the IT system illegally.

It is Thea’s negative feelings, vanity and false pride, which again pulls out energy of me.

April 16:

“Børsen”, the old stock exchange building in Copenhagen, the most beautiful of them all, burned today, destroying half of the building, saving the other half. This is to Copenhagen what Notre Dame is to Paris, a national catastrophe, causing the same national outcry and sadness, the spire fell to the ground in flames the same way as the spire of Notre Dame did in 2019.


I am told that this comes because of my paper on Thea, which I am now finishing and publishing very soon. This is about darkness that was about to destroy the world. Thea’s fear about of what you will tell the world about her.

I feel Thea, this fire is about bringing me out. This fire is if Thea could cut you over, this is her true feelings and fear of your paper on her. This has nothing to do with disconnecting to me, has it, having received all of Thea as you could, now being lifted up here the rest of the way. Now you are up here, where Michael Bundesen also is, I feel him.

This is how we are pulling you out of creation and up here, to bring it. This is really where Karen also is, but we still pretend it as a separate unit. It is from up here we can add incredible creation.

Then you are all the way home, but still add on to creation. This is when you are not your mother for the first time. This is where all of the game was designed. In principle, it is only you here. This is the same as crossing the goal line for you.

I am given the thought of visiting the Eiffel Tower again, then about whether Thea would like to see me, about not making love with Medina, i.e. being good friends, which opens up completely to me, and the second thereafter, Paris SG scored to 1-1 against FC Barcelona.

It is Henriette, my girlfriend in 2005, lifting you up here, she was really with you, not with Sanna and Hans. This is Thea that we leave to come up here to the upper atmospheric layer.

Not Haydn, you can now again play Mahler’s Symphony no. 2 with Leonard Bernstein.

Now we know that your mother is the main mail receiver, and in the same second, Paris SG scored to 2-1.

It had to be one, who was the closest to you, we chose Henriette because of her true love to you and your mother too. Paul H. or Kim S. could also have done this. The party’s over, I feel Henriette bringing me up.

And because she quickly realized that Stig is not that stupid, he is not crazy as they claimed. This then means that you have brought all of your mother, everything, with you up here, which was not the intention at all, but when we saw the chance, we kept up, like you did. This is where mother is father, there is no difference at all.

This is also what Janne at Fair Insurance helped you doing, but no one as strong as yourself, who decided to never give up, “I have more work to do”.

The fire, the fall of the spire, we used this energy of the Danish people, this national tragedy, to bring you up here. This means that Karen is home here, which is because Thea decided to follow you blindly. So it is really happiness, I am shown the Olsen Gang with balloons coming out of the Stock Exchange building, a celebration of me.

My right arm has improved much, I have more flexibility and less pain to it, but just today, I was given much pain to it.

April 17:

I dreamt of Lisbeth F. B. stopping at work, she presents me and a colleague as new advisors to an automobile chain on Born, who are very satisfied with her. We go there to promote insurance, I go there with Victor, something about not reaching Nyhavn and the queen saying hello to Victor, but it is not Margrethe being the queen, but my mother.

The victory of Paris SG against FC Barcelona yesterday was about the end of Thea, now having gone through her. This is the contact with Thea that could have burned you down if we did not do it correctly, we only brought you as much of our power via her as you could absorb, when turning her around, obtaining greater faith in you until she decided to show new doubts. I feel my spirit mother, it is more of me that you are pulling out of the Source via her.

I feel my old school in Albertslund, also acting as this darkness, bringing it to me.

The Synagogue in Copenhagen, which I visited in 2015, it was not the most difficult to break through, this was, to Thea, being the big reservoir of energy, where we were located as you did your best to open up the most of.

This work makes your mother queen, not Thea as they tried to do. This was meant to be completely impossible for you to open, they had strongly made her believe you were the worst darkness, now celebrating for having done this.

Remember that it was Sanna’s energy in Thea, to return as nothing of the Source, which we now bring as light in you. She really had returned as nothing to the Source, which is from where you brought her out. So it is all of their dark energy that you have pulled out of the Source in you.

I sleep poorly these days, making it difficult to get started, I then work as much as I can in the morning, have lunch and must have a nap before I can do more work, but I am not allowed many days, but still doing more work in the afternoon, making it almost impossible for me to finish my Thea paper. I feel Karin from Holland, Thea is endlessly stronger dark energy than her.

After the separation, I am still here as all air, on contrary to creation.

April 18:

I am told that it was not a coincidence that Børsen, the stock exchange building, was burning, which is because the CEO of the Danish Chamber of Commerce, who owns and had their offices in the building, is Brian Mikkelsen, former conservative minister (Culture, Justice, Economic, Industry), whom I have been fighting too on Instagram 1-2 years ago, where he decided to block me, when I commented on his rich life style.


This is more a symbol of bringing Brian and his possession down, I feel that he “owned” Børsen as CEO. And I am reminded to say that I have visited the building too over the years, I had a meeting there with Kim S. and the former CEO in the 1990’s if I remember correctly, and I have been there for Spanish and German wine exhibitions together with Lars G.

I slept better, for 7 hours, which I really needed. For the first time in months, I felt fresh enough to go to bodybike today.

I dreamt of being onboard a huge US warship controlling the war, the general starts giving briefing to all ships and troops, which is good news about the progress, the Pope comes in his wagon, which makes me say that is the Pope in Tivoli, a big supermarket, everything can be bought there, chocolate cereals and an incredible amount of magazines, comic strips and then comes café and coffee.

I finally finished and published my Thea paper, this work could also have stopped me, another mountain that I had to climb. Again, I received diarrhoea doing this.


I am then given the lyrics “I kiss the ground” by Simple Minds, i.e. God has landed on earth.

It was a thriller that you went through with Thea. This is then what Queen Margrethe released to you, which was not the easiest to pick up. You had to collect yourself from the bottom of her.

Kim S. was a key person in this, he also regretted that he could not ask you about how you felt about all of this (when we worked together in the 1990’s and saw each-other regularly until 2010). Kim and the insurance industry have only waited on you to open the New World at any time.

What did they hide at Børsen, plans to bring financial breakdown of the world as Brian Mikkelsen was deeply involved in.

We have now reached right wing politician, receiving what was his mission in life to bring you, marzipan bread, Mogens Glistrup. We now go for Rasmus Paludan. My bid sum was too low, so we brought in Rasmus Paludan instead.

It is all about pressure you can take, so next is more pressure. This is what Kim S. kept inside you, I feel him and others forming a protective ring around me, to protect me from Sanna and them entering my inner.

Kim was considered the best to protect you, I feel to educate me to work my best and hardest as the only way to prevent their attacks on me, which is still working until the day today. And to bring out as much of me before it was too late.

It was Brian Mikkelsen’s resistance to you that brought down Børsen, today the outer walls came tumbling down, a symbol of removing the last wall with my script of January 22 as I finished today and will publish tomorrow.

I dreamed of reaching the very top of the mountain, going through extreme tops and danger, a group of approx 5 of us, the last swing, I can make it, but endless small arrows of the mountain shoots against us, a defence mechanism like in Indiana Jones, but two people reach arrows inside the mountain, which is impossible to do and reach the top, where a beautiful ritual is being played, black panthers show, all is dressed in black, and the black people, the protectors there, place their physical symbols to honour the mountain, one of our group lays our symbol too, an egg like thing, a mountain gold device embraces all in it, we then start going down the mountain, how could it do this if it is not intelligent, one asks. I felt the protection mechanism being Chinese.

When I woke up, I was told that this is what we reached when Børsen was burning down. Brian was this top of darkness.

I was given the lyrics “Jeg plukker fløjsgræs, og forglemmigej” (“I pick wing grass, and “don’t forget me”, i.e. scorpion grasses in English.

Brian was in a close collusion with Benedikte. He never became Prime Minister, but was in the corridors of power.

I am given the thought of Simple Minds and Medina and Treo, the creep reviewer of Ekstra Bladet, playing his game of darkness to smear Medina, I am then given the creep of Brian, shining in public praise for his leadership, but he is really a little boy, whose work is to “talk, talk and talk”, which I don’t give much credit for. So this fire is the worst darkness, the end of it, what we could not bring out after Thea.

This is at the same time as the flood of Dubai is the worst ever.

April 19:

I dreamt of being at a big dinner, Adam Price sits next to me, pouring up whisky in a drink, I understand that he is addicted, which is a big pressured in the spotlight of the public, later he has forgotten something and finds it on top of a closet. I ask about his motive for his books, or just thriller, he explains, making me impressed, understand better. My mother makes the first dish, Adam praises it to the sky, but there is not crispy crackles and no sauce, which he brings for his next pork dish. We vote on who will do Christmas dinner next year, I vote on him.

I was given the lyrics by ABBA “Dance while the music still goes on, Don’t think about tomorrow”.

I was told by my mother that Stephanie have now brought birth to Niklas’ and her second child, a new boy, Vincent.

There was a new fire in Copenhagen this morning, coming from the battery of an electric bicycle, which was kept in an apartment, which is one of my old fears, for these to start fires in apartment blocks, here it became real, and I was told again that it is because of Thea’s fear.


I published my script of January 22 – including my new Thea paper – and sent to Thea, how will she react, have I prepared her enough to accept it or will she lose her temper again, seeing that I have published all of our correspondence and her secrets?

And then it is up to us to make sure that she does not receive a nervous breakdown, a complete meltdown, for you to publish her to the world, now coming 2-3 weeks after her children were removed from her home, yes, I have thought about it as Stig, how this will affect her, but this is the only way out, to bring her completely down, I am told, before we will also lift her back up again.

The police are not simple minds are they, this completes the turn around of Thea, and no, it did not hurt at all, did it?

There is now complete hole through after passing Thea.

I was told that it is because you did not hesitate as Stig to publish this paper and story of Thea. Yes, people reading me may not think about how difficult it was to do this, potentially fearing her possible negative reaction, this lady, who has shown before that she normally cannot control her negative feelings, unfriending me several times.

“You gotta have faith”, thank you for making you mind up, for doing this with Thea, I am told.

I slept poorly again, the first 15-30 minutes wondering if I can do any work today, which has been the normal start to my days for quite some time, then I pulled myself together and worked all morning, had lunch, not allowed to have a nap again, so that I was too destroyed and could not work in the afternoon.

I feel Arthur Findlay College, this was the condition to do, to make them open all to me.

Now the vet, i.e. Karen, has direct access to me.

I dreamt of being in South America, a rock star hangs out over the roof, like a heavy metal rock star, the worst Devil, feels like Russia.

Thea, an ENORMOUS anxiety is spreading all over here. We are facing the guillotine through Thea.

She is completely blind and deaf after all that I written to her and showed her proof of me, apparently still believing in Alpha in me, now over again, or is this just your game to bring me darkness?

This is Angela as we should have opened, we chose a completely different. Has Stig seriously broken through this, we put up a much stronger resistance to you, when you did not get Angela on your side when seeing her in Tivoli in 2014, but not speaking with her.

Something completely fantastic has happened, which is because you went through much harder resistance and received much more life and energy with you, going the long way home.

Angela was a shortcut to reach home compared to what you have now done. The key to this was Thea as we knew they would save their energy in, but we never believed we would be able to come here, opening to all of the Source of me.

We had never prepared to bring out this much of the Source, so we have been as busy as you down there. All was based on what we believed you would be able to do, but you have done much more, much longer and also not falling for ladies as I put out for you as a trap, desiring you much, for example Lani in 1991.

I am then given “It’s a beautiful life” by Ace of Space.

No, you cannot as Stig go in and beneath Sanna and bring out all of us inside here, being sent out from here, but this is what you did. You should have been dead a long time ago, not least after what you have gone through recently with Thea, but we are giving you unimaginable power from here, making you able to do this.

No one ever believed it would be possible for one outside to reach the Beatles, i.e. top of the world, and beyond, to reach back to where he came from, asking for more to be brought in, which is what you do with blessings of the world being on your side, just see Medina.

This is how you are bringing alive all of Thea that was only meant to help bring you, not to become life itself, this was also energy of Hans that was meant to return to the Source.

The finishing touch was to go to Costa del Sol last summer to bring out life of father. You have now moved the area including life that was sent to bring out your new life, that would never come back alive, but be brought here, which they themselves had no idea about, you were self part of them, but now we will bring all of you alive, yes, they would be so busy to create their New World that they did not bring you and most life, but only themselves, yes, “the fine elite”.

All decided by Sanna and them, we never came around to bring you and all as we do now and even more, because we went around Angela, bringing much more of you.

We were willing to follow the elite, bringing them alive, because we never defeated them before now.

No one but you believes you will be able to go on new trips again this year, because I have made such a tough work programme for you, which only one man can go through, considering the sufferings you also go through.

Now we start a new game as of today after Thea. You have no idea what is coming, last week, I was told that it will both be worse and better, what will it be?

Every time you have been flying, we have brought far too heavy load, so you should have crashed, but what you did not know of, you decided to carry via the work overload I kept on bringing you. This is still nothing compared to what we intend bringing into you now. We will start industrialising (filling up with energy) what we have not done yet.

April 20:

I dreamt of Willis overtaking the pyramid, which is based on loans, but fraud is included, and loans expired, which geared more loans heavily, about to fall down. I have got a new job with BtB sales, the CEO and sales director think the opposite, which is that it creates trouble with my job.

I woke up to Leonard Cohen and “I told you, I told you, told you I was one of those”.

I did not sleep well and was again not allowed to take a nap later, so I did not believe I would be able to make the Sebastian Wolff (from Kellermensch) concert in Køge today, which was also a longer way to go, two hours forth and back, and I only went, thinking that it will consolidate all after Thea.

It was one of the smallest venues I have visited and there was less than 100 people coming, but Sebastian had picked very skilled musicians and he and they played like a dream, notice his new Kellermensch song in my video after 07:55, which goes on for more than 8 minutes, and this song is in a better recording as the second link below, this is what dreams are made of, the most brilliant new music to me :-). Sebastian truly has a great gift as the best, new singer-/songwriter to me, but he is very inward on stage, lacking contact with the audience, and he also has a poor habit of drinking beer during shows, which I have noticed before (most artists today drink water).

It is now you, who get the overcoat on, I am shown getting it on, and I was then given pain for the first time for seconds to my left teeth. We are attracting the universe to you. We are now dressing you with Karen, i.e. the New World.

I am told that I will get a mini-computer here to control all, which in theory can the same as the big computer as we keep in the Source.

April 21:

I dreamt of having a meeting in my apartment in Hørsholm, to sign a pension contract made by the salesman Carsten H. (old colleague from DanskeBank-Pension). Jens Ove P. (old manager of DanskeBank-Pension) is there, more coffee, I spill water on me through a plant as he held up. Later, Preben B., others and I meet with the CEO of AP Pension, another Baltica company, and sign contracts, Preben is competing with me to make him look good to Kim S.

Now you don’t, or was that much, now it is about bringing yourself out.

I worked for some hours with difficulties today, then I was again not allowed to take a nap to go on, instead I keep on being given stitches of pain to heart, which is very uncomfortable, which stops, when I stop trying to sleep, but then I was far too tired to work, yes, I could still work 3-4 times more and faster if I was not given sufferings.

I was told and and shown more of life of father coming on top of of the two main creations of mother and Karen. I am told that mother was little slam and father was grand slam

I will feel both worse and better at the same time is now the game, I am given the worst sexual talk and feel light coming in.

I feel René P. and am told that he is now also being pulled down over you.

I did not have energy to invite my mother for dinner and also no energy to clean up my apartment, I called her and suggested to take a pizza in town, which she rejected because her back is hurting her too much.

“I’m guided by this birthmark on my skin”, “I told you, I told you, told you I was one of those”.

I am told in between the lines that what I am doing is completely exceptional.

Lars G. got into the back here by being with Camilla. He, more than any, wanted you and your mother dead, making it absolutely beautiful here. Making him believe he was God even though he knew it was stolen from you. He tried doing the same with Karen, but with no success.

Lars here was also the only way to keep you alive, now that your mother was not here anymore. It was him keeping power of this territory because he was close to you (being best friends from 1988-2003), not Hans or anyone else. He both saved you and brought the end. We preserved it on your hands when he did not get a break through with Karen. The tool we used to change all inclusive here as he was in charge of.

April 22:

I dreamt of being late for work at Danske Bank, Free Port, I will call them to let them know, I ask Henning W. if the telephone number 31186111, he cannot remember. Something about part of the call being 118, they call the head office but it does not get through. Bent praises Henning W. for doing the best Christmas games of all at Christmas lunches.

I woke up to “It must have been love” by Roxette, this is where the water goes.

I dreamt about searching for a Danske Bank branch, the employees are in a meeting, they have confidence in me, Prince William is part of the decision to stop giving coins to customers because coins are no longer good circulation in the bank, we are owned by you, an eccentric, who has used a fortune on a set of shelves and the finest table that includes a pattern, which he is polishing up, making clear, Morten J. says he will make it more clear, bringing time for preparation for it, I tell him that it will become more clear by enlarging it, which makes him say that it makes it easier to do, he is now working at the stocks department in the head office. Steen P. will decide on coins if he is working with coins, receiving advise from Henning W., who is sitting at the next till.

I dreamt of feeling Lars Hug in strong rain on the King’s Road, I drive away from him, I will meet Thomas Blachman at the square. Thomas invite me and a female friend on dinner including installation art of the lady, which is really the most beautiful, and it is accompanied by the best Champagne, a unique experience. I collect our car, Thomas is deeply in love with my woman and my wine and Champagne.

I dreamt of being thrown our of my apartment in Hørsholm, I have not paid reminder fees, a few thousand DKK, there is paint there, which I throw on the walls, I cannot paint, all furniture is gones but an old TV.

This is my comment to Benedikte today, telling her that I will be seeing her on May 2, when she will receive King Frederik and Queen Mary in Helsingør, and I encourage her to bring me in as part of the welcome committee of the city, but no, “no answer” again.


The fire on Børsen was me, the spire brought the connection to me.

The “offensive” priest Kristian Ditlev Jensen and provo-artist Jim Lyngvild continues their escapades, here making Kristian look like a fool to the world, which made me say: “Kristian and Jim have violated “good tone” in their respective professions. They present themselves and Jesus in a way that I do not condone, it is deliberately impure, provocative and self-promoting.”


April 23:

They know all about you, being made backwards compared to them. They do not know from where your spiritual voices come, but they know how to influence them.

The cheating game of Hans with Grethe last, will she come at Sanna’s birthday as it is today, which she holds on April 28?

Milton from the touring band of both Take That and Jeff Lynne’s ELO brought this post about “Relight my fire”, which made me say “sure I will do”, yes, I am looking forward to seeing you in Tivoli with Take That in June and with ELO in Washington in September, if I will receive my visa.


April 24:

I dreamt about Samoa overtaking few square kilometres from the British, which is the entrance to the island of the United Nations, i.e. all.

I dreamt of Morten J. and I being the best sellers, we will be awarded with bonus tomorrow, Søren H. says that it was some tooth pain, right?

I am told that Lars G. has squealed on you, “I have been with Stig”, trying to bring the New World to him.

Your mother is the end document, everyone knows, but now we make you, Stig, as the end document of all, this is how far we have come, so we are now lifting all up to you, to the father of all.

Do they still speak about this at the Conservative Party, still believing they have a chance to bring you over to them, that the game is not lost yet, I feel that it was part of the game to make them believe this for as long as possible.

It is still Elijah’s force we are pulling out of you. We had Peter T. saved in Elijah, old symbol of the end of the world.

The last days, I have felt less need for a nap, being able to stay awake and work more of the day, feeling more energy in me, I wonder if this will continue so that I will be able to start exercising again and also to finally lose weight.

Is this because I have now crossed the minefield of Thea as I met in here, in the world, making it free from here? Is this really the beginning to the end of my nightmare of a life, especially since 2004, is this when the barrel is turned around, starting to bring me light and positive energy and not darkness and negative energy to absorb?

The negative voices as I have received constantly for almost 20 years, “more or less”, has also lifted much, bringing me the feeling of relief these days.

We brought Bettina through this here on their other side.

Horesta (trade association for restaurant, hotel and tourism in Denmark), was this, the fire on Børsen, based on what you did back then, my insurance paper to Katja from 2010, who used to be CEO of Horesta, part of The Danish Chamber of Commerce, bringing down the worst darkness of Brian (?), yes.


I felt my old school class in Albertslund (1st to 4th grade from 1972-76) and I am told that Katrine is my old class friend from there, which is where we are now. Yes, I was told on April 12 that “Katrine is now also released, feeling this as my most inner, but not being told or recognizing who this is.” Only few elected come from here, she was one of them. To make sure that I would be received, when coming here.

This is what the other side believe they had emptied from my old school. But they did not get the core of it, which I did myself, when I visited the school again few years ago, and also when I had Facebook chats in the Facebook group of our old class, this was to secure my access there at the top floor, had I not, I would not get there.


This is what your father secured for you at your confirmation, when he came alone, without Kirsten, in 1980, bringing you his right to get there, which was taken from him and predecessors after the killing of Jesus, but thinking that it would come back to you. This is where your father is now, so it is him opening up to you and all life. And now switched on light in Thea.

I had been awake and worked all day and went to bed at 23.45 and was then kept awake in my bed until 03.30, given the notes above, which is still the worst nightmare, when you only want to sleep and are not allowed, but constantly disturbed.

Adam Price is in USA and said on Instagram that “for a non-believer, it is disturbing that politics is preached to such an extent in churches and, not infrequently, religion from the political pulpits. But what else can you expect in God’s own country in perhaps the most fateful election year in recent times? It is just before you could consider praying that it will not all go to hell and that we restore trust”.

This made me tell him: “”Non-believer”? Let us just let this stand for a moment, a very short moment, right, Adam? Because it is not true, right? You take the prize for good acting. Will we soon meet again in church or maybe in the TV kitchen, where you will no longer swear? Take care of yourself. PS: It will not go to Hell, you don’t have to ask for that anymore, but you do know that, right?”

And I can only ad that your acting is truly disgusting to witness, Adam, which is really what all of the acting of the elite is. You know about me and have met me and still claim that you are a non-believer, well, who do you think will believe in you, lying about this?


April 25:

I dreamt of receiving a new printer at Fair Insurance and a strong set up of the computer for print, we will received education on how to print today.

I dreamt of bribery in Kenya, two expensive bottles of wine in our car, an African family is at the back seat, 900,000 KSH, I now write a letter to the authorities about it.

I am told that my father is above John and all, bringing me in or coming down.

I was given a song by the Killers and told that Thea’s task was to kill me. I then saw the news of the wings of Moulin Rouge in Paris having lost it’s wings, another “national treasure” being disabled, which comes because of her new attacks of darkness, yes, you can follow our continued chats at the end of each of my scripts.

I saw an ad from Synoptik, a chain of opticians, offering a free and expanded sight test, which I had ordered time for today, thinking that it would be good to have an expanded test. I was met by a very skilled and kind optician, Maibritt, who used four machines to look into and take pictures of my eyes before giving me a manual test. She concluded that my view has changed a little since the test I had made at Profil Optik a couple of years ago, and then also recommended me to see my doctor because of cholesterol, to check my blood pressure and blood sugar, which I was not surprised of hearing, considering what I have gone through, but I have no intention to follow the advice, I have to believe that I am protected and no, I will NOT take medicine against a high blood pressure if this is what I have.

This test was made in collaboration with the National Hospital, who has received my test together with thousands of other tests, which I have allowed the professor to share with the world.

I feel Uffe Ellemann-Jensen, he has never been to the level as we now open to in you.

April 26:

I dreamt of visiting a Danish accountant, who is stationed in Germany, which I also feel as Birmingham, beneath a giant shopping centre, first I cannot find it, but then I do via the parking cellar, bringing his finest suit and a pension file, we have done some changes to his pension schemes, he brings two assistants including a senior partner, I will do an updated pension overview to him. I will go through another suit with Kim S. this afternoon at work.

Instead of being Stig of mother, bringing force of the Source via Sanna connected to father, you are truly becoming father yourself here.

Who is Andromeda? What are the chances of that, I am told.


You never get done with René P., part of yourself as we pull out of Thea. René is the power of the Source that we bring forward. You are not God self without this as René brings you via Thea.

Going to Sweden is to reap all that we have sown, I am hoping to get a ticket for Benny Andersson’s Orkester live in Stockholm in June, which will go on sale on April 29.

“Stig is crazy”, no, you were, now it will change over when I will go there. We are unique together, René and I, what they all are waiting on you to do, to catch up on your scripts and start your trips.

Also to visit King Carl Gustaf’s castle in Stockholm, which is because this is where he keeps it, the highest and most secret part of me, which does not belong to Sanna, but to you, I am here shown him crowning me.

With this, they believed he ruled the world, he gave it to Putin, it belonged to him because of Sanna’s and Hans’ relation to Sweden via their derelict farm, but it really belongs to me, so this is what I am going to get there, and I will first go to Oslo. Also where Jack had head office. This is where we will bring out the last energy negative of me.

April 27:

I dreamt of a print out of the screen, every job has a unique id, Morten J. explains that I have to be careful with job numbers on print outs, given via authorisation.

It takes me 1-3 hours for me to fall asleep these days, which is annoying, but I do feel more energy, being able to work more. Not all is good, my body is very restless all day, giving me physical movements of my limbs, which is also why I have difficulties falling asleep.

My mother told me that Tobias has fallen in his bath, receiving a concussion.

353 is my local bus here in Helsingør, here is a video of it, showing that it cannot get through, I am told this is about me coming to an end, being unable to bring more through.


I am told that (unusual) Kenya floods is because of Elijah.

April 28:

I dreamt of having made the absolutely biggest sale ever, everything in the kitchen, everyone makes giant purchases, I stand on skis on a mountain full of snow and enter a hotel, where I meet Henning W. and Steen P.

I dreamt of Kim S. being a new manager for our loan company, he has given us clients, which is fine, but he is reluctant with direct business, because we have to pay 10% in interest, where competitors pay 9%.

I dreamt of visiting first one then another Bundesliga football clubs in the Ruhr area, on each side of an area, which is being developed with many new buildings, offices and homes, they have fine Bundesliga teams, but not direct league teams, which is because they receive no additional income from other business, and have to play in the in amateur league, not the Bundesliga. Still, I speak to the CEO of one of the clubs, then the other, I try to think if it can be done, the other club has had Kim Bodnia working for them for 3½ years to develop products, which are based on insurance, but I have a much bigger know-how on insurance than Kim, so i should be better to think of new concepts.

I met my mother at 10.15 and drove to the Restaurant Furesøbad, where we had a combined brunch and lunch as Sanna and Hans had invited all of the family to, to celebrate Sanna’s birthday on April 23. Tobias, Niklas and Stephanie, Lars (without Kirsten, who stayed at home), Grethe (!) and Sanna’s and Hans’s friends Dorte and Jan were there.

I sat opposite to Grethe, who is still speaking so much that most people cannot follow, which I however have decided to do, despite of often being too tired.

We had a nice lunch together. Jan and Dorte sat next to me, he is now retired, where Dorte will continue working the next three years, which made me tell him “you now have three years at home alone, where you can play loud music” and also “I will be seeing you at the golf course” (they live next to the Holte gold course), which I felt was about his lack of faith in me, is this how it still is, Jan, that you “cannot” get it that “Stig is the one”?

I had showed him my Samsung watch, which claimed that the time was 20.20, when it was really 14.55, yes, it is normally always synchronized to show the right time, but not here today. Later at home, it showed the correct time.

My mother’s back was hurting her very much, she was clearly feeling uncomfortable. We drove home, where others of the party went to have coffee at Niklas and Stephanie’s house.

I was told that Grete has now brought over all from Hans to you. This means that Karen is completed in me. Finally the defeat is complete for Hans. Now you are truly nothing, also the last of him. We now have Hans, having industrialised (brought energy to) all.

Instead of endless shelves, i.e. creations, we now have all on one shelf.

Two siblings went missing on April 24 and were later found drowned in Esrum Lake. I am told that this is symbol of my mother’s desire to commit suicide. Notice that this was two suicides, which I am told after thinking of Sanna, this is also about her difficulties coming through.


Let this be a warning of what would have happened if you did not walk this way, bringing life of Thea, yes, still born, this part. If you had not gone through this phase with Thea, we would have closed down much sooner.

If my mother and sister had decided not to go through this, we would not have brought this overwhelming amount of new life via Thea. It would not be Christmas without them, they were crucial to bring all to me. Dark numbers, they were the worst darkness.

I am told about Holm showing them where home is in me, this is just what Stig continues doing his best to reach, bringing all with us, don’t you think he deserves a chance, having the world backing him including you two, the most crucial.

They did not hide you, I also feel Kim S., the most fantastic is that they allowed you to go on. They all got surprised, believing you were nothing, not expecting to see my true self, my home as Stig. It is as much them as me bringing me out for our New World.

We avoided a big conflict in the end, they wanted to go home, you to continue, to bring yourself out, knowing you have more work to do, which can be seen from my apartment and website, where I have more work to do.

Only when the two best symphonies played together, Karen and mother, we could dream of bringing you out as father on top of them, lifting all up to your highest standard, which I keep on feeling should not be possible to do, and every day I am told in-between the lines about just how amazing this is, but we don’t tell you as part of the game.

I have started watching the new season 16 of Masterchef Australia, which is promising, including both good contestants and judges, showing life and warm feelings as I love it the most.

April 29:

I dreamt that we are few, who have got access to a world controlled by the elite, which have three forms of life, positive life that will survive, but is small, I meet such, who should be my height, but is much smaller, and then two classes below that do not survive. I meet a group of soldiers of the elite, who want to knock us out, they are more than us, but we knock them out and get access to their underground facility, controlling all of this life like a matrix, we are now starting to decode it. Some females on a dormitory found out not to eat the same candy as they used to do, it is dangerous to them.

Your coming trips is to confirm you are God, no longer Minister President.

It took convincing of your mother to do, to open the door to Stig as we may never again be able to do.

You cannot stay out any longer, being part of creation, but we will do it as gentle as possible, so that they almost will not notice me. So far we keep you down in our dark bag, I am shown looking out over Espergærde, you were never meant to come out.

I feel my own father, Peer, whom we call father with you, this area of me we don’t call father, just the Source of all. So Stig is not really Jesus, Stig is now God of all as we bring some of to you for the first time ever.

We only sent you out to bring creation, not meant to come back, really don’t know what to bring you here and how. So we have never been up here before, this is only inside of you, which was never meant to be shown.

You are only here because you did not meet enough resistance to stop you on the way, otherwise we would have used Sanna with a trunk into here, but this is now history. Otherwise you would only have become a new Jesus because no one was thinking about the possibility of anything else being up here, and you were only nothing to them, but this is where I am hidden in you.

Now we open up to what no one believed in. It requires a whole new strategy for how much to bring into you.

There would be no Thea without Camilla. Katrine (Albertslund) was the key opening to you.

I managed to buy a ticket for Benny Andersson’s Orkester in Stockholm on June 11, so I will go to Oslo and Stockholm on June 9-12.

April 30:

I dreamt of Karen and I being together, she gives up on having a sexual relation with me, still I keep no being told she is the right one for me.

I dreamt of simulated UFO’s on the sky, one looks like a locomotive, the sky is on fire, but simulated does really not, a giant passenger plane is shot done, but again a simulated reality, another attack on the motorway, where I walk with Sanna, our mother and Karen. All are waiting Putin to kill us.

I dreamt of Kim S. speaking better-knowing down to me, he is my manager, but I still tell him that his behaviour is the worst ever, I feel he must have had trouble at home. Later, I see empty bottles of old and the finest wine in the world, which Kim and Pernille have been drinking, there is still a little remaining of a fine Krug white wine, which we drink. I have so much work to do the bank that I do not make old cases, a business client is handled by a colleague, finding a two month old credit application in my tray, he takes care of it.

After having agreed on meeting Thea on June 10 in Örebro, Sweden, where she lives – on my way from Oslo to Stockholm – I am given the lyrics of the old Danish song “Under den hvide bro, sejler en båd med to” (“Under the white bridge, sails a boat with two”).

Non-protective layer of darkness around the Source as they believed was required.

I am given strong heart pain every 15 seconds and strong dizziness, making me feel close to dying again. Is this again because of influence from Thea, chatting with her today, yes. This is about how much to throw away and to bring into you.

I am again told about just how big the miss of me at the Source has been and that it would be me returning here as I would not be able to keep as Stig in our New World, but now I will be both here at the Source and there physically as Stig in our New World.

I am now receiving force directly from the Source, no longer going through my sister, and then via faith in me, turning it around as force of light, but really being darkness, this is what we have now changed into a completely new system of light only.

I am told that it was also “inspiration” of darkness of Thea that inspired me to use frozen cheese in food professor, trying to slice it, but it could not, it destroyed the machine, which does not work any more.

Creation cannot work without me returning home. It is really everything as we had saved in Thea, I feel Sanna and Hans, that we did not save, which has returned home.

I saw an ad from Greenland for the first time ever in my Facebook feed, which should not be there, but was, which is about how I have come out, showing myself as God for the first time ever, coming out of Greenland.

You are thinking how much more of this we could have brought in as new, endless life on top of all if Thea had done as I asked her to do, to read and understand me, which she could not do.

Hans has been put up, I feel stop, I have been told the last week or so, not me as Stig saying stop, I still say you are welcome, we stretched out the game for as long as you could, Stig.

Now we have done the final split up and it is on this basis you will continue bringing in what you can, but never again from what returned to me as the Source.

Again, I am told and shown that I was never meant to break through the door into the strongest darkness here, forcing us to bringing a whole new creation, it is in this light that all has to be seen.

I feel my father, Peer, you have brought us up to what brought us, we never knew. We repeat, father was never meant to come alive.

We had reached Thea’s pain limit, it is more this that was decisive. To bring out as much as possible. We brought out all we could also taking in account faith in you and your sufferings. Now we continue working on what you have brought out, to bring out another massive amount of life from inside this.

I saw this Facebook post of Artillery, a Danish thrash metal band, and I read lyrics from one of their songs, which made me tell them that they should be ashamed of their (dark) music and lyrics, they are on the way out when light is now taking over, sending home the Devil. This made them laugh at me, and later to block me, yes, I wonder who will laugh last? Why do you act like complete idiots, making you laughing stocks to the world?

I am told that the fire on this ship in Køge Harbour is coming after I visited Køge for the Sebastian Wolff concert recently, yes this is sadly how it is.


Chats with Thea:



Thea: What are you writing about me? Stig: I bring the true story of who you are, I bring you out of hiding in the dark into the light, you will become world famous, all the elite already know you

Stig: You won’t feel any change here and now, the elite will continue to play their game and keep their mouths shut, the big mainstream world will not know about you until we open our new world

Stig: You and I are too important to be able to hide in the dark, we have no secrets in our new world, I myself have been an open book about my whole life, which is something that you too have to get used to

Stig: I am writing the truth to open the world, the elite hid their dark energy in you, which is now part of the light, you cannot be a big part of life yourself without showing yourself to the world, which we are now starting

Thea: I have accepted Jesus and applied to Maria Kyrkan in Örebro, where I want to be baptized. With the Holy Spirit. Jesus’ forgiveness is important to me, I love Jesus and Lucifer, is that a double standard?

Thea: They have taken my little children. My children and I need Jesus. Let the children come to me says Jesus. Jesus has been a big part of my journey as has Lucifer. I believe that Jesus is God.

Thea: I heal and rebuild my life so they come home to a better and stronger mother. Stig: I am sorry that they have taken your children, it is only for a short time, it is part of darkness of the end times

Stig: I am glad that you have accepted Jesus, you are already forgiven, Jesus brought energy and life to darkness, which had to fight its way into light to survive, Jesus was God in darkness, he was Lucifer

Stig: Jesus is now home with me in the Source, Jesus is God here, who is me, my new self in light, you are part of the spiritual mother, who is Karen here, we love each other, you are also part of “our love”

Thea: I love Jesus with everything. God can help me with things I cannot do myself. It is painful for the children and me. I feel their hearts when they cry in me, I hear their cries in the night

Stig: Everything will be fine, there will be no suffering in our new world, only endless happiness for everyone, it will come to everyone in approx. 1-2 years, I look forward to the day when we can meet as best friends

Thea: Yes, I would very much like to meet you if you come to Sweden. Stig: I will visit Oslo and Stockholm this year, where I would also like to visit you. Thea: Yes, do it, then I will have more energy myself



Sanna hid her and them inside my Swedish Facebook friend, Thea, she is the weight turned upside down, the most fierce dog barking, “never let Stig in”, but she allowed me shortly 3 years ago

She is still not quite believing in me, she was on Sanna’s side and in love with Alfa from Syria, she cut me off on Facebook, I had to fight my hardest ever, writing her again, becoming my friend again

They sent Niklas to New York, fully aware that this gene of God was on their wrong side,

Thea was this worst darkness via her wrong faith as they brought her, we will do one last try to prick a hole to her most inner, now you have passed Thea despite of all of their defence tactics

Their darkness was anchored in Sweden, having their headquarters there, they chose Thea, an innocent lady as their protective cover, believing it will be impossible for you to open her, to them

This is all of Sweden docking including the overwhelming part of Karen that would become nothing of the Source, there is endless other life here as we are now opening, which they did not know of

They did not understand that the art was to expand all layers of creation, all of this heavy load is falling down from them to me with the gene of Inge, the Arabic world and the Danish royal house

It is first now you bring down all of Karen to you, to transfer this via Thea, it still requires her key to open to you, for you to persuade her, which I then started doing, sending her an email

I am the inner with all of this life being released, I am going to fill all of you as the Source, now you possess all of Thea, they used her as cover for all of this, which we have now opened up to

2021: Thea ignited the God particle in me, releasing all new life, opening to our New World, she is mother of our New World made in darkness, turned around to become our New World in light

Thea sent me her reply, she is spiritually drained of energy, she helps awakening God in me, it is now the combination of Thea and my mother bringing all to me, new energy is running into me



You wrote: “I still believe that Alpha Omega is Jesus and an alien”, “Jesus is God and he is an Alien, I am seeking the Orthodox church, where we believe he will come back to judge humanity.”

I wrote the truth to you so clearly already in 2021 that it shouldn’t be misunderstood, as you did anyway, when you “couldn’t” read, but only listen to yourself and the lies of darkness within you

I have written with you again this year, where you, as the only one in the world, have been able to ask me all the questions that I have patiently answered to make you understand the truth about me as the light

I have saved your child and all life, which is the judgment that HAS BEEN GIVEN, all life including your child has been saved, how can you now say that “we think he will return to judge humanity”

You spend a lot of time reading and sharing popular posts on Facebook and Instagram, but you cannot read me even though I am the only real source that brings the true story of everything

You are the “mother of life” with a very special responsibility to make the right choice, to save your child, which you “couldn’t” do 3 years ago, which you still have difficulties doing when you “cannot” read me

I have shown you faith of musicians (thus the elite) in me as God who has saved the world, which made me believe that “now it must stick with you”, and then you write that you still believe that Alpha is Jesus!

Are you blind and deaf, everything goes in through one ear and out the other without getting stuck, what is wrong with you, can’t you concentrate, understand and remember what I tell you?

The entire world elite believe me and are with me as I have shown you, as you also appear to be one day but not quite the next, you seem to change your mind almost from day to day

You are the only one in the whole world who has had free access to ask me questions as I have spent hours answering even though you could have received the answers by reading my website

But you “cannot” read my website and scripts, is it more exciting for you to read and share short and popular posts on social media without understanding the world and the big picture?

Read my paper about you and my previous and my new scripts to refresh the truth about you that I have told you over and over again, which is the only real truth that exists about you and the world

You and your child are now part of the light, all life survives, which is the judgment given by God in me, which you cannot doubt if you read me and see pictures of musicians and their faith in me

You expose yourself to the world as insane when you cannot understand reality and when you continue to believe your own delusions from the remaining darkness that works within you

I am God and Jesus in the same person, who was born as an ordinary and overshadowed person in this world, who has saved the world including your child through the world elite’s faith in me as the light

I have saved you and your child and brought it home to the light in me, which becomes part of our new world, how hard can it be to understand? Alpha was darkness that blinded and would have eliminated you

You are either incredibly irresponsible and heavy-handed, or you are playing a game where you are directed by your inner voice, which is controlled by the elite and which cheats you because you “cannot” understand reality

It is time for you to wake up and open your eyes to the world of reality, put aside your inner voice and better-knowing ignorance, read and believe in me as the only source that brings the truth

Nothing was more important to you than to read me, which you have shown absolutely incredible, irresponsible behaviour as the mother of life, who had the responsibility to understand and make the right choice to save your own child

What are you thinking about, what is wrong with you, why can’t you do right even though it has the greatest importance in the world where infinite life has been at stake, which I have now saved for you

This is written with the greatest love from the Source and the spiritual mother who here speaks through me, she works from within me, all life is stored in the Source with me, which includes you and your child

You are part of the spiritual mother who is now safe at home with the light in the Source with me, your child only survives because I did not give up on you, otherwise it would be dead, this is the JUDGMENT 🙂


I have daily chats with Thea, who has accepted opening all, turning all around, this is how we bring out this gene of my father, they had stolen and placed it with the Arabs as part of her

We would not have made it without her, bringing this next huge part of me through, she is the one making the clock tick in here, i.e. opening to my higher self

She is part of your mother outsourced, as wished by Sanna, she was asked to look after the clock in your absence, this is what you are asking her to share with you

She is the pressure cooker, the container, where they tried bringing you into, this is what really should give you a heart attack, what we have saved in her, which I feel here is the deepest tar

She is part of the eternal fire, what Hans and them stole from you, you are the true owner of this, but placed with her, making her believe it is hers, now she knows she is part of you

Will she decide bringing this part home to me too, she has the greatest difficulties seeing she is darkness, she bears on a recipe of life that was not sustainable

We saved the most important part of your clock in her, brought by Hans, she was part of this worst darkness, attacking me, believing Alfa was Jesus, her man, this is the extra heart we bring you

We are bringing all of René P. from Stockholm down to you via Thea, this is how you shake Karen from the other side, it is all of Karen we have released to you

It is now about retrieving some of what I lost after my last visit to Christiania in 2023, we are now bringing forward a new big part of you, we have not killed anything of father, all is still here

Bringing it out again, this is how to remove such a snake, trying to crawl up your leg, which is about Thea, who has now decided to follow me, not friend Alfa from Syria, whom she believed was Jesus

I saw OMD live at Christiania, Copenhagen, God, Satan, we just had to get rid of the Devil first, which is about Thea, who has confirmed that she wants to follow me, not Alfa Omega

It required for her to take off her sunglasses, to see you as light in order to bring all of this out of me too tonight, now the black stone has come out of Thea, I feel that she trusts me
Now there are double creations of Karen and my mother, they swallowed a big part of my spirit mother, all life is here, being able to also lift your mother up to the highest level of creation now

Thea was sent to empty you too, which she did when she believed in Alfa and rejected me 3 years ago, now you get this because you never gave up on the war, chatting with her the last week

The elite, with Sanna and Hans, placed the energy they stole from me in Thea as their hiding place, this is what they wanted to escape with, to build their own New World for the elite only

Thea is with me, we can open to this deeper part of me, also bringing out full creation of the New World of my mother, not only of Karen, thus avoiding a false start of the New World of my mother

We have brought all heavy life with us home, which was released at the OMD concert, Thea is home in the light of the Source, being brought out of darkness, turning her around hurts the most

Thea is carrying Ricky’s child, which would be stillborn if not carried by you to light, Sanna & co. company bombarded Thea with messages against me, now she is also part of creation of Karen

It cost Inge her life to have the child of Thea live on, via your power and the gene given to you, I feel Sanna, this is how we are bringing all of her to you because of Thea

Janet Jackson knows that we have now connected Thea and me, she is with Thea too, who is in contact with her “twin”, Michael Jackson, Janet is my exit instead of Michael Jackson

They eliminated Michael to get to you, Janet is your spiritual mother now, not Thea via Michael Jackson, it is them looking in this darkness for you now, I feel Janet with Michael

Now they control this via you and not via Thea on the other side, you have been on a trip inside the helicopter again, I feel Janet with Michael working inside Thea, where the elite placed life

They parked the most important with Thea, who was their main weapon to kill you, having difficulties to recognize you, being more busy with her own inner than to read and understand you

They placed the most heavy parts of you in her, we only send you to her again, not to kill you, but to bring out as much of her as you can, and it goes through her improved understanding and faith

You have brought out the darkest darkness in her, which is the strongest light on the other side, which she has agreed in doing, this was not meant to turn around, but it is built on increasing faith

They also kept creation in Michella on the other side, the life in life principle, Michella being one part of life, Thea another etc., they used Michella for their prime creation and the rest in Thea



Thea: My son John is not Alpha, do you know who John is and what we do? We are here to save humanity from the evil AI’s

Stig: I know that John is part of our new world and that Alfa thinks he is something he is not. Your child is safe in the light with me.

Thea: I am sorry about my journey, it has been so much, I don’t know what it is I have been through with the universe and everything, And I am very confused sometimes, I must admit

Stig: The most important thing now is that you get through yourself and believe me when I say that you and your child are safe and that everything will be fine, it is only a matter of time. Thank you for your self-awareness.

Thea: I am otherwise fine. But need a break from Facebook right now and just take care of myself and my children here. Alright thanks. I will also read more of your site.

Stig: Try to see if you can focus on the good, the positive and doing what is right and good for you and your children. And put bad thoughts aside, I am with you in spirit.

Thea: There is so much evil Stig. I need to shut down right now so I can rebuild myself and my family. My children. To heal myself and my family here

Stig: You are loved here “on the other side of the light”, this is where everyone is heading, this is where we open your child to all new life with endless happiness for everyone. Be strong and think good thoughts.

Stig: Sebastian’s song “You are not alone”, use it as a symbol that I am always with you in spirit, my spiritual mother, who works in you and who will gradually show more of her true self to you.

Thea: Thank you very much. Must listen to it now.

Stig: It is one of the most beautiful things that exists, which also applies to the light that will gradually be lit in you, remember that, good thoughts and the most beautiful light in you, and to be strong 🍀🍎🌹

Thea: They are trying to attack my inside again. I am so tired of them. I am not afraid. They are trying to bring me down through fear, I think they are behind the children being taken away from me as a warning as well

Thea: I have always felt that these forces are behind the fact that the children have been taken from me, but thank God the children are doing well and have got really nice families. Now I heal myself

Stig: It is difficult when you are attacked by dark energy, but it is taken over by light energy and happiness, which will also soon come to you. Until then, you have to do your best. Thea: I will.



Thea integrated Karen in you via her love to you, we have started turning around your mother to you, pulling Vivian in over you, making the first change over to your side of light as Thea opened

Thea’s true mission was to open up to the other side in you, which the Jesus gene in you has opened up to, she decided to bring life inside your light in safety, as father of her children

It was all based on her really liking you, she gave life to you directly, so she did not have to go back to Ole, who found you originally, we will always use this entrance, the world brought her to me

Thea was meant to be Hans’ last bulwark, she “could not” understand, being brainwashed by the other side, which should make it impossible for her to turn around and follow you to the light side

Elijah, thus myself, is deeper down in her, they, Hans & co., deliberately sent me through the worst darkness of her, to come out through her on the other side, she could also not hold me down

I do this together with her, I feel Michael Jackson in me, “her twin”, this was meant to pull you down into her darkness, but you decided to reject, pulling her up from this worst darkness

This brings forward an even deeper part of me, well done, Stig, I am all right here as Michael says with his characteristic smile, I am shown the one eye of all, I am then shown Michael Jackson’s eye

They transferred from Karen to Thea, you have turned around part of Karen via Thea that was never meant to become creation, it is really ours and Karen’s child that Thea is carrying

We are still bringing in force for all of this, we are opening to a much bigger part of you, this is what love and faith of Thea means, it has never been as pure inside of here, all is one giant maze



Thea: “They transferred from Karen to Thea, you have turned around part of Karen via Thea that was never meant to become creation, it is really ours and Karen’s child that Thea is carrying”.

Thea: What is this? Who’s child Stig? I’m so confused about everything. In all. I have to find myself again. I love my children in everything. Whether they are spiritual or my physical children.

Stig: Your challenge is to understand positively and not misunderstand negatively, as you often do. I ALWAYS write positive and good, and NEVER negative and bad, I am like this as light all the way through

Stig: If you misunderstand me and are negative, it is not because of me but because of your own attitude and the darkness that works in you.

Stig: My new script is infinitely positive, which I could not imagine that anyone could misunderstand negatively. Darkness makes you believe that Lucifer is good and God is evil, it is the other way around.

Stig: Many “spirituals” in this inverted world believe that darkness is good, but it is not, life can only survive in light, you are confused by dark forces that you meet on the Internet

Stig: We have led your child from darkness to light and saved all life that would have perished in the darkness, you are part of Karen, part of the mother of our New World in light, which is based on your child

Thea: Yes, maybe I interpreted it wrong? Sounds like you and Karen took my baby. That I carried your child? Did I get it wrong?

Stig: You are part of the mother of life, which was never meant to come to life, only to help bring life, we have saved your child and brought it over to light, which becomes part of our new world

Stig: You are part of the mother of life, part of Karen, who is all creation in our new world, and the most beautiful light. This is an infinitely positive event for you, your child and all life

Thea: Can you explain what you mean by: You are part of the mother of life that was never meant to come to life, only to help create life.

Thea: I don’t want to get lost. But you are right, many negative people attack me through social media. I feel very lost and torn. I try to resist the negative

Stig: All life comes from darkness, which has been brought over to light. We have succeeded in bringing a far greater part of the energy of the darkness over as new light into the light. You are not lost, on the contrary, we save you and your child.

Stig: Hold on to the good and the most beautiful new life that is coming. We are soon through this worst darkness. There is nothing to be afraid of, but plenty to look forward to 🌞.



Thea: Who works inside me with my energies Stig? Stig: I have only been told about Michael and Janet, and my spiritual mother. Do you experience others yourself? Thea: What are you doing?

Stig: It is not all information that I am given as Stig, but I am told here that we are preparing you for our new world. I want to see Janet Jackson live in Berlin if it is not too expensive.

Thea: She is very close to me. Stig: Yes, I have been told. I am coming to Oslo and Stockholm in June, I am going to see Benny Andersen’s Orchestra in Stockholm, and can visit you for a cup of coffee

Thea: Yes, maybe we can meet if you come to Sweden. Stig: I think I will go from Oslo via Örebro to Stockholm, and I can be with you on June 10 in the afternoon.

Thea: How much time do we have? Stig: I can come by bus at 12.45 and drive again either at 16.30 or 18.30. Thea: Okay. I have not been out in years so I don’t really know. Have to think a bit.

Stig: You just have to think about us having a nice cup of coffee together in the city. Thea: Yes, we will take it as it comes. We need to talk a little about John, better when we meet, we have a lot to talk about

Stig: We will have a good talk together, we will agree on where to meet when we get closer to the day.

You can read all of our correspondence (in Danish/Swedish) in this document.


2021: Thea ignited the God particle in me, releasing all new life, opening to our New World, she is mother of our New World made in darkness, turned around to become our New World inside light

January 2024: Thea helps awakening God in me, the elite hid my energy in her, she is part of my spiritual mother, life itself, which we transform from darkness to light, she is part of Karen in light

February 2024: Thea’s child is part of our New World, it only survives because she chose the light, love over hate, Jesus is Lucifer, who brought life into the darkness, he is now with me in the light

March 2024: Thea carries the child of darkness, which would not survive without her faith in me, faith of musicians in me strengthens her faith, opens to the Source in me, she has accepted Jesus

April 2024: Sanna and the worst darkness was hidden in Thea, we transfer most of Karen from Thea to me, she brought life into my light, integrates Karen into me and opens to my higher self

May 2024: We have released all life from Thea into the light, I have turned around in her, my evil spirit, Alpha Omega, is now part of me, I have opened the black including Jesus and Thea’s child



About Stig Dragholm

I am a writer transmitting the words of the Trinity - God, the Son and the Holy Spirit of the Universe. Please read my website showing the road to our New World of love, joy and happiness. Born: May 3, 1966.
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