March 2024 – IV: The giant spaceship is landing, the Source in me, releasing God, we are awakening you, pulling out all of you as we can, we are already in the New World, when you open your eyes, all do, seeing us all here

Summary of the script today

March 31, 2024:


This is about saving you, bringing as much of you home to our New World as we can, we are now awakening you and the library of all, not eliminating you in man’s eagerness to save themselves. It will be an explosion of your light, spreading all over, bringing life all over, this is the process as Kate Middleton has started, your coming trip to Germany will feed this with light, doubling all. We are preparing to close all of you down, to bring all new, we have installed the silo with you rising in it, we are pulling all out of you, not only all of mother, but all of me we can bring out. You forced Sanna and Hans to bring all back to you via world faith, they have rolled all of their plans back, to bring you instead, Hans planned on killing and overtaking me right until the end. We are already in the New World, you are already all of Karen, you just have to open your eyes and when you do, all do, seeing us all here, we have checked it out with Kate Middleton. We unite all as light inside the Source , you were me as the only one, the Source alive, to win over darkness at the very end, I am both life self and the force bringing it, they did all to overtake me. All original life of the New World is already created, they played the same life here via me, all to improve their New World, I am only becoming God because the world obtained faith in me.

This is where all are, they are doing all to pull you up here in the New World, this is the force you feel, trying to get you out, we have given the order to suck out all from here, still bringing more. You are the same man on both sides, we release what we can from the Source in you, the rest will be part of you as the Source, you are your own terminator, never giving up, but one day you will. A giant, incredible spaceship is landing, i.e. the Source in me, you are first now breaking through to the New World, becoming you, we are close to having turned all of the world around, bringing you. It is the pure self of you we are bringing in, new parts of you, another invention higher up, I am all of the pyramid on the other side, almost all of the airstream is missing, which is now coming in. The entrance is now open to all of my force, we are bringing in the first giant elephant, we are opening to everything behind, to free all of God, this is the end of the regime of Sanna. This was father working as darkness disguised as light in Sanna, this is total defeat of Sanna and the world, they did all to break me, all are now on my side, there is only one God here, me in you. We are deleting the last part of you that kept up the Old World, it is my new self helping my old self, who does no longer exist, to do the last creation, life wants to pull me out of here, God in you. Tobias was part of you, working against Sanna and Hans, bringing out everything of their darkness to you, he was my weapon to win, bringing their safe/secrets home, to bring you on the other side.


I am falling as the last into the big sea of fire, carrying my sword, refusing to fall in, but to keep on fighting with my sword this close to the fire, we have turned around and brought you too. You were Father on earth and now also in our New World, this is what man opened up to, releasing all of you, this is now about saving you, bringing as much of you home to our New World as we can. We release all force of your father, you are this force, we are now awakening you including the library of all instead of eliminating you in man’s eagerness to get away and save themselves. We only brought small parts of me to the New World, we have kept coming back, improving the game every single time until we brought enough of you to go on forever, never to return here. We never received enough faith to bring all of you out, this is the last chance, Kirsten, my friend, is decisive for this, would she ever bring back to you what they also placed in her, stolen from you? It will be an explosion of your light, spreading all over, bringing life all over, this is the process as Kate Middleton has started, your coming trip to Germany will feed this with light, doubling all. We are preparing to close all of you down, to bring all new, we have installed the silo, with you rising in it, we are pulling all out of you, not only all of mother, but all of me we can bring out.

Hans’ scripts includes his plan to bring the end of you, the only way to bring himself, what he is trying to erase now, to bring you forward, which we wait on before the US visa goes through. Sanna and Hans always controlled your life, I always worked the hardest as a slave, so that I should not discover them stealing and destroying me, what they did to bring themselves forward. You forced them to bring all back to you via world faith, Sanna and Hans have rolled all of their plans back, to bring you instead, they believed it would cost too much energy for you to bring all. I helped them a little, setting up Hans for a short while, “then I will find Stig, the New World”, but it made him think “I will still take all of it, if i can”, to bring darkness for you to absorb to grow all. We left the Source in your inner open for them, to help you if they could, but they decided to steal all and say that they were themselves, there never was a source on their side as they claimed. All was stolen from you as they built their lives on, they used your mother to build their life, now I build all myself as Stig, still, at this late stage, they planned to wipe me off, overtake all themselves. Kate Middleton says in a video that she is undergoing cancer treatment, but the video is clearly fake, her face and voice is manipulated by AI on basis of a seven year old video. We are already in the New World, you cannot see it yet, you are already all of Karen, you just have to open your eyes and when you do, all do, seeing us all here, we have checked it out with Kate.

I am shown a key in my hands, this is what I have received access to, all coming with the Jerusalem UFO, Michael Jackson: “I am in the highest degree part of this, working through Thea”. It was only one Source that was controlled by darkness and light from each side, from your sister and you and people having faith in either of you, now we unite all as light inside the Source. Life begins in America, Russia wanted to destroy/overtake it to start their new world, this is why Trump plays the role to start a US civil war, controlled by Putin, Trump is my servant, Putin is not. I brought voices/inputs to both sides, it was then up to you to fight, you were me as the only one, the Source alive on earth, I gave you the task to win over all darkness and Sanna at the very end. I am both life self and the force bringing it, the world did all to overtake instead of becoming part of me, all life was part of you and could do the same as you did to save the world, but no one did. All life was me, not as new life, all original life from the New World is already created, they played the same life here via me, when they were not alive, all to improve their New World. I am only becoming God because I did what I did and had the world obtain faith in me, being God acting in Stig as a normal human being, we had to make you God when everyone followed you.

Everyone could have done it, no one did, no one else came here to claim you, it required to go the long way home to bring all, you are the only one bringing the foundation to bring our New World. Kate Middleton is the one having the greatest followers in the world, thus the first to enter you for real, the only one, who has been inside you, bringing the first/most important of my documents. This is where they should be according to plans of the other side, Karen was never supposed to come here, this is where all are, they are now doing all to pull you up here in the New World. This is the force you feel, trying to get you out, we have given the order to suck out all from here, we have already brought Sanna here, you are now Karen there, still being Stig here, bringing more. It is yourself from outside haunting your inner self, you refuse to give up because you have more work to do, this is how all new and old is linked together, you are the same man on both sides. You allowed all life in from outside, we release what we can from the Source in you, the rest will be part of you as the Source, you are your own terminator, never giving up, but one day you will. Thea is mother of darkness, bringing life in light via her faith, what we need your mother for here, she is really working in her, it is really my father outside doing this, us working together.

A giant, incredible spaceship is landing, i.e. the Source in me, you are first now breaking through to the New World, becoming you, we are close to having turned all of the world around, bringing you. It can only be done when the two halves are exactly and equally the same size, I am shown two blades of two knives touching, we were given the same task on Sanna’s side, to adjust to you. What you achieved and brought to the other side, the world has allowed you to add on to Karen, we have never been in a situation where nothing of the Source has been explored. This completed the transfer from Sanna to you, to be Karen on the other side, you stay here to bring over as much of me as we can, all of your old self is home, we are bringing new parts of you. Kirsten, Britt N., Christian E. and Britt, the 1990’s, energy moved from Kirsten when they believed in you, Kirsten did not play with straight cards, a game to empty you, to make your mother bleed. It is the pure self of you we are bringing in, it is not even light, but another invention higher up, now there is only you here, all life is on the other side in our overwhelmingly beautiful New World. I am all of the pyramid on the other side, still bringing more over, almost all of the airstream is missing, which is now coming in, we had to make a choice, we brought you and left most outside.

The entrance is now open to all of my force, you are on the other side as Jesus then, which you have broken out of, so now you are truly nothing here, you keep on shovelling on to the other side. We are bringing in the first giant elephant, you are now surrounded by a new yellow ring, which we use to bring all of this out of you, we have never sent in as many flowers of mother before. Sanna was Hell as we made all creation through, she is the entrance to this world, but all force comes from me, but she belongs to this world, we have allowed her entrance to me, to bring life. You have broken out of your Old World to come here and bring all of this before you return, we let Sanna control the world before you, because she was the world, the entrance to it. I sent an email to Thea: “I have saved your child and am trying to save the rest of ENDLESS LIFE in you as we do, when you open yourself to the light, you kill the child when you hide in the dark”. We are opening to everything behind, we need Jim Kerr to pull us in, bringing the world down, only by doing this, we can free all of God as we have started doing, you have broken through. This is the end of the regime of Sanna, this is now brought to me, she was this impossible defence system, locking you out, now fallen, this is the end of Jack too, they have no more force.

This was father working as darkness disguised as light in Sanna, now it is is pure mother in disguise coming in, which is really father, this is total defeat of Sanna and the world, all are now on my side. There is only one God here, me in you, which they believed they had control over, Sanna received orders from here “Stig is crazy”, turning the world against you except the very top being with you. Hans was sent to help her, believing that it was God of this world speaking to her, which included to eliminate me, when Bettina changed over to my side in 2015, it led to their defeat. They did all to break me, dividing me, they planned on living on my energy and everyone else as they would eliminate, where my task as Stig was to reunite all, John and Bettina built up all here. We don’t know yet how new life will look like, it depends on how deep we reach and the tools we bring out of here, we have dissolved all life here, waiting on you to see how far you will get. There is nothing here, no mother, no father, we will wait and see what comes to us, it will become magnificent, there will be no heart, we are deleting the last part of you that kept up the Old World. It is now my new self helping my old self, who does no longer exist, to do the last creation, life wants to pull me out of here, God in you, this is the force holding up the Old World because of you.

USA was asked to kill me in Kenya in 2009, being forced by force of the world against me, mainly because of Elijah’s resistance to me, this is how this lazy man was close to killing me and the world. He “could not” read and understand, but focused on himself, the same way as Thea, my mother, Sanna and many others, who sent their worst force against me that included the order “kill Stig”. Sanna and Hans kept Tobias with drugs, to discredit him and eventually to kill him via an overdose, which they also planned doing with me, being forced on drugs at psychiatric hospital in 2009. Tobias was part of you, working for you, going against them, he was the front line of me, working with the greatest danger to his life, Sanna knew that the way to bring you down went through him. You saved him when never giving up, if he had died, you would have died with him, Hans decided to sacrifice him, but your force was so strong via your hard work that it brought energy to save him. He was your stick inside their darkness, his sympathy for you brought out everything from them to you, we bring this home, not meant to survive, bringing out the most valuable of you, from Sanna. Tobias was not working for Russia, all others of his family were, he was your weapon to win, this is their safe self with all of their secrets, mainly Sanna’s, as Tobias brings home, not being restricted.

Tobias was our antenna inside their system, Sanna could not read this, working for me in her, Tobias is really the forerunner of you that was placed in darkness, to bring you on the other side. Niklas has the power after Sanna, but you preferred Tobias’ human qualities over Niklas’ business success, which brought him over to you, there would be no New World without this setup working.

March 2024 – IV: The giant spaceship is landing, the Source in me, releasing God, we are awakening you, pulling out all of you as we can, we are already in the New World, when you open your eyes, all do, seeing us all here

The giant spaceship is landing, the Source in me, releasing God, we are awakening you and the library of all, pulling out all of you as we can, we are already in the New World, when you open your eyes, all do, seeing us all here

March 21:

Hans and them could not do anything without asking me, which is also how it worked here. They thought it was us (my voice) deciding, also because Sanna believed this was how we made her, where we really bring what you ask for, which is what you (Stig) understood, never allowing us to decide over you.

I feel Michael Bundesen, I am shown myself falling as the last into the big sea of fire, carrying my sword, but I am shown myself refusing to fall in, but to keep on fighting with my sword this close to the fire, I am told that we had not expected you to do this.

You were part of the future making your own, now we have turned around and brought you too.

It was mainly breaking your sexual contact with mother, i.e. bringing energy to our Old World, to come here, doing the same for our New World, but now turned the right way, and not based on sexuality.

You were Father on earth and now also in our New World, this is just what they opened up to, mankind, via their fraudulent “fact check” video of the Jerusalem UFO, thus releasing all of you.

Double plus good, because mankind always left you too early, leaving you behind. This is now about saving you, bringing as much of you home to our New World as we can.

So it is part of yourself that you are killing if you should decide to stop before time as we see it. We have now decided to release all force of your father as they knew was trapped here. You are this force as they did not know how to get to, well, it required your faith in me, not to hunt me down.

Now we are awakening you including the library of all instead of eliminating you in our (mankind’s) eagerness to get away and save our own behinds. We only brought small parts of me to the New World (created “endless times” before doing the final creation now), Ole and so on. We have kept coming back, inventing the Old World over again to bring even more, and now as much as we can do forever and ever now.

They always did it wrong, the foundation was always darkness, trying to improve the game every single time until we brought enough of you to decide to go on forever and ever, never to return to this godless place.

We never received enough faith to bring all of you out, I am told to continue my work, the last chance to do this, Kirsten, my old friend, is decisive for this, would she ever bring back to you what they also placed in her, stolen from you?

We have now come as far that it will be an explosion of your light, spreading all over, bringing life all over. Rule Brittania, this is the process as the British Royal family and Kate Middleton have started. It is your coming trip to Germany that will feed this with light. Remember that only places you have been in Germany, we can double all.

Bringing Holm (old teacher at Mørdrup School, since Catholic priest) back to your side required the most of us, never done before, this is why you contacted him directly some years ago, for him to see you were not as your sister claimed, thus bringing the force of Vatican to work for us.

All is controlled by father up here, while you will go out on your last ever trip as Stig. All is only possible to do while your mother is still alive.

We, the New World, have lived without a father for this long, which I feel is “all because of ourselves”.

I watched “Godzilla: King of the Monsters”, the monster is God self.

Hans has also been in USA to remove all tracks after him, which is then opening to you.

We are now preparing to close all of you down, to bring all new. We have only just placed the silo, installed you at the middle of the bottom, I feel that it is my task to rise up in it.

Now we are pulling all out of you so that it is not only all of mother, but all of me we can bring out that we will use, our old dream. It is then all of mother coming on visit in all of father, also an old dream coming through.

Isn’t it surprising if they discover in Hans’ scripts, his plan to bring down your plane, i.e. the end of you, the only way to bring himself, what he is trying to erase now, apparently helping to bring you forward, this is what we are waiting on before the US visa goes through, i.e. opening up all of them to you.

Hans, they, Sanna and Hans, always controlled your life, I feel Brede Park 2009-10 as example, where I worked physically the hardest as their slave, which I always did, so that I should not discover them stealing and destroying me, what they did voluntarily to bring themselves forward, not easy bringing all back to you, but what you forced them to do via world faith, Sanna’s and Hans’ latest trips to USA have been to roll all of their plans back, to bring you instead.

They believed that the point of the fighter jet would be so expensive (cost so much energy) that it would never happen, and then I helped them a little, setting up Hans only for a short while, “then I will find Stig, the New World”, but this made Hans think “I will still take all of it, if i can run away with it”, i.e. to continue bringing darkness for you to absorb to grow all.

We left the Source in your inner completely open for them to see inside you, to help you if they could, but they decided to steal all and say that they were themselves, there never was a source on their side as they claimed, all was stolen from you, which they built their lives on, and they did because they could, also helped a little by me.

And they used your mother to build their will of life, where I was first supposed to come in later, i.e. higher, to help them, their plan, but now I build all myself as Stig. Still, at this late stage, they planned to completely wipe me off, to overtake all themselves if they could carry it.

They still tried to make the flood spread in you, I feel my mother letting life that could not live forever die as the only way they could transfer your energy to them, we let them know, i.e. Hans’ secret plans right until the end.

They had your mother give you a white lie, she knew what they were up to, they made her believe that everyone knows that what Stig is trying to do is completely impossible to do, i.e. to bring himself on top here as I did, only to bring all down to me .

I am given the lyrics “You’re my always shining star” by Ten Sharp.

I am told that Sanna and Hans kept Tobias with drugs, to discredit him and eventually to kill him via an overdose, as they also planned doing with me, being forced on drugs at psychiatric hospital in 2009, to bring me an overdose, it is all written in their scripts.

March 22:

Kate Middleton says in this video that she is undergoing cancer treatment, can this really be, I was told the other day that she has gone ahead to our New World and they made fake pictures with her, to convince the public that she is still here, and now they bring this video, to bring them an excuse why Kate is not showing, to bring her away from the public eye, and will not show for the time to come. Is this video fake too?

When looking deeper into the subject, it should be clear for everyone that the video is indeed fake, Kate’s face and voice is manipulated by AI on basis of a seven year old video, where Kate was wearing the same clothes, having the same hair and being in the same environment as this new video.

“Kate Middleton cancer video going viral after alleged Deep Fake AI trickery”

“Royal Family Accused of MANIPULATING Kate Middleton’s Cancer Video Using AI”

“Kate Middleton speech video AI deep fake technology compared to previous Kate videos”

I am told that they could not bring Queen Mary here, removing her as new Queen in Denmark as people expect to see.

We are already in the New World, you just cannot see it yet, I am shown a cleaner being sprayed to my living room, cleaning it. So you are already all of Karen, I feel all as light around me, you just have to open your eyes and when you do, all do, seeing us all here, we have now checked it out with Kate, who is now back with you.

I am shown a key in my hands and I am told that this is what I have received access to, all of this coming with the Jerusalem UFO. I am shown a silver glove being put on a hand, a symbol of our New World becoming visible, I feel Michael Jackson, who says “I am in the highest degree part of this, working through Thea”, yes, as you have decided not to give up on, you continue sending your scripts to her, not having heard from her since sending my email of music stars to her, and publishing this, which seems to have scared her off for now.

The truth is that it was only one source that was controlled by darkness and light from each side, from your sister and you, you might say, and people having faith in either of you, and now we unite everything as light inside the Source in the middle. It was really me in the middle being all. My main role was pest control, to do this before opening up to true life.

It was Jack inside Sanna that we wanted to get out, this is where we placed all negative energy, making him believe he was the opposite in an opposite world, also making Sanna believe she was born in the wrong family, she clearly belonged together with him, and his ancestors before him.

It was me bringing voices and inputs to both sides and then it was up to you to fight, and it would then be up to natural forces, who would win.

It is in North America that all new life begins, this is why Russia wanted to destroy it completely, to take it in order to start their new dream world. This is why Trump is playing the role to start a civil war in USA, for two parties to go up against each other, but it was really controlled from behind, by Putin and his dreams to become world emperor.

(The Capital Riots was staged up you will discover if you dig deep enough on etc.).

Trump is really my servant, Putin is not, Trump was only forced to play the game as a complete idiot, forced by Putin, stealing force, now only playing a game to bring all of you.

You were me as the only one, you were the Source alive on earth, bringing directives to each side, deciding on behaviour of mankind, i.e. light and darkness, I gave you the task to win over all darkness and your sister at the very end, where most had turned evil.

Now it is not me, but Sanna, who is exploding, we have prevented going through the critical phase.

So I am both life self and the force bringing it, this is what the world via Sanna and Hans could not help seeing themselves, so madly in love with that they would do anything to overtake it instead of becoming part of me.

This means that your mother was not alive at all, all was part of you. This is what your father was aware of, your arrival as everything, but since all life was part of you, all life had the option to do exactly the same as you did, but no one did, they could or would not and that is to save the world in the correct manner

Michael Bundesen was me, all life was, not as new life, which is original life, and here is the tricky part, original life from the New World already created, played the same life here via me, when they were not alive, all to improve their New World, and this time we have promised it that this is our last time, which is why we have made you stronger than ever before, proving once and for all that it is possible for one man to go unnoticed through all darkness that tried to prevent me, which was it’s natural reaction, to not open up.

So far, Kate Middleton is the only one, who has been inside you, only to make sure that it works.

I was the light in darkness, everyone could have taken on this task, but I encouraged you to do it and you did, bringing the world with you. I am only becoming God because I did what I did and had the world obtain faith in me, being God acting in Stig as a normal human being, the same way as all others.

Kate is believed to be the one having the greatest followers in the world, thus the first to enter you for real.

We had to make you God when everyone followed you, I feel tremendous love of Karen, as everyone could have done, but no one had the courage, know-how and will power to do it. No one else came here to claim you, we made sure of that, and this is because it was required to go the long way home to bring all, not to be lazy, superficial and egocentric, and it was good luck that it was you coming, because you were the only one bringing the foundation to being able to bring our New World, no one else did.

March 23:

I dreamt of making papers, commenting for my manager to critics in the last moment, but will my manager choose my very last draft, which I can then write out the last few hours, or will he choose Paul’s paper, which is a fraud, he may chose Paul, will they discover the fraud.

I dreamt of receiving new Audi company car, it has a 10 litres engine and five big video screens inside of it, which is because my job is to give presentations. But something is wrong, the steering wheel is in the wrong side, it is clearly English, I go to Vantage West (old headquarters of GE Insurance in London, I worked for the company in Denmark from 1998-2002) with Allan M.-H., I have automatic access to the biggest and most luxurious spa pool and exercise room, which they are about to open, when I ask them what it includes and I tell them that I will not use it for now.

I have slept terrible the last week including last night, so I could only work for a couple of hours today.

It first started going quickly here when Sinead O’Connor came here. We should give regards from Kirsten, my father’s widow, now installed here.

We have not heard you say “I cannot continue any longer into the library”, which is why we continue, which is despite of my sufferings, which are also strong these days, I am told this is why the Swiss goal keeper in the football match against Denmark today as a symbol could no more against Denmark today, he had to be replaced, having received an injury. The match ended without goals. The Dutch judge was given a strong tackle by a player, and I was given the song “Flyt dig lige” (“well, move away”) by Hugorm, which was rally about removing darkness.

I received constant tooth pain again for hours, at approx. 20% level, and I was incredible dizzy, feeling that I was almost fainting, which is how it is most of the time here, “more or less”.

It really should be your mother entering here.

I felt our skiing holiday to Austria in 1985 – my mother, John, Mette and I – and I am told that already then, your mother knew “something is wrong with you”, she was told.

We will keep your mother for as long as it goes with you, to bring more creation. We start with the power on top, turning it upside down, I feel the British Royal family. Sanna did not want to go, she also could have, still being one of the most powerful. They bring the first and most important of my documents. This is where Ricky and them should be according to plans of the other side.

This is what Bettina as their first envoy was supposed to be. Karen was never supposed to come here. This is where John and all are. Moses, this is when we started you, in Dortmund at the World Cup in football, 2006. First when Bettina decayed, we could break through here. We don’t give you the plan drawing until the very end.

They are now doing all to pull you up here in the New World, which is the force you are fighting against for as long as you continue playing the game, not giving in, to bring us much more creation.

Michael Jackson is not dead yet here via Thea, there is still much more to be awakened, to bring here.

The British Pound going bankrupt was only a warning, we will keep deteriorating what is left here, but all can survive as long as you do.

This is the force you now feel from the corridor, trying to get you out, i.e. the opposite to before. We have given the order to suck out all from here, which will soon be visible, but of course only if you do not do your work.

We start with all at the bottom with Sanna. We have allowed them to start. Do you know who you are married to now, Karen. We have already brought Sanna here, you are Sanna there and everyone else. So you are now Karen there, while still being Stig, yourself, here, bringing more.

This planet is now in or around you, I feel it around my head as small, where far the largest part is still with you. It is yourself from outside haunting your inner self and you refuse to give up because you have more work to do, this is how all new and old is linked together, you are the same man on both sides.

Still you allowed all in, always saying “you are welcome”, which was to all life from outside coming closer and closer to your inner self, this is the process as you have decided to still going on and that is because you simply have more work to do.

We are now releasing from you as Stig what we can from the Source, the rest will be part of you as the Source, not becoming life. You are your own terminator, we would never ever find anyone as stubborn as you, deciding to never give up, but one day you will.

Is this true, haven’t we walked through Thea, well, she is mother of darkness, bringing life in light via her faith.

This is what we need your mother for here, she is really working in her. I feel my father, it is really him outside doing this, us working together. We needed you to sell your soul as expensive as possible, to withstand all attacks of Hans, Putin & co.

March 24:

I dreamt of working for Putin and his large staff at a factory, he has no management plans, meetings etc. with the staff, I have given my suggestions to organize all, he has no clue how to do it, he is stiff and dictatorial.

I dreamt of Morten J. having stopped working for us, he has made notes or a draft for a proposal to a client as I have promised to finish, I work at home, looking at it, I was hoping that Morten had made more than he has, it is only less than one page of his ideas, this is an add-on to a former presentation as I will have to look into and to start getting this done too.

I slept a little better, but still feel so poor and tired that it is almost impossible to get started working, which takes me about half an hour to do, and after starting, I then feel strong pressure to give up, I am shown a giant, incredible spaceship landing, i.e. the Source in me, what has started, but no, I decided again that I don’t care what you do, I continue working my best, with what I have got.

The most important for you is to visit Brussels, then Cologne, on your coming trips, if you don’t go to New York, and we have to start from there.

You are first now breaking through to the New World, becoming you, when publishing your new script of January 10, and the next, yes, we kept you for 18 days since publishing the previous scripts, giving you other tasks and very poor, thus also making this very difficult to do.

March 25:

I dreamt of a colleague and I at Aon being asked by Kim S. to do a written presentation to a bank on different pension choices for customers, which is all types of pension schemes, my colleague is very uncertain, but will not talk about ideas, he wants to ask Kim S. questions of the task first, which is unnecessary, he does not have my experience on how to do work like this, but eventually we get into a dark meeting room to plan, we see another group given the same task, they already have things structured, different choices, life annuities and other pension types, they have all pensions and prices from files to take from to their paper, we do not, it seems almost impossible for us to do. Søren Pape is in our room to help us, I agree with Kim S. that I will give him my paper about my pay one of the next days, I now have a reasonable pay after starting on a low point, which has kept my pay down over the years, but my good work has given me what is good pay, which I believe is approx the same as others, Kim, Pernille and Jørgen are all happy about my work.

I published my script of January 10, custom house, is this then the spaceship landing?

Absalon, Copenhagen, I feel Lars G., we are now close to having turned all of the world around, bringing you.

We have applied only little force, but it is enough to release you. It can only be done when the two halves are exactly and equally the same size, I am shown two blades of two knives touching.

We were given the same task on Sanna’s side, to adjust to you, what you achieved and brought to the other side. Due to very special circumstances, they have not closed all, the game continues. They forgot to take off your night clothes, so we continue, I feel that I should have been ripped, not being alive. Because you went on on and on, giving reserve energy, now burning off.

So the world has allowed you to add on to Karen. We have never been in a situation where nothing of the Source has been explored. I am shown a big plunge, a man running away, fearing it will explode, bringing up water.

They believed there was nothing out here, where they wanted to be, where they sent Christian G., we never accepted him, but they believed he was their anchor out here, but I was, the one they were going to kill.

This then completed the transfer from Sanna to you. We knew that when this was done, you would be Karen on the other side, but then something marvellous happened, which is that you decided to stay here, so that we now can bring over as much of me as we can. Now all of your old self is also home, it is new parts of you we are now bringing.

They have now seen the paper being broken to the big cable of mine, a roll of cables, but if all goes well, this will be replaced many times with all new of me before I come, so what you now believe is fantastic is nothing and old fashioned compared to what I see is coming in.

My mother fears every script that I release, what it includes about her. Being sad of Nazi stories, I wish she would remember Nazi and help me. I am told that she was selected by her adoptive mother.

The dive of the Titan submarine, the implosion, is where they tried killing you, because “now we must be going”.

Now we can tell the secret of your old clique from the beginning of the 1990’s with Kirsten, Britt N., Christian E. and the other Britt really meant. I feel energy moving from Kirsten because they believed in you, yes, Kirsten also did not play with straight cards.

Also a game to empty you. As Lars G. with Britt and Lisbeth J. also was, when we were on a weekend holiday in Sweden in 1994, but the name of game was to never sleep with any of these ladies. They really wanted to make your mother bleed by emptying you.

We are now bringing out 100 times Simple Minds per day.

When there was no more Jack, it is the pure self of you we are bringing in as we have started doing. So we have really started all over, but you don’t see it where you are now.

Now there is really only you here, all life is on the other side. This is a giant furniture store and you can choose yourself, i.e. tools for creation, I feel our overwhelmingly beautiful New World.

Already now, we are starting to look into what is not even light, but another invention higher up. Now I am all of the pyramid on the other side, I am shown myself as a big sitting, ancient Egyptian statue, while I am taken beneath ground.

I am really not here, which is the only reason why I can bring more over to the other side. We have only brought the most concentrated of you in until now, with almost all of the airstream missing, which we now start bringing too, I am shown concentrated honey, like a substance, coming through the pipe, strong airstream now coming in.

We have you ear, but most of the force we do not, we have to make a choice and we decided to bring you and leave most of us outside. They did not know how to bring out all of my force, it is first now, when I have removed all of them that the entrance is open to all.

So you are on the other side as Jesus then, which you have broken out of, so now you are truly nothing here and you just keep on shovelling on to the other side. Now we only need you to amplify this force via concerts etc.

You should have died long time ago, energy from your sexuality also helped you through all. We are now bringing in the first giant elephant after publishing the script of January 10. You are now surrounded by a new yellow ring, which we use to bring all of this out of you.

I had strong voices until 1-2 days ago, trying to prevent me from coming here, trying to confuse me with everything new, to distract me, where I kept telling myself “I don’t care what you say and do, I play my own game, still you are all welcome”.

We have never sent in as many flowers before, all labelled with mother, I feel them as yellow.

Sanna was Hell as we made all creation through. This is why we have brought her here, to bring this to you.

We have allowed them to still monitor you, first “Bixby”, Samsung’s digital assistant turns on by itself on my phone, then Siri on my Ipad does the same, which happens now and then on my different devices, also Google’s and Amazon’s digital assistants, without being asked, they just “pop up”.

You can say that Sanna is the entrance to this world, but all force comes from me, we have promised to go through her forever to you on the other side. This is why we let Sanna look into the Source before you, and why they, Hans & co., were so interested in her, because she is clearly the Source, but no, she belongs to this world as we are building up, we have allowed her entrance to me, to bring life here.

So you have broken out of your Old World to come here and bring all of this before you return and that would be to the New World.

March 26:

It took me 3-4 hours to fall asleep despite of being incredible out of energy, my body is kept physically very restless, being given physical movement and sufferings waiting to calm down. I felt invisible people of other civilisations around me, their task is to completely disassemble me, which they will continue doing.

We let your sister control the world before you, because she was the world, the entrance to it.

For the last 1-2- I have been given wrong day rhythm again, going to bed at around 05.00 in the morning, having great difficulties falling asleep, often using a couple of hours just waiting to fall asleep, and then sleeping with difficulties, wake up and work in the afternoon/evening. This night I tried to go to bed at 05.30 in the morning and now it is 07.00, I have to stand up, I cannot fall asleep, this is stressing me much these days, making work extremely difficult.

The day today was so difficult that I was not even given notes to write down.

March 27:

I dreamt of oversleeping, I cannot make it on time to Niklas’ wedding, I call my mother, she and John are on the way in car from Helsingør, they collect me, so that we arrive on time, there are almost only Muslims there, there is a buffet, I collect 1-2 at the time, it takes incredible long time.

I woke up and was told that it is really Niklas having the power after Sanna.

I was given “Breaking Up Is Hard To Do” by Neil Sedaka.

I sent my new script to Thea and an email with this headline: “I have saved your child and am trying to save the rest of ENDLESS LIFE in you as we do, when you open yourself to the light, you kill the child when you hide in the dark”.

Later, I was told that you have just secured that we can continue the game, which came after resuming my contact with Thea, see our chat at the end of the script. Did you bring her all down, now we build her up again.

Karen has known since she was little that a special man would come as she would fall in love with, but she was disturbed, I feel her love, and I feel Donna Summer.

We can still use Bettina in here, now turned around, can you forgive me, I was under spellbound, she says, I feel her love to me symbolised by this favourite song of mine :-).

Only when you have all of the world with you, I can give up my mission here to bring you down in order to bring room for the so called elite, or “the worthy ones” as they believed they were, and I was one of them.

It is not peanuts we are talking about when we are now opening to everything behind, what they had settled with, which is not good enough for me, we are still going, people.

This is what we need Jim Kerr for here, to pull us in, I feel delegated to life, thus to him. They kept on saying I am the ice maker, which came from here, turned around. This is what we have been waiting on, this was held up by all of the world, but when the world really does not want it, we can then lift it and get access to everything behind.

This is how we are bringing the entire world down, now also on the other side that supported them and their evil deeds. Only by doing this, we can free all of God, which we have started doing.

You have broken through, where the world had decided to settle.

El Corte Inglés, the department store in Malaga, all of this was founded when they first sent you to Costa del Sol in 2006 (via Fair Insurance), yes, they were really with you, Fair and the the insurance business, I (my voice) had Sanna and Hans & co. fooled to believe that they were with them, but they were one of few, who were told the secret of you.

This is then the end of the regime of Sanna, who believed it was the opposite in an opposite world, i.e. feeling it as beautiful light when it was the worst darkness, it was with this support they fought the war against you, being blindfolded, deaf and stupid, blue eyed.

This is now brought to me, when Sanna herself decided to leave her own position, she was this impossible defence system, locking you out, having the world with you, now fallen, which comes with the abdication of Queen Margrethe. This is then the end of Jack too, they have no more force.

This position is what sent you and your mother all cigarettes (sufferings), i.e. bringing the end, which was father working as darkness disguised as light in Sanna, being as easy a victim as Thea.

Now it is is pure mother in disguise coming in, which is really father. I made her and them believe that if you should succeed overtaking, it would mean the end of the world, but it was opposite.

This is total defeat of your sister and the world, they are now all on your side. This is the last resistance to you that we are removing, but since you have decided to continue the game, because you have more work to do, we will keep on sending more in.

This is what they believed was God of this world commanding them. But there is only one God here and that is me in you, which is what Sanna and Hans and them had control over, or believed that they did.

It was from here that the orders went to Sanna, “Stig is completely crazy, do something about him”, which then turned all of the world against you except the very top being with you, which is how it is in an opposite world, receiving my message of love as the opposite.

Hans was simply sent there to help her, believing that it was really God of this world that was speaking to your sister, which included to eliminate me.

The event on Helsingør Library on April 5, where the chairman of the Liberal Alliance, Alex Vanopslagh, is coming, which is simply to welcome you home.

It was ultimately Bettina changing over to your side that led to their defeat, which she did shortly before her death in 2015, which came shortly after her father’s, John, my mother’s late husband, death.

They did all to break me, I am shown a brain almost divided in two, where my task as Stig was to reunite all.

John and Bettina changing over, so instead of destroying all, following them, Sanna and Hans & co., they have built up all here.

Now it is only you, so darkness is even darker and access is even more narrow.

“Just hold on, hold on, …, I will be your father figure”, I have been given these lyrics by George Michael the last days.

This is what Uffe Ellemann entered into, they are really not dead here, they are just not alive and are fully aware of it.

This is what they believed, played on, would also happen to your mother and basically you too, they then planned on living on your energy and everyone else as they would eliminate, but they really could not because I already have energy reserved for all here as they did not know, which could not be altered, they just did not know.

We are now acting as if all are dead here, trying to imagine how your new lives will look like as we don’t know yet, it depends on how deep we reach here and the quality of new and constantly stunning tools we bring out of here.

So far we have dissolved all life here as you knew it, waiting on you Stig and the world to see how far you will get. So there is no Karen here, everything has dissolved for now. This is what the world has laid in your hands to do, having faith in you, thus nothing of their old “new creation” anymore.

So no one knows what you doing out here. We also use Fanny to build this up (a contact I had approx. 10 years ago as you can read about in old scripts).

There is also no father here, just nothing, no mother, no father, we will wait and see what comes to us and we will then return with how life is going to become. The same is the case with John, he is the first here receiving all that we bring out. All we can say for now is that it will become magnificent. And there will be no heart in our New World. We are using your mother as refrigerator for this, you in it.

You and your mother would not be here if the police had taken you in back then in 2016 or was it 2017?

March 28:

I dreamt about Kim S. and I meeting PBS (“payment service”, today Nets) about a company pension scheme, we return to our company, which feels like Aon, he suggests that we invite them for lunch here to bound what they might be interested in doing, and to invite people of the organisation in on the meeting. Consultants do too few meetings, we need more, I am a clear no. 2 in the organization after Kim, having the most experience. There are new places today, I had forgotten, normally I sit in front, but most places are taken, I so will sit in back. I am 5 minutes late for the first time, collecting colleagues at Espergærde Station to drive to work, when I get there, no one is there, I have must have found an alternative at work, I ask Ole to take my picture as I will use to send letters to clients, but he takes it with a too wide angle, he needs to zoom in, but then he has gone, which makes me angry, finish work when you can. I ask employees to let me see their written presentations before sending them, to catch errors and typing mistakes, they are not happy about it. Now Fair Insurance is also holding my father’s and Kirsten’s 25 year wedding celebration with a big dinner, nothing is spared, some work for Fair, some with others, but the printer standard writes three pages about Fair to start with, my father removes all for non-fair prints, I ask him if we can stop doing this for non-fair prints, but he is old and have no energy to make changes.

Lucia cannot stop commenting on Medina’s Facebook posts, I wish that she would not because of the pain that she brought to Medina and her husband.

I had to eat myself to write two days of script today, hoping to continue work after a nap, but no, after the nap, I was utterly destroyed for the next 6 hours, having destroyed myself even more than I first felt.

I feel Franz Beckenbauer, it is now all about him, I feel him as traitor.

March 29:

They, Sanna and Hans & co., were ready to get rid of any left overs of you, if to be found, now we are also deleting you, the last part of you that kept up the Old World, so now there is absolutely nothing here, all that you see as the Old World.

They knew they had to get rid of you before they could start again, so this is what we are now doing. It is now my new self helping my old self, who does no longer exist, to do the last creation.

Still I am given a strong feeling of all life wanting to pull me out of here. So what is here when you are not here, yes, God, in you, this is the force holding up the Old World because you decide it. This is the force we have sworn never to use, there is basically nothing here, so it is only your will power holding all up.

When we removed Michael Bundesen, we also remove you.

The Baltimore Bridge “accident” meant that now we cannot bring any more over the traditional way, but we still do not give up, now as God.

I dreamed of working with Kim’s insurance brokerage, we have received four offers on a pension scheme from the leading pension companies, I thank them for bringing it on time and say that now the biggest part of the work is on me, to go through all offers and compare them, all four companies believe they have won, the margins are very small, and it can be very difficult to compare the exact prices and bonuses on insurances, which is technically done in different ways. I show all four companies around in our offices, which we have overtaken from PFA, not all rooms have been used so far, we were expecting our legal department to move in, but they will not, I feel that we are now Danske Bank.

I have received a more and more wrong day rhythm, I now sleep from 10.30 to 18.00, I have to go to the Easter Lunch as Sanna and Hans has invited to on April 1 at 12.30, which seems almost impossible to do now with this wrong day rhythm, which is very difficult, almost impossible, for me to change.

My father’s sister, Inge, who has ever heard of her, is this why Inge was sent to being brought up with my father’s mother’s mother, whom I have never seen.

I feel Kenya, they could have shot you there (in 2009), but it would have been too easy, they told USA to do it, being forced by force of the world against me, supported by the Kenyan government, mainly because of Elijah’s resistance to me as they discovered there, this is how this lazy and stupid man was this close to killing me and the world, when he “could not” read and understand, but focused on himself, being unable to accept the truth as I wrote about him, being unable to control his negative feelings the same way as Thea and also my mother, Sanna, the family and many others, who sent your worst force against me that included the order “kill Stig”, when it was strong enough and I received the strongest of all.

We now take out the key of the lock, you do not need it any longer, being home, after now finishing my script of January 16.

March 30:

I dreamt of returning home from the weekend cottage, but the owner follows me, he has a gun with him and wants to kill me, he has never failed before, but I throw a cat against him and runs quickly away from him over high subjects, loosening him, a lady shouts to him that I will go to their property, dig into their vineyards. I return there, take rooms in a fine, old apartment, I drink from their fine Cognac, next there is a dinner party there, my mother starts speaking against me, she cannot control herself, which lets me tell and show her off at the same time as the crew that is locked up on the ship is being released, I will follow them home on the train from Helsingør tomorrow, where it is my birthday.

I am told that Stella, teacher at Arthur Findlay College, bringing me the story of Hitler as my father’s father in 2006, it had to come out, they were all amazed that it did, and a little later, it was amplified by the other teacher Billy Cook at an open session as he did in Copenhagen. You can read more of this in my first book, see link on the front page of my website, and my website below.

The coming Easter lunch with Sanna and Hans is when Tobias will return home to you after we lent him out to their family, he was really part of you, working for you, going against them, always being a pain in their behinds.

It was really Tobias being the front line of me, working with the greatest danger, which is why his life has been in danger for years, not having support of Sanna and also not your mother, and what about you, well, I much like his human warmth, outgoing nature, speaking well with all people, but I do not like his primitive side, taking wrong choices in life (including drugs, computer games etc.), being lazy and superficial, also not being the smartest in the world, I feel this was the sacrifice we had to do with him there, which we did not have to do with you (me), still you had him in your backhand, supporting him, saving him when never giving up.

If he had laid down to die, you would have died with him, which is why we did our outermost to save him, and we did.

Sanna knew that the way to bring you down went through him, so she had the dilemma if she wanted to sacrifice him to get to you, I feel that Hans took the decision to do this, but your force was so strong via your hard work, which was enough for us to bring energy to save him.

He was your stick inside their darkness. His sympathy for you from an early age meant that he brought out everything from them to you. It did not have any meaning that you did not see him much, it was just a feeling with him.

It is with great pleasure that we also bring this home, not meant to survive, our spearhead self inside their darkness, really working on my side. Tobias was the outermost connection, the same way as Elijah.

This then brings out the most valuable of you, we really don’t need Elijah for this, when we have him. It is your mother’s love for you that is strong enough also to bring him out. He brought out of Sanna, being “close” with her. He was not working for Russia, all others of his family were. He was your weapon to win.

This also requires Grethe to bring this to you. This is their safe self with all of their secrets, mainly Sanna’s, as Tobias brings home, not being restricted. They never discovered what we used him for, being our antenna inside their system, Sanna could not read this.

This is because you are not cutting off any of the life string bringing you, so Tobias is really the forerunner of you that was placed in darkness, to bring you on the other side. He caused the virus to Sanna’s balance organ, working for me in her.

We cannot underline how great your mother’s love is for Tobias, which is because yours is, which is because of his human qualities and his big heart, where most people were impressed with Niklas because of his business success, you preferred Tobias’ more genuine and human qualities (over Niklas’ success, money, spoiled and self-centred behaviour), which your mother understood, thus changing from Niklas to Tobias too.

Tobias knew this, and yes, his work as a social worker, helping old and/or handicapped people, was also more important to you than Niklas prioritizing his work and money higher than anything, even higher than his family. This is what brought him over to you, because Hans, much of Sanna and most others, he was a failure, and Niklas was a success as people continue speaking about, i.e. people prioritizing wrongly in life.

This was so important that there would be no Karen, no New World, without this setup working. Tobias is really also a top world leader like Obama, but he has always been hold down, also being unable to control his strong emotions, often giving up, being sick, weak, taking drugs, being lazy, not using his big potential, not being as strong as he is born as, like me.

This is what Pernille S. knew that I already had activated in Tobias, she was working for them.

Again, it is true love of your mother that saved the world, which was her only guideline in life.

When Sanna and Hans, Lars and Kirsten, my mother and I went to Germany over the Christmas in 2015, Hans wanted to transfer your power directly there.

Fish and chips, I feel London, this is the power they have started using, sending off Kate Middleton.

The only problem was that Tobias was also turned around, so he should really not prefer you, but he had had enough of his parents, wanting someone like me instead.

Instead of using Tobias, we now have your name and number in the pot. He is also the reason why nothing was given to Kirsten, your father’s wife, thus making the score 100 to 0.

Tobias also has the natural radiation and outgoing nature as my mother and I (and my mother’s brother) as the rest of the family does not have, they are “academic types”, acting as if they are “the wise”.

All is opposite, so I have been shown myself coming from outside, going through Elijah and Tobias as the last to all of the Source, which is all me.

Chats with Thea:



It is now 11 days since I sent you my email about music stars believing in me to strengthen your faith and bring infinite life out of the Source which is your meaning when you choose me as the light

I published my email, the light works in openness, I have saved you and your child, but your “thank you” was to act like a spoiled and insulted teenager who does not get her way, who cages herself up

You have a huge responsibility as you do not handle properly, when you act immature and irresponsible, when you cannot handle your own negative emotions, which is darkness working in you

You must decide to ALWAYS do right, to act right and be responsible, to UNDERSTAND AND BELIEVE IN ME and to continue to communicate, when you close yourself off, you kill the rest of your child

When you open up and strengthen your faith in me, you give life to the rest of your child, it is your responsibility, but you often do the wrong thing, you should NOT close yourself in, but open yourself up and smile at the world 🙂

You are of immense interest to the whole world, you cannot hide yourself, you have to stop being reserved and protectionist, but to show yourself and smile to the world when we bring life to everything in you 🙂

You cannot hide from the world of which you are the mother, the time has come to step out of darkness and into the light for all to see, when you hide, we cannot bring more life out of the Source

There is infinite life that we cannot bring without you, if you choose darkness over the light, you must be strong, understand and actively choose the light in me over darkness in you, that is your challenge

I have the elite with me which means that I have the world with me, you decide how much power and life we can bring, when you close yourself in, you stop life, when you open, you bring life

You are part of my future writings, where I also bring the story of you, not to bother you, but to bring life to the infinite amount of life that is “your child”

It is the light in me that saves life in you, where it is darkness in you that kills it, if you do not choose the light in me as your saviour, as you do by believing in me and behaving rightly and responsibly

Thea: Their kingdom is built on lies, I have had a lot of healing of the evil, I will read your mail carefully again, I am getting my life back together, my energy is MUCH better now

Thea: Much healing takes place with love everywhere. Right now I am fighting for my children, who they want to have LVU on (forcibly removed). And my health. Will start studying later, and start training

Thea: I have been to the Court of Appeal for my children, I will appeal if their LVU goes through, taking a parenting course now to improve my parenting role after the years of losing myself

You can read all of our correspondence (in Danish/Swedish) in this document.


2021: Thea ignited the God particle in me, releasing all new life, opening to our New World, she is mother of our New World made in darkness, turned around to become our New World inside light

January 2024: Thea helps awakening God in me, the elite hid my energy in her, she is part of my spiritual mother, life itself, which we transform from darkness to light, she is part of Karen in light

February 2024: Thea’s child is part of our New World, it only survives because she chose the light, love over hate, Jesus is Lucifer, who brought life into the darkness, he is now with me in the light

March 2024: Thea carries the child of darkness, which would not survive without her faith in me, faith of musicians in me strengthens her faith, opens to the Source in me, she has accepted Jesus

April 2024: Sanna and the worst darkness was hidden in Thea, we transfer most of Karen from Thea to me, she brought life into my light, integrates Karen into me and opens to my higher self


About Stig Dragholm

I am a writer transmitting the words of the Trinity - God, the Son and the Holy Spirit of the Universe. Please read my website showing the road to our New World of love, joy and happiness. Born: May 3, 1966.
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